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Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

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    Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for awhile and finally decided to post a message. I tried taking Topomax a few months ago. It helped curb the craving a little bit but I felt so depressed. I stopped taking it and tried again a few weeks later. I thought maybe I was just experiencing PMS. Well, when I tried it the second time I started feeling really crappy again and I was also still drinking. I finally went to my doctor and asked for Naltrexone. It is helping me a lot!!! I don't feel depressed and I have very few cravings. I have been on the Naltrexone for a month now and have drastically cut back on my drinking. i have been drunk twice in 35 days whereas I would normally have been drunk at least 30 of those days. BTW...I am also on antidepressants (Effexor and Wellbutrin) and have no trouble combining them with the Naltrexone. So...if anyone out there feels like they have tried everything to stop drinking but they haven't tried Naltrexone, I definitely recommend it.

    Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

    Thank you so for your posts.

    TOPA was a huge dissapointment on all levels.
    It is encouraging to hear that one such as yourself has recieved some relief.

    Take Good Care of yourself~

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

      Really greateful for old post!

      Really happy to have just come accross this old post of yours!
      I've been really struggeling again with depression (old problem) and also drinking again more.... and thought I give the old Topa a try again even though it didn't do much last time I used it a couple of years ago (when the hypno CDs worked for a while).
      I'll try now to look more into the stuff you are recommending - sorry, must scroll back for that after I finished typing this :0)
      Thanks!! Hope I have found something that's worked. If you have something to add after all these months of writing this post, please let me know.
      Warm Regards, Cerstin


        Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

        Yes, thank you. I think I am going to try it.


          Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

          Glad you bumped this one up, Chrysa.

          My psychiatrist asked me to consider Naltrexone today.

          She said one of her patients says it saved his life. Hmmm.

          And it won't interfere with my other meds.

          Hoping you and I and everyone else, for that matter, find it to help with our problem. In my case, a serious, life threatening addiction.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

            Hi you guys.
            Yes Naltrexone does work but it only works long term if you follow the Sinclair Method. It is a simple protocol.
            You take Naltrexone (50mg) one prior to drinking and then you drink. Strangely, the cure is in the drinking. If you don't drink, you are not making progress and can actually confuse your endorphin system.

            You will see a post about Eskapa's book. You need not buy it. There is enough information in this forum to essentially re-write the book.

            Please belive me. I am a cured alcohol addict (alcoholic). It has worked for me. 100%!


              Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

              Hi SpringerRider,
              actually just got the book in the post from Amazon a couple of hours ago, because I got so intrigued by some of the post here.
              Last night I posted a new thread asking the kind folks here on the forum about the best place where to get Naltrexone from. Any suggestion?
              Off to get stuck into the book now


                Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                pinkmilk;613191 wrote: Hi SpringerRider,
                actually just got the book in the post from Amazon a couple of hours ago, because I got so intrigued by some of the post here.
                Last night I posted a new thread asking the kind folks here on the forum about the best place where to get Naltrexone from. Any suggestion?
                Off to get stuck into the book now
                Hi Pink,
                I am in the US and simply went to my MD and told him the story. He proscribes it to me as "take one tablet daily". You will not find a MD on planet earth that will say to an alcoholic, "take Naltrexone and drink". I only pay $3 /month co-pay. Even w/o the co-pay it is cheap.

                Many here are using River Online Pharmacy. There seems to be a two to three week time delay. Look in the Nal thread and you will see a lot of references to River.

                There is a lengthy post by myself in teh Eskapa thread summarizing my experience. It my help you identify pit-falls as you go forward.

                Also, visit the • Index page

                Best of luck. It will work for you.


                  Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                  I too tried Topa a couple times, and felt no success. I have to say the first couple weeks I noticed a difference, however, since, nope. I also didn't lose any damn weight! Lol....just kidding....once my drinking is under control, then I can concentrate on the weight.

                  Today I started the Sinclair Method. I have taken my 25mg, and had a beer. I know it takes 4-6 months and there will be a couple rough patches. No worse that the rough patches I have had since drinking. I just need to remain positive. I have an amazing friend I have met from these boards, and we have carried onto TSM, and without her support......I couldn't do this....thanks WTE!!!! xoxoxo

                  So unfortunately the Topa didn't work, but I will dust myself off and try another.....I have faith that eventually I will be free!
                  AF July 6 2014


                    Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                    Hi christyacc!!!!
                    Keep us posted, okay?
                    I've almost finished the book by Roy Eskapa and am ridisculously hopeful... and nervous all the same. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but wouldn't it be amazing if this is it?
                    I will join you soon, just as soon as the Naltrexone arrives.
                    Good Luck!!!!!


                      Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                      Just follow the protocol to the letter.

                      Don't ever drink without it, and it will work.


                        Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                        Topa drop out here as well ...

                        The side effects were killing me. Literally. I could not even think about food and eventually gave up after losing over 25 pounds that I could not afford to lose. I felt spacey and just not myself. I finally had AF days, but the on-going success was too much to keep taking that medication. It's a tough drug to endure IMO. Not to mention that even after stopping Topa, my hair started falling out, and continues to after being off of it for over 5 months.

                        I was lucky enough here to have a buddy (the above poster) run across a new board and forum regarding the use of Nal in a program called The Sinclair Method. I really had given up the hope - now I have it back.

                        Different things are going to work for different people. For me it is TSM, and while still fairly new to it, I have seen "glimpses of the future".

                        For anyone that was ready to throw in the towel after finding Topa to not be the answer, I strongly encourage reading up on TSM. SpringRider is one examples of how this program can be effective, and there are others.

                        We will all find our answer to controlling the beast - TSM should be looked into for anyone that hasn't found the answer yet.


                          Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                          christyacc;622118 wrote:
                          Today I started the Sinclair Method. I have taken my 25mg, and had a beer. I know it takes 4-6 months and there will be a couple rough patches. No worse that the rough patches I have had since drinking. I just need to remain positive. I have an amazing friend I have met from these boards, and we have carried onto TSM, and without her support......I couldn't do this....thanks WTE!!!! xoxoxo

                          So unfortunately the Topa didn't work, but I will dust myself off and try another.....I have faith that eventually I will be free!
                          Hey I started The Sinclair Method yesterday too! Lets go! I drank half of what I normally do and I feel pretty good today- much better than I would have. I am going to try and stay at this level then maybe cut back even more. The book says "drink as you usually would" but I going to try not to (that's too much).


                            Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                            natlrexone has worked for me so far, new at it.. topa just gave me to many side effects, depression, etc.. no way can i be depressed when trying to stop drinking so much.


                              Topa didn't work but Naltrexone does!

                              i know someone whose been taking Nal and its helped good luck with that...X

