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Hi again everyone - trying multiple strategies and looking for advice

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    Hi again everyone - trying multiple strategies and looking for advice

    I posted earlier that I was determined to not end up being sent to AA or counselling and that I wanted to try the meds, and that I live in the UK. So after managing to get my intake halved about 3 weeks ago and having visited my GP I've ended up on a waiting list of 4-8 weeks to see a "specialist" (or in intelligent circles - a 12 stepper who sees no other valid approach). Naturally, I've slid back into heavy drinking and ~the last 10 days I've been wasted every night (sober now though).

    However I have ordered the kudzu and L-glutamine from this site, and today is the 7th day since I placed the order. I remember someone from the UK saying to expect 1-2 weeks for the stuff to arrive. So my main question is do I need to have built up a period of reduced or zero intake before starting these supplements in order for them to have a chance of working, and if yes how long? Will they go to the post office if no-one is in when they get here & I'm also worried about customs as I read something somewhere about them asking for money if the order was over ?18, but there again I don't know if it applies since these aren't pharmaceutical drugs. If customs do want money how do I give it to them?

    OK enough about kudzu etc. I don't think campral will work unless I've managed some time with zero use and if I'm honest I don't think I'll do it. I don't think naltrexone is available in the UK and I don't fancy being violently ill in front of new housemates trying to cease use through disulfiram. But I hear that topamax doesn't need a reduction to zero to start having an effect. I have just been to my doctor for a prescription for something unrelated and I noticed that some of my recent medical history is incorrect. I've also noticed in general that when you move doctors here they always seem to have great difficulty in tracking one's medical history. When I went into the chemist to collect the stuff I said that my mother used to get migraines and that she found topamax useful (utter bullshit), and I'm getting awful ones at the moment, so I intend to ask my doctor for it and do you stock it here. They said yes. So it sounds like it's possible to get it at NHS prescription costs rather than the outrageous prices from abroad (not including customs charges and the possibility of being scammed).

    So kudzu/L-glutamine is strategy 1, holding out a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000001% hope that the "specialist" won't waste my time is strategy 2 (actually maybe that's a little optimistic) and strategy 3 is move doctor if the others fail and complain of migraines and ask for topamax, maybe even say I've built up from, I don't know 25mg to 150mg or something random, and that I moved doctor because I find some of the staff rude at the other surgery (any old bollocks will do). Is this likely to work? That's an I will do it with brazen confidence because it can't lose, but I want it to have the best chance of winning so I'm looking for unforeseen mines. Is it best to go with it worked for my mother, so can I have some too approach, or I'm already taking it so can I have more (maybe someone with inside knowledge of the system, GP or not, could answer this)?

    Cheers for reading.


    Hi again everyone - trying multiple strategies and looking for advice

    Hi dolphin.

    You misread me. I'm not feeling hyper in the least (well I had a coffee about an hour ago but that's it). The hyper-excitability we all know so well hits me around 4-5pm and I end up giving in to the bottle. I have no interest in any more talking that's all. 13 years of talking has achieved nothing apart from at the time I find it irritating and it makes me want beer. Time to try something else, and my long term friends who are watching me try and beat this agree that my tough, uncompromising nature and iron determination and confidence when I have a goal in mind is best suited to a chemical approach. Original questions still stand.


      Hi again everyone - trying multiple strategies and looking for advice

      I tried topa without drying out. I ended up back on square one. I took people's advice on here and realized I had to dry out first before back to topa or whatever. I took the plunge and forced myself to take an antabuse (well, two tablets) which guarantees I CANNOT drink for 5 days. This is my third day. I am VERY glad I did this. I am on supps I think they help, but nothing is stronger than that urge, really. I kept thinking I might try to "cheat" but all you have to do is read the accounts of people on here that have had a drink on AB and it's scary enough to keep me on the wagon. Topa could not do what AB does. Topa just makes a drink not taste so good. But for me, that wasn't enough to make me stop and reassess. I can force myself to keep the abstinence going by taking another AB. Don't know yet what the future holds but 5 days will be the first sober session in a looong time. Hang in there.


        Hi again everyone - trying multiple strategies and looking for advice

        7cats, keep trying everything.

        I agree with thirst4romance that Antabuse can be a good way to get started (but disagree with everything else I have ever read that thirst4romance has written.)

        If you are like me, which I think you are, you will probably test out the Antabuse yourself, anyway, to see if it really works... I had a drink the first day I was on Antabuse, and I got flushed, splotches all over my face, racing heart, but no emergency room... still, it was enough to convince me and keep me away from further drinks.

        I only took Antabuse for about a week, by the way-- it got me off to a great start. I'm also keeping it for backup (I'll take it in the morning if I know I will be in a situation where I will be tempted later on).

        I understand you feel you need a chemical approach. I agree, but as you say, you need multiple strategies. Check out the supplements approach (Seven Weeks to Sobriety)-- it's really the same idea as the chemical approach... it's all about changing the chemical/physiological contributors to your alcoholism.

        And then, of course there is the desire to change your life (to save your life, really)... it's what some people call will power, but will power alone is not enough. You do need help, and there is help to get in many forms and places. This is a good start.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

