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Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

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    Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

    :new:I've read my book two times, ordered my cd's, scheduled Dr. appointment, and yet to go to the vitamin store, but will. My questions are, if my Dr. is not familiar with the dosing schedule in the book, how will he write my perscription for a month's supply with different strengths. Does anyone know how much Blue Cross Blue Schield will cover and in what strengths. Can you divide the 100 mg. strength into 4 25 mg's? I can't figure out how RJ comes up with her costs either. The All One alone will cost $200 for about 4 months. Not scared off yet, just looking for answers. I'm figuring it will be at least $500 to $600 for 3 months. Any answers will be greatly appreciated. One other question, I am confused about the length of time you have to stay on the prescription. Most of the time, do you get off of it in 3 or 4 months? Just not clear in the book. Thanks.

    Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

    My pills came in 25mg strengths. My insurance BC/BS covered approx. $90, I had to pay around $35 for 60 pills. I would bring the book with you, unless you downloaded the book (like I did) then print the dosing pages. I think you will notice that this program is about 12 weeks, but everything can be fine tuned to each individual needs, etc. In fact I just asked my Dr. regarding the length of time and she said that 4 to 6 months, longer if need be. So that is my focus at this time.

    I don't know about the All One - I have not purchased - just taking multis and other supps.

    If you haven't already checked it out - there is another really good thread regarding Topamax and side effects, etc.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck


      Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

      Topa costs

      Topamax has published a promo several times now where you can get 42 25-mg pills for free. However, my dr wrote my script for 50 mg, so my pharmacy would not honor it; hope to use it next time. 30 50-mg tablets cost me $60. I found the Topa coupon in the newspaper but you can also print it from Topamax's website. Make sure your doc writes the script for 25 mg.

      I am using the store brand of the All One poweder, from the Vitamin Shoppe. I think the price was $19.99 but they were running a buy one get one 1/2 off sale, so it ended up costing $10.

      Good luck,


        Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

        topa and all one

        Hi, the only way my insurance company would put the topamax through was in 100 mg. My dr. said it was fine to break it up. I got a pill cutter from the dollar store and had no problem. Right now I'm up to 125 mg. am taking all the herbs and supplements and it's really working. As for the allone. I just ran out and needed to order more, after looking on line I found a website that has a great price for allone. They sell a 66 day supply for $35.00. (thats what most places sell a 30 day supply for) and the shipping is very reasonable. The website is Lots of luck to you. xoxo


          Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

          Hi 04Bluebird,

          As far as insurance goes, every Blue Cross/ Blue Shield plan is a little different according to state and even according to group plan. I know someone who got a physician "friend" who was not her primary care physician to write an RX for the Topa but BCBS said they needed a "letter" outlining the "indication" for the drug and it had to be "preauthorized." Another person I know took the drug for migraines and her GP wrote it and it was covered no questions asked. All depends on the plan.

          Also, you cannot divide 100mg tablets into 4. Some of the foreign pharmacies send meds which are "scored" and can be divided. But many of the 50 mg tabs are not. When ordering online it is a crap shoot unless you can call and talk with someone. Aclepsa is in India, so forget it. It may take a month to get it, if you do! They are good about resending if you don't get it but you are stuck waiting. Maybe River Pharmacy or others mentioned are quicker. Call and ask about "scoring" of tablets before ordering. If you tried to cut a 100mg tab which wasn't scored, it would probably crumble into a lot of pieces and your dose would be inaccurate.

          Hope this helps! God bless.

          In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
          - Author unknown


            Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

            Just read message from marlxoxo..... didn't know you could buy pill cutters. That sounds like a great idea! I know I tried to cut a 100mg tablet with a kitchen knife into 4 pieces and it crumbled but I didn't have the proper equipment!

            Pill cutter sounds good and it would save $$.

            In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
            - Author unknown


              Topamax How Qty. Dispensed? Can Divide?

              Hello again, I got my pill gutter at the Dollar Tree for a dollar, you can get them at any pharmacy also. xoxo

