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antabuse and the MYO supplements

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    antabuse and the MYO supplements

    Are any of the recommended MYO supplements NOT compatible with Antabuse?

    antabuse and the MYO supplements

    Hi Cookinghappy,
    I have found them to all be compatable. The only thing I am not currently taking is the ALL ONE powder, simply because I have a liquid multivitamin that I like better for now. But I take Gaba, L-Glutamine, Kudzu, Milk Thistle, Magnesium, Evening Primrose (hope I'm not leaving out something) and have had no probs at all!

    All the best!
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      antabuse and the MYO supplements


      Same here. I take all the supplements and have had no adverse reactions at all, just the positive one that I am now sober and have stayed AF 30 days. OMG!!

      Best of luck!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        antabuse and the MYO supplements

        cindi;310906 wrote: CookingHappy,

        Same here. I take all the supplements and have had no adverse reactions at all, just the positive one that I am now sober and have stayed AF 30 days. OMG!!

        Best of luck!!

        Congratulations, Cindi... I started Antabuse yesterday

        Five days sober after a massive fall. I had to get help.


          antabuse and the MYO supplements


          Good on you!! I have found Antabuse to be a Godsend, truly. It just takes those thoughts AL sends that "just one" or whatever he whispers and makes them NOT POSSIBLE.

          My shrink says it is a good tool for many and I can stay on it as long as I want. He and my GP are making me do blood tests every two months to check the liver enzymes but they both say the Antabuse is very unlikely to do as much damage as the drinking I was doing.

          I can't wait to hear how it is working for you and see your days AF pile up!!

          You will be amazed how quickly the time goes by.

          I just get up in the am, make my coffee, pop my AB and the Gabapentin doc prescribed and smile knowing that "today, I will not and cannot drink!!"

          What a blessing.

          Good luck!!
          AF April 9, 2016


            antabuse and the MYO supplements

            cindi;310928 wrote: Shikakai,

            Good on you!! I have found Antabuse to be a Godsend, truly. It just takes those thoughts AL sends that "just one" or whatever he whispers and makes them NOT POSSIBLE.

            My shrink says it is a good tool for many and I can stay on it as long as I want. He and my GP are making me do blood tests every two months to check the liver enzymes but they both say the Antabuse is very unlikely to do as much damage as the drinking I was doing.

            I can't wait to hear how it is working for you and see your days AF pile up!!

            You will be amazed how quickly the time goes by.

            I just get up in the am, make my coffee, pop my AB and the Gabapentin doc prescribed and smile knowing that "today, I will not and cannot drink!!"

            What a blessing.

            Good luck!!
            Yes, it is a blessing, my dear sister... good luck to you too!'

            I'm going to take my capsule now!

            Can't DRINK! I LOVE IT! No more "voices".

            My psych doctor said the same thing... stay on it as long as I need to.

            Hugs! :l


              antabuse and the MYO supplements

              thank you all. I'm doing a blood test on Thursday, and then my GP says I can start the Antabuse as soon as she's happy about the state of my liver. Hope I have as much success as all of you.


                antabuse and the MYO supplements

                cookinghappy;311000 wrote: thank you all. I'm doing a blood test on Thursday, and then my GP says I can start the Antabuse as soon as she's happy about the state of my liver. Hope I have as much success as all of you.
                You will! I started Antabuse yesterday and actually rode by a liquor store I used to frequent and didn't even LOOK, much less crave its contents! :H

                Good luck, Cooking!


                  antabuse and the MYO supplements

                  So, does antabuse kill the cravings too?


                    antabuse and the MYO supplements


                    No. Antabuse does not affect the cravings at all.

                    However, if you realize mentally that the Antabuse will make you so sick that you will end up puking and get a headache that will not go away, even from one drink, you are able to get into that mindset that says, "Not an option!"

                    The Gabapentin I take helps a bit with the cravings. Campral helps with cravings, you might want to check with your doc about that. L-Glut truly does help with the cravings, because we also crave the sugar we are missing by not drinking.

                    However, after 10 days the cravings are not physical, but mental -- except perhaps the missed sugar and also that is when the Campral can really help because of the "happy memory of AL" that Campral affects -- and you are dealing more with urges than cravings.

                    Yes, I get urges. Last night was a bad night that way. BUT, I could not cave even though I really wanted to because I knew I would get desperately ill if I did.

                    Does that make sense?

                    Best of luck to you,
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      antabuse and the MYO supplements

                      Really, Cindi? I haven't had a craving since I started the Antabuse... maybe it affects people differently.

                      No cravings; no voices; no inclinations... no nothing. It's like being "normal".


                        antabuse and the MYO supplements

                        I also had massive fall and will be starting my Antabuse today again.
                        Love to you all.
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          antabuse and the MYO supplements

                          Jessie and Shikakai,

                          I am so glad I started the Antabuse. It has turned my life around.

                          Somedays my mind wanders to AL and a little wish, but otherwise, he leaves me pretty much alone. I am able to easily flick him off my shoulder when he does turn up.

                          I also feel 100% better physically and mentally.

                          I am even looking forward to exercising these days!!

                          Shik - look at you today and read some posts from a month or so ago. OMG!! What a transformation we have both gone through. YAY!!!

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            antabuse and the MYO supplements

                            Tell me how you feel

                            Once you are AF, I'd love to know what changes you feel in the quality of your life. In partlicular, I'm curious about sleep patterns, energy levels, tiredness. Does life feel great, or just normal but AF after a while? Thanks


                              antabuse and the MYO supplements

                              cindi;313265 wrote: Jessie and Shikakai,

                              I am so glad I started the Antabuse. It has turned my life around.

                              Somedays my mind wanders to AL and a little wish, but otherwise, he leaves me pretty much alone. I am able to easily flick him off my shoulder when he does turn up.

                              I also feel 100% better physically and mentally.

                              I am even looking forward to exercising these days!!

                              Shik - look at you today and read some posts from a month or so ago. OMG!! What a transformation we have both gone through. YAY!!!

                              Omigod! CINDI! I can't believe it! I wish I had just GONE TO THE DOCTOR back in December when I first joined here...

                              NO ACCIDENT! NO DUI! NO THREE-YEAR PROBATION! None of that would have ever happened to me, but it had to because I wasn't going to EVER seek help on my own. The alcohol made me BELIEVE that I wouldn't be able to pay for it (no insurance) and REMINDED me of the stigma attached to mental illness.

                              Just one lie after the other and I believed one lie AFTER THE OTHER! But something finally compelled me to get the help I've been needing for YEARS, and it's too bad it had to come to that, but it may be the very thing that saved my life.

                              I haven't felt this good in a LONG TIME! Even after the accident when I didn't drink for two weeks out of FEAR and total disgust with myself for hurting that innocent woman, but eventually as time went on, alcohol came right back into my life and I was back where I was before. Of course, my depression deepened.

                              But today... I feel like a new PERSON! Oh how I wish I had sought help earlier, but it's better late than never and it doesn't matter HOW you get the help as long as you do.

                              Yes, from time to time I think about the VMs, but I have no desire to drink them. I think how much I miss my going to the mall with a good perk and shopping, but that's just old habits I'm reminising on and I am going to go SHOPPING sober and it's going to be a lot of fun and I won't buy things over and over again :H and I won't forget what I've bought... LOL!

                              Yea, we have NEW LIVES, you and I, Ms. Cindi! :l

                              You'll be back with us Jessica. Not sure what happened as to why you stopped taking Antabuse. Maybe you were like "Lucy" and went on vacation and decided to appear "normal" to relatives. But whatever happens, as long as you get back on it and maybe this time you'll vow to stay on it.

                              God is truly able, I tell you! I never thought I'd feel like this... all from that special white tablet... once a day

