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Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

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    Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

    I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult and realized I?ve had it all my life; I?ve spent 60 years compensating for it and didn?t like Ritalin so stopped taking medication for it, and so I still have some typical characteristics ? talk too fast, think too fast, trouble sleeping, careless about details etc. I also think people with ADD tend toward addiction.

    I?ve been on Topa 25 mg for 1 week and 50 mg for a second week (all in the p.m.) and so far I think I?m one of the lucky ones with no negative side effects --- In fact I feel better than usual and I think the slight slowing down effect is good for me ? I listen more before speaking, I move more slowly and carefully and I?m sleeping better. Oh yeah I?m drinking a little less too -- I find myself actually ?forgetting? to drink! But still drink about 2 a day.
    My job depends on communicating clearly and creatively so I?m also taking 10mg of modafinal so I don't "lose words"
    Anyway, I wondered if anyone else has experienced the effect of Topa on ADD symptoms?

    Betts :new:

    Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

    I am new and sorry I don't have any answers, but I think that you helped me make my decision about which medication to try. I was diganosed with ADD at the age of 10 and have self medicated to control it. I would love if I could take something that could help with my drinking and the ADD.


      Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

      If you have the kind of ADD where you tend to act and speak impulsively without thinking first
      and have racing thoughts so you sometimes feel you are "way ahead" of people you are talking to, I think topa will help. I was worried about the spaciness effect some people describe because ADD makes me spacey enough but I haven't noticed any increase in all in misplacing or forgetting things.
      25 mg just before I leave work and 25 mg at about 8 pm is definitely reducing my drinking. Next week I'll be on vacation at the beach where there will be lots of beer and wine and gin and tonics all day and I think I will up to 25 mg 3 times a day.

      If you don't mind telling me, what do you mean by "self-medicate"? Are you not taking any prescribed medication for ADD? The only thing I'm taking now is a low dose of wellbutrin which improves morning alertness.

      Good Luck,


        Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

        Sorry it took me so long to post again. My computer has been on the fritz. I was self medicating in an unhealthy way. Usually with pot, always seemed to help me concentrate better. I get my Topa on Tues, and can't wait to start taking it. If you are worried about spaciness, there are plenty of herbal supplements that you could take that might help


          Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

          Interesting-- I can remember using pot to to get motivated to do things, especially to get over writer's block. Unfortunately I don't have access to it any more. : (

          You'll probably get impatient during the first week on 25 mg of topa, when you won't feel much -- I know I did (impatience is an ADD thing, right?) but hang in there. Follow the carefully gradual increase but don't be afraid to tinker with the schedule as you increase . Now that I'm on 75mg I don't take any during weekday mornings in order to avoid daytime sleepiness at work but I pop 50 mg at about 4 pm so it kicks in at my former cocktail hour and the remaining 25 mg later at night. On weekends I take 25 mg 3 times a day to avoid the temptation of afternoon drinking. L-glutamine helps too.
          I'm still drinking a couple of glasses of wine most nights and I enjoy the first one but sometimes I actually forget to finish the second one which is a HUGE change.

          Please let me know how you're doing. I wish you the best in this in this adventure!


            Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

            I just started taking the Topa yesterday. Already I have noticed signifigant decrease in appetiate. I actually forgot to eat most of today, and now and forcing myself to eat something Thanks for the heads up on the patience thing, we do tend to want to rush things along don?t we?

            I am going by the dosage suggested in the book and after a couple of weeks, I gauge to see where I am at and change it if need me.

            Hope everything is going well with you!


              Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

              I've lost interest in eating too, and have lost about 7 pounds. Also had insomnia until I changed the time I took the pills. Otherwise it seems to be working fine, and I think 100 mg is enough for me.
              How about you?


                Anybody taking Topa who has ADD?

                Watch out its long!

                I just went into week two a few days ago, so up to 50 mg a day. But I've been taking 25 mg in the early afternoon on my days off to ward off any cravings. Seem to be in the most danger on my days off, too much free time.

                Its been great soo far. A bit of tingling in the toes and one leg, the worst of it last night when I took the most I've taken in a day (75mg), but it went away after only about 10 minutes, I took a multi vitamin with potasiom just in case.

                What time do you take your evening dose? It keeps you up? I noticed I wasn't tired last night and had taken my evening dose about an hour later then normal, I'm not used to taking pills all the time and its an ajdustment.

                On a note about the affects it has on ADD, I had a friend who spent almost the whole day with me yesterday tell me he kept waiting for me to go into my usual bursts of ramblings and was surprised that I hadn't yet. Very cool to me, I don't blatter on like a manic any more!

                I've lost 6 lbs since Aug 1st, but I also am on a light exercise routine. Yoga twice a week and light exercise twice a week.

                I am going to have to tamper up slower then the rocemmened due to high cost of the topa. Hope to be up to full strength as soon as finances allow.

                How are things on your end?

