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can you moderate drinking on naltrexone?

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    can you moderate drinking on naltrexone?

    Does anyone know if you can moderately drink on naltrexone. I am on day 3 and have not had any drinks. The packet description says no alcohol to be taken on this treatment, but can you have just one? I believe that naltrexone stops the effect of drugs, perhaps it stops the effects of alcohol and might stop you wanting more? thanks coolie:new:

    can you moderate drinking on naltrexone?


    I've been taking Naltrexone since November. I did 30 days AF and have been trying (unsuccessfully) to moderate ever since. I do drink less than I did before but still downing a 6-pack a night and still wanting more does not spell success for me. I do not think the Naltrexone makes any difference at all in my cravings...the kudzu was much more effective because it made me feel dizzy and kind of nauseous when I drank. Maybe it works for some, but I'm not having luck with it. For the record my doc knows I am taking the Naltrexone and still drinking and has not said that it will harm's supposed to curb your craving.



      can you moderate drinking on naltrexone?

      Coolie, Moderation quickly failed for me as well. Naltrexone worked great in the begining and faded as time went on and I was back to my old habits. As with any med the mental determination has to be there as well and I don't know if I thought it would just work on its own. Look up the Sinclair Method to see how Naltexone is suppose to work. Best to you.


        can you moderate drinking on naltrexone?

        Naltrexone does work!

        The Sinclair Method is the oldest program utilizing naltrexone to eliminate or control drinking and does work if used correctly. There is more to it then a doctor giving you the pills, the dosage must be adjusted to each person.

        I went to Neuro Assisted Recovery where the owner, Beverly Rayfield, worked closely with Dr David Sinclair in 1999 and she understands how this medication works. I have the freedom to choose not to drink or to have a occasional drink with friends.

        Those of you that find the medication not working need to look into the Sinclair Method at . It is truly a life saver program. Good luck to you all


          can you moderate drinking on naltrexone?

          Interesting thread -- I am going look into the Sinclair method...

