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Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

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    Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

    I'm not doing as good as I was in the beginning. Need to get back to it and focus but was wondering about antabuse. I am considering it but am hesitant to ask a doctor. How do you decide if it is the right thing to do?
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    Antabuse...wondering if I should start.


    In my case, it is the right thing because I simply could not stop drinking on my own. Didn't happen. Brain is too weak.

    I went on it in the spring and did so beautifully until I convinced myself I could do without it and my doctor wanted me to because a new drug I was going on is hard on the liver.

    So, guess what, I ended up being much harder on my liver than any drug could.

    I went to Rhonda Lenair (a different approach) and it did not work a bit for me.

    So, I am back on Antabuse and sober two plus weeks and really happy.

    I will stay on it for a year or more until I know and my counselor feels I am ready to stop it.

    It is only a tool, absolutely not a cure.

    It is also a real commitment. If you try to drink while on it, you will get more than uncomfortably sick. Some end up in the ER from it.

    That's my story.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

      I am on all the supps and doing okay, but slipped this weekend and kind of kicking myself. I just wish sometimes it wasn't an option. This mental game I play within myself is getting annoying. I really need to make time for the CDs, I think thats what might be missing and the extra boost I need.
      I am not giving up......I've come this far
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

        I am sorry you are struggling right now. Have you discussed Antabuse with your Dr? I considered taking it in the beginning because I simply couldn't make it through one day without alcohol. Once I made it through a week I knew I didn't need Antabuse. I also have something in my head that is keeping me sober- I want to prove to my husband that it can be done. In my own crazy little brain I am in hopes that he will follow me down this road, so I want to be a good example. If I were alone, I would probably have gotten a prescrip for Antabuse. I like the idea of not having a choice to drink or not...Antabuse takes that right off the table. That eliminates the little battle that goes on in our heads. Quite a few people here are using Antabuse successfully and once you start racking up AF days you'll start feeling more hopeful about this battle. I wish you luck with any decision you make, my friend. I send lots of hugs your way. kriger
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

          AK -

          I am on Antabuse as well and find it a very useful tool. Like CIndi, I plan to stay on it a while till my daily habits have changed and I am comfortable weaning myself off of it. Caution if you decide to go ahead - It is recommended that you take it with food. Do so. I take 250mg during the week and split two tablets of 500 MG on the weekend....always with food. So far, no side effects at all.

          Good luck in making your decision....Erin
          Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


            Antabuse...wondering if I should start.


            I too really recommend it, and also plan on sticking with it until I have changed my mental programming.

            It makes things so much easier- you are not having a constant mental battle with yourself.

            I am on day 5 now, and I think if I were not on it I would drink today but I am on it, so i am off to have a nice salad and a smoothie as an alternative 'treat'

            I can't recommend it enough- have you read althrough the 'antabuse' thread?
            There is a lot of good information there.


              Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

              Yes, what Marbella says is so true. Go thru the Antabuse thread. It takes away the option.

              But don't detox without medical help.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

                Have you given any more thought to using Antabuse? I'm just wondering how the last few days have been for you AK??? You are my good friend and I care about you. Kriger
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Antabuse...wondering if I should start.


                  The doctors here recommend 3 months- how long will they normally prescribe it over there in the US? (Assuming you are from the US)


                    Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

                    How different doctors are!!

                    My psychiatrist recommended one to two years. He is an addiction specialist and feels that the chances for success are much better if you stay on it long term.

                    He does make me do liver tests every 3 months, though.

                    I am now casting about to find a good counselor. As I get some serious sober time under my belt, I think I need to figure out how to live life without any addictions. Or at least good addictions. Good counselors are hard to find, though.

                    I have started taking the Antabuse every other day to ease the possibility of liver damage. That is often enough to keep me from drinking but halves the amount in my body.

                    Antabuse has been the ONE thing that has helped keep me sober. The ONE thing. I am going to take it as long as I can. I am looking forward to growing old with my hubby and spending a wonderful sober life with him.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Antabuse...wondering if I should start.

                      I agree Cindi- I have tried just about everything to be had over here, minus AA because the nearest is 60 miles away, but I know if it weren't for the Antabuse I would not last longer than a few days- indeed if that long.

                      To me it is a godsend- it makes everything so much easier to the point that not drinking is not a problem.

