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Topamax and anger

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    Topamax and anger

    The reason I stopped taking topamax two years ago was due to the many unpleasant side effects, the most intolerable one being the anger I felt while I was on it. I was mean to my husband and young children, and constantly felt irritable.

    However, after reading "My Way Out", I felt encouraged to give it another shot. This time I'm starting on the losest possible dose of 15mg, only once a day. But I already feel crabby and irritible and as if I hate everyone, even my sweet husband!

    I haven't started taking any of the vitamins yet, I've only just bought them today. I need to hear that SOMETHING is going to help with this anger and agitation I feel when I'm on this drug. Has ANYONE out there experienced this side effect from topamax and what did you do about it? It seemed that the longer I was on it, the worse it got. And I wasn't upping the dose, either. Other than that, I loved the results from topamax. I lost interest in drinking and overeating. I feel that I NEED to be on topamax, but not if it's going to cost me my marriage and my happiness and my ability to be a good mommy! Somebody please help!

    Topamax and anger


    Hmm. I can't answer to the irritability and anger issue. I am allergic to topa so couldn't take it. Tried twice and both times ended up with horrible skin issues.

    Can you speak to your doctor about this reaction? Topa is supposed to help stabilize mood, not cause anger and irritability.

    It may be that you absolutely should not take it.

    There are other anti seizure meds you can try. I am currently on Gabapentin and having wonderful results with it, but it does not address the food issue. Gabapentin does not diminish appetite at all. In fact weight gain is one of the side effects.

    If there is anyway you could talk to your doctor, I would.

    I am with you, I hate getting cranky and mean to anyone, much less my loved ones.

    Good luck!!
    AF April 9, 2016


      Topamax and anger

      MaggieMae I had a variety of emotional issues on topamax. Mine were mostly crying - but I have to say - looking back anger in the form of "melt downs" was one. I liked the topa for the absolutely no al cravings and it did curb the eating now that I think about it (didn't lose weight on it though). I just had WAY to many bad effects on it (major kidney issues, zombie, digestive issues, emotional, panic attack at 100 mg, SLEEPY to the point of danger when I drove, didn't sleep well --- I could go on and on). I was on it for 7 weeks total and have been off it for 3 weeks.

      Don't know if this helps - but I wouldn't go back on it to save my sobriety and I LOVE being sober ( 109 days now). I didn't drink for 6 weeks before I went on it. So YOU can do it without it. As far as the eating disorder, I have also heard that the 2 go hand in hand. Maybe there is some good information around here about that - I'm not sure.

      Love to you
      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

      (from the Movie "Once")


        Topamax and anger

        I went off of Topa... I became so depressed... I'd rather drink that be so depressed. Lots of crying... sometimes a loss of sense of self. Would be driving and lost... I seemed like I was drunk when I wasn't. Everyone is different. After I stopped taking Topa... for the past couple weeks, now my hair is falling out. What is that about???
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


          Topamax and anger

          Capt - I think it takes a few "weeks" to get the topa out of the system. It has a life of it's own in the body - esp. the digestive track. I am approaching week 4 being off it - and I can still taste the tin in my mouth. It will leave. Drink lots of water - eat a lot of fruit and veggies - it will help to move it out.
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            Topamax and anger

            I was on topa for over a year... ...great results with drinking very little. However I had problems the longer I was on it with agression and anger. And then it stopped working or rather I could drink over it. I had problems with hair loss too which caused me to quit.
            I want to give it another try as it really helps.


              Topamax and anger

              I am very interested in this topic! Thanks for starting this thread.

              I have been on and off topa for awhile. Quit taking it when I start bingeing....not good I know but I have learned to drink over it on the 100mg mark. I did during times notice anger issues and anger outbursts which I accounted to AL withdrawal and not being able to drink...., getting to know myself, that kind of thing. I am now wondering if it wasn't the topa.

              I am now in the process of stepping up on the topa, wanting to go up to 200mg as needing to quit this cycle of quiting and starting again as it is hurting myself, my marriage and kids. I will keep an eye out for the anger issues now that I am aware and see if I can tell what and where they are coming from.

              Thanks for all for you input!

              Hugs, Bambi
              "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                Topamax and anger

                Topamax and anger

                While I have become a big fan of Topamax ? it has taken away my desire to drink and is saving my marriage ? I do have to admit that I encountered sadness and anger as side effects as well.

                From my time in traditional ?recovery? therapy I do know that these are also the side effects of letting alcohol go ? part of the normal grieving process of losing booze ? our best friend. That can be part of it - but undoubtedly Topamax is also a factor.

                On the days when I would be spiraling down in the dumps I would rationalize that it would not last forever ? it did not ? and that it would eventually get better ? it did ? and that it will be worth it ? I think that it is and will be.

                I don?t really have an answer other than start slow ? 25 mg. and move up gradually. Also be aware of what is happening and try to deal with the trade offs. I am sure my wife is happier with a somewhat melancholy sober "me" rather than the happy "drunk" I was before. Best to all in the journey.


                  Topamax and anger

                  I have taken topamax for nearly 2 years. I will say I have had many side effects but anger is not been one of them. In fact I thought I noticed more of a calming effect. Anger is not my nature tho.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Topamax and anger

                    Thanks for starting this thread. I'll share my experience with Topa. I took it last year for weight loss (yes, no only do I have a drinking problem, but a vanity problem) and I became irritable which I guess I had forgotten about until I read this thread. . My husband couldn't stand me and said he'd rather I gain the 10 lbs back. I just remembered that when I read this thread because I have experienced none of that this time around.

                    This time, I had started Sertraline (Zoloft), an antidepressant, about a month prior to starting the Topa. I have struggled with depression on and off over the years and finally gave into taking an antidepressant. I have not experienced ANY mood swings with the Topamax this time. It's like the zoloft has countered it. I feel in control and very content. Day 18 with only a few rough days. Don't know if you are open to antidepressants or if you are worried about adding more meds to the mix but it has helped more than I can express in words.


                    In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                    - Author unknown


                      Topamax and anger

                      I love Topamax..its the best thing i have ever taken. no regrets yet. :h


                        Topamax and anger

                        I started 25mg on April 17th, went up to 50mg a week later and just started 75mg this week. I've been short tempered with the kids the past couple days. I've also been experiencing insomnia the past couple of nights. And feeling overall "Yucky". My cravings are not completely gone yet but not drinking to excess. My plan is to go up to 100mg but worried about continued side effects as I have some major events coming up. What dose are you all on?


                          Topamax and anger


                          These issues concern me quite a bit. I plan to start the Topa on Monday. The prescription was filled for 50 mg so I plan to cut them in half the 1st week. I don't want to be an angry bitch, any more than the depressed low down bitch I am right now. I know that all drugs have both positive (the reasons we take them) and negative effects (also known as side effects) but I am just concerned.

                          Thanks, CS


                            Topamax and anger

                            Last night and today better. I think it may just take a while to get use to the new dose. Acutually feeling like myself today.


                              Topamax and anger

                              I am very interested in this thread. I had been reading MWO for awhile last year and decided to go on Topamax. I took very small doses (25 mg) and it worked right away, and I reduced the drinking; which is a bottle of wine a night, too much for my liking. I don't drink in the day. I exercise and am not overweight and am a generally mellow person. 5pm on I like my wine, it's my release, and I need it to be less of a bottle, right? YES. Anyway, after the small amount of Topa ( I never increased) I became meaner. I see that now. I yelled at my kid constantly. I was so stressed about even driving. It shocked me because I am so mellow I thought it was the lessening of drinking. But over time I did a timeline and realized it WAS the time of topa. I quit topa and then mellowed out again, drinking more of course, up to my bottle, but am back to myself again so to speak. I am disappointed. I may look into the other stuff like anabuse, etc. I have a great life, but I know in my heart killing a bottle of wine a night isn't good or healthy. I wish topa was the thing, but for me, that weird anger was so un-me~!

