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Another possible Champix related suicide

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    Another possible Champix related suicide

    Champix Ruined My life

    My father and my family have become recent victims of the rare but severe adverse reactions linked to Champix? in which my father had accidentally taken his own life during what appeared to be a major ?psychotic event?. He had been drinking in combination with taking Champix? which appears to have resulted in hanging himself in the garden shed. I had spoken to him only hours before and he was his usual happy self, just settling in for the night to watch some TV and have a few drinks. He was a contented happy man with everything going for him and everything to live for. He was happily married and had recently become a grandfather and was about to become one for the second time. With no financial worries and his working life nearing an end he was positively looking forward to his twilight years of watching his grand kids grow up and share his retirement with my mother, family and his wide circle of friends.

    He had began taking Champix? in early February and had reported to the family that he had suffered from some of the more common side-effects including vomiting, headaches and disturbed sleeping but did not elaborate on why he thought his sleep had been effected. On the 23rd of March 2008 his body was discovered by my brother at the family home. There was no note and there appears to have been no premeditation to the events. The authorities so far are treating his death as a ?terrible accident? in which they believe there was no intent to end his life. In my opinion with the evidence that has been explained to me, he appears to have behaved completely out of character including damaging our home in a way that would be totally alien to my father given the pride he had in his home.

    In my mind there is no doubt that these pills, which are designed to mimic the ?high? from smoking by releasing dopamine which effects behaviour, had a huge part to play in my father?s premature death.


      Another possible Champix related suicide

      Reporting Side effects

      You can report your side effects via:

      FDA in the U.S
      MHRA in the UK


      more info at

      Champix Ruined My Life


        Another possible Champix related suicide

        I am so so sorry about your dad Hewitson. That is incredibly sad. I am taking champix but only the initial .5mg dose so that is really terrifying. My sister in law is a much heavier smoker than I was and she is on the full dose now so I had better warn her. Thank you so much for sharing that.
        I agree that it certainly seems like it is playing a major part in recent suicides by those taking it.


          Another possible Champix related suicide

          I was on Chantix for about 2 months because my insurance wouldn't cover it and at a whopping $100.00 per months supply I simply could not afford it. I did notice during the time that I took it that I felt like a lunatic and had crazy nightmarish dreams. The side effects were a bit much for me so I stopped taking it and continued to smoke. Now currently hoping that Topamax will be the "miracle" drug for me. As far as Chantix though, I would never take it again insurance or not.


            Another possible Champix related suicide


            hi im just 16 and a half .... my doctor recently perscribed me champix to give up smoking .
            am i too young to be taking this ? should i be worried


              Another possible Champix related suicide

              As far as I`m aware, docs in UK will not prescribe champix to anyone with a history of anxiety or gp certainly won`t prescribe it in those circumstances. However, my greatest concern must be that people with no history of mental illness have committed suicide whilst taking this drug........I think the jury is still out on this one..........

              Darling x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                Another possible Champix related suicide

                I receive a weekly email magazine from "The People's Pharmacy" This info on Topamax was in today's report:

                Anti-Seizure Drugs Get Suicide Warning
                The FDA is proposing black box warnings on epilepsy drugs such as Depakote, Topamax, Lamictal and Lyrica. These medications are prescribed for a range of conditions in addition to epilepsy. These include bipolar disorder, nerve pain, migraines and fibromyalgia. The FDA analyzed data from almost 200 studies and concluded that the entire class of anti-seizure drugs increases the risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Not all the manufacturers agree with the agency's assessment, though. The FDA admits that no one understands quite why these drugs would have such a side effect, but the agency argues that it should not be ignored. That's why the FDA is recommending its strongest alert, which requires a black box warning on the prescribing information.
                "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
                Nelson Mandela


                  Another possible Champix related suicide

                  quitting with champix

                  I am 31 yo and 11 months off tobacco with the help of Champix / Chantix (Varenicline). I live in the UK.

                  I started taking Champix 3 months after its release last year ('07). I was required to attend bi-weekly visits at my GP surgery for a blood pressure test, a carbon monoxide / oxygen breadth test, and a chat with my 'smoking cessation' rep from the clinic.

                  I had been trying to give up for years very unsucessfully. Hypnosis, bio resonance therapy, patches / NRT, the Alan Carr method (book & hypnosis at the clinic x3) et al. I tried them all, but had never lasted more than a week.

                  I found a book in a discount book store called 'Overcoming Your Smoking Habit' (Marks) - I found this book helped prepare me psychologically to give up cigarettes. It uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a proven method to correct behaviour - how you view cigarettes and your emotional relationship to them can be altered using this method. I noticed the positive effects of this method over time when travelling on planes - anxiety levels reduced when the meal tray was cleared and the normal post-meal cigarette would be smoked. Yet, the book alone wasn't enough in quitting.

                  After 8 days taking Champix (my planned give up day), I quit smoking. After breakfast, when I'd normally smoke the first cigarette of the day, I knew I would have to do something different so I cleaned my windows instead. In fact, the desire for cigarettes had actually left me the day before. For the evening I'd watched TV, read & talked on the phone, and a cigarette hadn't crossed my mind. This was a first.

                  My cousin tried Champix but had to stop because of irregular thoughts. I don't believe he took the drug correctly. He stopped and started taking the drug and probably didn't adhere to the morning-evening dose and the lower initial dose when re-starting.

                  This drug is powerful. It needs to be taken correctly. Because it works on affecting dopamine release in the brain - a chemical which makes us feel good - I belive its not good to boost and then withdraw it.

                  This drug needs to be combined with a strong desire to quit. Personally, I saw my father die of smoking related heart disease and I was going down the same path with my own HBP. It requires background psychological training and support e.g. CBT and regular support from and contact with a clinic.

                  I continued champix for 3 months. I had the odd cigarette in those three months but was easily able to continue with my giving up each time I faltered.

                  One particular day, when cycling, an awareness of how close to death i potentially could be crossed my mind when I looked behind and saw a HGV. It wasn't a suicidal thought but more like the thought I have when looking down from a height - a mistrust of parts of the brain which I my not have control over, or a fear of a moment of madness.

                  Once I stopped the champix I knew I couldn't have just the odd cigarette, yet I'd had 3 months to prepare myself for that day. A tummy bug 3 months in provided a natural break to discontinue taking the champix. I haven't looked back.

                  What we need is better assessment of the mental health of patients before taking Champix, more information & support, and research into why there have been Champix related suicides and depressive thoughts.

                  Good luck to all those trying to quit smoking.


                    Another possible Champix related suicide

                    hi hippie nc to read from you again ,good thread,this one i had to respond to,you are rt the more they sell the more they make,here in canada we have a money tree,kinda like income tax,get hooked on meth see a docrtor and get it free at the drug store,be a person with a alchohol problem and give them drugs,money tree,are societies use to put people with addictions in the hospital until the higher arkee Note i did not say wealthy, figured they could make more money on what ,people , call free health care,WOW,foolishness the so called non addicts are paying for the addicts problem,and there even fooish enuff not to see it,i do beleive in one way or another were all addicts,drugs,alcohol or even over the counter MEDS,the gentleman or women was putting foreign chemicals into the bodySMOKING,,then lets treat it with MORE,chemicals overdose,im not picking on anyone but a freind of mine the other day was boucing around like a rabbit in heat,oops i forgot to take my patch of,the human body was not ment to to foreign chemcals in it,i hope this makes sense,gyco


                      Another possible Champix related suicide

                      i thot id add when i was in treatment the doc gave me a persciption for valluum,6 refills,not at treatment b4 i went,i live in a northern region of canada,what a market ,work,drink and sleep,but i was treated in a southern region of canada,more xperience,there answer to me was ,docs in the north havent a clue,i said it in a thread a while back,in canada where icome from if you got your degree b4 1988 most colleges of doctoring teach one and a half hours on addiction per week,and it could be less,for all i no where u come from,amagine when you go to the hospital here t come down from severe al withdrawl they use valuum,then they ween you off and tht can be a task in its self,but if they dont you can have a stroke or heart attack,scarry EH,as a doctor said to me,think think think and most of all LISTEN,thnx hippie ,you have so much wisdom gyco


                        Another possible Champix related suicide

                        My husband quit cold turkey July 4th. We seen his Dr Thurs and I asked him about Chantix. He said it great. There is always fear with any drugs and every person reacts differently. The biggest problem is people aren't mentally ready to quit which adds mental stress and confusion. If you are truely ready and willing to quit and have a plan to replace the nictoine pleasure you will be fine. I'm thinking of trying it. I would like to hear from those who have used it.
                        If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.

