It was only about a week ago, that someone mentioned a new book which describes the Sinclair Method. I had ever heard of it, and being quite desperate and willing to try ANYTHING I began to research it.
Basically to put it in a nutshell Dr. Sinclair claims alcoholism in a learned behavoir, which can just as easily be unlearned. His method has around an 80% success rate, and more can be read about it here- but I really recommend listening to an interview with Dr Sinclair at ShrinkRap radio- #64 - The Sinclair Method for Treating Addiction Podcast Episode even if you are not interested in following his method, his information on how alcoholism is `learned' is quite fascinating.
His method involves taking Naltrexone, but instead of using it as abstinance tool to help with cravings, everytime a craving strikes, you are to have a drink as you normally would. The idea behind this is, as the naltrexone stops the drink being pleasurable, (no endorphins are released or they are, but the brain doesnt receive them, thanks to the drug) eventually your brain will learn drinking alcohol does nothing for you and will no longer wish to engage in the behavoir. It can also be used for many other addictions.
Anyway, back to me- I took 25mg on Naltrexone at 1pm- (the recommended dose is 50mg, but on the first day 25mg is advised to guage one's reaction. Around 3 pm, I felt quite drowsy, not a bad feeling, but may not be great if you have to drive or operate other machinery. I tried to guage if I felt like a drink but just the thought of one made me feel a bit nauseous. However that passed quite quickly, I went to do a few hours work cleaning a house and then of course the craving hit ( I worked hard- I deserve a drink craving- just one of my very large repartoire of craving excuses) so I have come into a bar/internet cafe.
I am having a beer and it is not doing much in the way of intoxicating me- however it is not unpleasant either- I think the 50 mg at a later time (4 pm) will be the order of the day tomorrow
I am not having a second drink- but I don't know if thats because my BF is waiting or I don't fancy one- I suspect if I did not have to be anywhere I would probably have a second one.