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Time of day you dose 4 best results

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    Time of day you dose 4 best results

    I was wondering if anyone experiences better results with taking your doses at different times of day? Right now I am taking 25 mg early morning and then 50 mg about 11:30am, but am thinking about maybe changing to morning and bedtime. Whatcha'll think?


    Time of day you dose 4 best results

    I find that if I take my Topa later in the day, I get a tingling in my feet the next AM when I wake up and slightly light headed/ dizzy. So I prefer to take it earlier.
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


      Time of day you dose 4 best results

      I take a dose early in the morning and my second dose before 4pm. I find if I wait any longer, that familiar urge kicks in after work. So I like to have the Topa in my system a good hour before I get I get home from work. Also, I slipped up on taking my doses regularly for about a week and a half and the Topa became somewhat less effective. I think it's important to really stick to the schedule and not miss any doses. It really has helped me cut back tremendously. I'm up to 200mg with no mental fogginess. I dosed up slowly over a few months. I plan on dosing up another 50mg this month. Good luck everyone.


        Time of day you dose 4 best results

        Right on PJon......Morning and at Bedtime ! IAD.......Welcome.
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Time of day you dose 4 best results

          When I was on Topa, I used to take my first dose in the morning when I woke up, along with my aresenal of supps and then again mid afternoon (about 3-ish) and I found that worked well for me, with no side effects.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Time of day you dose 4 best results

            Thank you All

            Thank you all for your comments! I am going to try to go later in the day. I will take my first dose in the morning and then switch to 4:00 pm for the 2nd. I'll let you all know how it goes.


