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    Brand new

    I just found this site a few days ago. It encoraged me enough to make an appointment with my GP who listened to my story , my struggle and told me I needed a psychiatrist. I even brought in an article describing the benefits of Topamax. I felt dismissed and held back the tears as they drew blood to check my liver panel. Has anyone ever started the topamax without being medically supervised? I feel so discourged.

    Brand new

    Welcome Lookingforfreedom!

    Well kind of. I initially went to my GP as well, confessed and she prescribed me Campral. Campral really did not help me. So I ordered Topamax online without a prescription, crossed my fingers, and took it. I figured it couldnt be worse than drinking heavily!

    Then again, I had no other health conditions, BP, heart, or anything else. I was very healthy and every year my physical comes back normal and I was told I am healthy. So that is why I felt safe to take the risk.

    If you have any ongoing health issues I would hesitate to try it without the doctor's okay.

    I hope you find all that you are looking for here, and know that people are very supportive here and will encourage you along the way. You can try posting under "Just Starting Out" as well... a lot of new people post there and you may get more of a response.

    All the best!
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      Brand new

      Thanks...that helped


        Brand new

        Yeah, this is why I am starting the Topa on my own. I ordered it online.

        I am a psychologist, did years of therapy back when I was in grad school, and do not want to start up therapy again, or to pay a psychiatrist to dispense meds... and do not want to risk the potential of the kind of experience that you just described. Physicians can be SO arrogant, dismissive, and unwilling to take the time to learn something new... At the same time, I think that it is important that I tell my physician, next time I see him, what I am taking (both the supplements and the Topa, if indeed I am taking it, then) so that he can do his job properly. I just don't want to be in a position of asking, or begging, for this.

        After a LOT of research (both lay-oriented and the professional research literature), I feel comfortable starting this stuff on my own, ordered Topa online (just ordered it yesterday, it won't be here for a while), and am getting support here on the forums. Resuming my meditation practice, and exercise (very manageable goals!), and am starting the supplements.

        Would be happy to talk with you further about this, see how it goes for us. I just got fed up with my drinking a couple of days ago, realized (again) that AA is not for me, and found this program. I am (at least) cautiously hopeful.


          Brand new

          I also am going the unsupervised route with Topa for a variety of reasons and I'm about a month in for those who would compare notes. I ordered it online and although it took a very long time to get, it was not expensive and so far it has been a positive experience. I am in the medical field as well and did a lot of research prior to making the decision to go this way.


            Brand new

            LFF,WIP,LD My experience was positive in that I got the script for the top. However, being managed care the doc didn't feel the need to do any blood work or follow-up. Maybe she's trusting that I'll call if I feel the need. This site has educated me far more than any of the medical sites available on the internet. READ READ READ. Everybody reacts a little different, but you'll find a lot of similarities. I agree that AA is not for me and am glad that my GP didn't suggest that I go through the cold turkey, rehab route. I plan on sharing all of this with her once I feel successful. Keep posting Keke


              Brand new

              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Brand new

                Welcome LFF,

                I am so sorry your Doc was not sympathetic! Do your finances or medical aid allow you to "shop around"? I too went our usual GP who wasn't very symapthetic when I broached the subject with her but luckily the second female GP was and I haven't looked back as she is my biggest supporter. Have you read the book yet as it is important to combine the Topa with the suppliments? Alternatively you could start the program with out the Topa and just use the supplements and Kudzu to help with the withdrawal symtoms, but it's a personal choice.
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Brand new

                  No I haven't looked into "shopping around". I guess I'm not sure who to look for. I haven't read the book yet either, I guess I'm looking for a quick fix. So you think starting the suppliements without the Topa is a good place to start?


                    Brand new

                    So how long did it take to get it, and how do you know what mg to start off with?


                      Brand new

                      I bought it online and tried it for a while. It worked VERY WELL, but MY side effects were to much for me. I have looked at this sight for quite some time and other people didn't experience the side effects I did and have had great success. It gave me enough time to change bad habits and continue to take the supplements. One of the biggest reasons I drank was to make sure I slept well (how foolish I was). I do have a prescription for ambien by my Doctor.. My advice, if you have NO HEALTH problems at ALL... and NOBODY will help you, then it's worth a shot. It's worth saving our own lives.

                      This book (MWO) was the best platform from which to jump. You have to fine tune the advice to make it work for you. I, at first, dismissed the supplements. But after being on them for 5 weeks (and granted, I am not totally sober, but I have not had more than 1 or 2 at a time (day) and have been AF more in the passed 28 days then 2 years),, actually feel that they make a difference.

                      PS.. My doctor dismissed me too, also sending me to a pshychologist. By this time, I had three week of Topa under my belt though. I did GO to the therapist and they offered me anti-depressants, which I have a script for but have not yet filled and a script for Ativan which I have not filled either. She did offer me an ambien script which I already had (I felt like I coulld have asked for anything and she would have gave it to me). I will not fill them unless I feel like I need additional help.

                      This is my first time in any type of "help" or "program" and I love it here. Stay if you will, these people are just like all of us...
                      AF since 2/4/10
                      Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                      FINALLY FREE


                        Brand new

                        Be prepared to wait for online Topa without a script. Aclepsa has been reliable and inexpensive but it takes about a month to receive an order. When first starting out, always start at the lowest dose of 25 mg and never dose up faster than 25 mg a week even if you have no side effects at all.


                          Brand new

                          I haven't read the book yet either, I guess I'm looking for a quick fix. So you think starting the suppliements without the Topa is a good place to start?
                          LookingFor: I hope you will read the book... this forum is a GREAT place for support and for reading about the experiences of others... but if you try to put together a plan just by asking for advice, you will end up with a haphazard plan/program, and that is not likely to be truly helpful for you. There really are no quick fixes... I am glad you came here. Remember that this is not just a support group/forum; it is also a program, and a very effective program... and it requires a lot of work and strong commitment...

                          best wishes,



                            Brand new

                            Thank you for your response. I am going to order the book today and start there. I know their aren't any quick fixes but I have tryed so many things that haven't worked that I wish I could find the right "formula" for me...


                              Brand new

                              Yup, I think all of us here understand that... So much of it depends on our own level of commitment (or maybe desperation? they are not unrelated), and willingness to make some very difficult changes in our lives... If you have those elements, the other pieces of the "formula" will fall into place.

                              Glad you are getting the book! Best wishes.


