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Allergy to topamax anyone?

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    Allergy to topamax anyone?

    I searched the topamax site and could not find anyone who seems to experience congestion while taking topomax, however I noticed that the Lancet article mentioned bronchitis as a side effect. Anyone out there who has a safe remedy? I also saw a serious side effect to taking topamax and some form of cold/bronchitis med!!! I think the congestion is already present and the topomax loosens it up and causes the post nasal drip at night. I'd ask the doc, but I seem to know more about this med than she. It is rather annoying, but I don't want it to take me off course. As soon as I stop taking it I start drinking more than I want. Thanks in advance. Keke

    Allergy to topamax anyone?

    I have not had this problem myself, but while researching Topa, I have run across things about this on other sites. You might just try searching Topa along with congestion and see what comes up. Good luck to you.



      Allergy to topamax anyone?

      I am allergic to Topa. I break out in a rash all over my body.

      Once I quit taking it, it takes the rash weeks to go away.

      I didn't have any respiratory issues from it, though.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Allergy to topamax anyone?

        :new:Was the rash that you experienced raised, hot and itchy??? I had been taking Topamax for 11 days when I came out in a rash but I have since taken the odd tablet and no rash so I was not sure if it was viral..

        I was told to only take 1 tablet daily 25mg for a month and then wean back, am not really sure how to take it. Can anyone tell me how they were prescribed to take it????::


          Allergy to topamax anyone?

          I don't know if I had an allergy, but it gave me the WORST heartburn of my life, I woke up with it and went to bed at night with it - NOTHING would kill the burn. As soon as I quit taking it, indigestion was gone and never came back. According to my Dr. this drug has not been on the market long enough to get the real picture on it. My opinion is, if you have side effects, quit taking the drug. There are other ways to get sober.


            Allergy to topamax anyone?


            My rash came up after about 2 weeks of use. It was not hot and itchy, it was scaly and gross. I tried twice and both times the same thing happened. I can't take it.


            Heartburn is a really odd reaction. Topa has been around a long time!! It is used as an anti-seizure med very successfully on many people.

            Unfortunately, those of us who are sensitive to it just can't take it.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Allergy to topamax anyone?

              I was totally allergic to it it was lowering my blood pressure and stopping my monthly period and that was with the .25 doseage only. I never had a rash though


                Allergy to topamax anyone?

                I also had a bit of reaction to it, same as Simey - stopped my menstral cycle. Also gave me a really heavy head when I upped the dosage, although when I first started at 25mg, things were fine and I think it really helped. But that one peculiar side effect - I told my doctor about it today and she had never heard of that - that was enough to make me stop taking it.

                My way - 25mg a day for a whole month and wean off?? Hmmm... In the program you are to dose up 25mg per week until you hit 300mg. Many need over 200 to get the benefit, although over 100mg for me and I didn't feel that great.

                Angel eyes - I think I agree. I think I would rather be sober without all these effects and feeling wierd. I want to feel "normal"!! (if that is even possible!!!!)



                  Allergy to topamax anyone?

                  My Way, do you have a copy of the MWO book... near the back is a suggested schedule for for upping the Topa dosage. If you don't have the book, pm me and I'll send you a copy of the schedule.

                  Although I upped my dosage a lot slower than was suggested in the book, it is a good guideline. BTW I didn't have any side effects other than the annoying tingling in my heels whilst I was sleeping but that soon dissapeared.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Allergy to topamax anyone?

                    I'm up to 200mg of Topamax and I'm very congested and have been for the past couple of months. I'm taking a decongestant off and on. I hadn't really connected it to the Topamax, but now that you mention it, I'm sure that's the connection. It's not enough of a negative side affect to put me off Topamax. In fact, I'm planning on dosing up another 25mg soon. I've dosed up very slowly. I've been taking 200mg for the past three weeks. In another week, I'll dose up 25mg. I plan on using Topamax for at least a year, until I feel I've made some life-altering changes in my routine so that I don't slip back into bad habits when I am no longer using the Topamax. Your right though. I do seem to know more about the drug than my doctor, just because I've done so much research. I've also used a nasal pot to rinse out my nasal passages, and that helps and doesn't require taking a pill. Good luck.


                      Allergy to topamax anyone?

                      Allergy to topamax anyone?

                      Hi, :new:, just wanted to let you know that yes, Topamax can have sinusitis as a side effect.

                      I was on it for about two months and really suffered. I even saw a nose specialist who didn't make the connection with the drug although I insisted it had to be the drug.

                      I finally called the manufacturer and they informed me that this is definitely a side effect.

                      Unfortunately since not enough people have complained about it, it hasn't been listed in the big book (so to speak).

                      So if you want my advice, get off it. Your sinuses will thank you for it.


                        Allergy to topamax anyone?

                        I am living proof that Topamax causes sinusitis.

                        I felt congestion from day one. I remained on Topamax for two months since no record of sinusitis was available. Even after visiting a specialist.

                        I finally was at my wits end (extremely irritable) so I called Johnson and Johnson. They confirmed that yes, the medication can do that. I got off as soon as I could, and the facial pain was gone shortly after.

                        It appears that not enough people complained about this side affect so it never made it to the big book (so to speak).

                        I recommend if it bothers you enough, get off it! I'm on Seroquel and love it, but now I'm asking for Campral since the cravings are starting to creep up again.

                        Good luck and hope this helps.


                          Allergy to topamax anyone?

                          Post Nasal Drip & thick congestion due to Topamax

                          Yes, I have experienced the same annoying post nasal drip and thick and nasty congestion that I have to consistently clear from the back of my throat! I was considering calling this into the company. Still considering so that they can report this side effect. It HAS TO BE an effect of this drug along with the other side effects. Its really still not enough though right now for me to stop taking the 100mg daily to stop my migraines. I'm definitely not upping the dose though...because I still here and there get a migraine or 2, but a lot less frequently...


                            Allergy to topamax anyone?

                            :thanks:Yes, I have experienced the same annoying post nasal drip and thick and nasty congestion that I have to consistently clear from the back of my throat! I was considering calling this into the company. Still considering so that they can report this side effect. It HAS TO BE an effect of this drug along with the other side effects. Its really still not enough though right now for me to stop taking the 100mg daily to stop my migraines. I'm definitely not upping the dose though...because I still here and there get a migraine or 2, but a lot less frequently...Also, the congestion all started about 3 months after starting the drug...dead at the start of winter...


                              Allergy to topamax anyone?

                              WOW...finally a confirmation that it isn't my imagination that the topa is causing the congestion. I had a lung X-ray, three rounds of antibiotics and finally steroids and STILL have the congestion....stopping the topa now. Thanks guys!

