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My Campral Journal

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    My Campral Journal

    Hello all! I've read so many posts over the past several weeks about different experiences with meds.
    So I thought I'd track mine on here so that it may help someone else who's looking for information like I was. Would enjoy hearing from others as well....
    I got mine through River Pharmacy, but if I have good luck with it, I will tell my doctor to write a script for refills. I see him in two weeks for blood panel.

    Day 1: Got up excited to start. Have been AF for 2 days. This is day 3. I've set my dosing times 4 hours apart. I'm also taking Kudzu and L-Glut. Seems the L-Glut may have a duel benefit for me since I put it in my protein shake anyway to encourage muscle repair after exercise.
    Ok, let's do this thang!!!!!

    My Campral Journal

    Some would walk a mile for one of them.....Ha! Not me ! IAD. Sorry wrong product,,,carry on. Ha!
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      My Campral Journal

      I will be interested to read your journey as I too started my Campral yesterday on Day 3 as well. Very positive this time, but still 1 day at a time. My Dr prescribed my Campral for me. Well good luck and keep posting!!


        My Campral Journal

        Thank you debruce! Good luck to you! So far today, I have no cravings, just really want a cig! But usually on Saturday afternoon by 3:30pm my time, I'm drinking already or thinking about it.
        Thanks for posting and sharing! Hope it goes well for us both!


          My Campral Journal

          Day 2

          Day 2 so far has been much the same as yesterday, which went well...better than I really expected. I didn't have any desire to drink...even late yesterday evening, I actually remembered that we had wine in the cooler but quickly forgot about it.

          Today, it's 3:12 my time and can honestly say I know I won't drink today or tonight.
          Just like yesterday, usually by this time on Sunday, I'm already drinking or thinking about it.
          I'm excited about starting a new week!


            My Campral Journal

            Hi USM ... I'm taking Campral, too. I tried it a few months ago, but honestly didn't give it long enough nor did I take the full dosage. I am on the full dosage now and find that each day just gets better. Aside from some slight GI distress, I haven't had any side effects. I'm hoping the GI stuff will calm down the longer I'm on it. It's so great not to have those cravings anymore and to wake up each morning hangover-free. I now remember what happened the night before.


            AF since 1/2009


              My Campral Journal

              SK, that is awesome! 'So glad to hear you are having good luck as well!
              Honestly, the wonderful feeling of waking up and KNOWING that I didn't drink the night before is by far, the best sober thing yet!!!
              And believe it or not, I'm already down a pound in body weight and the bloat is gone!! Also, the "puffiness" I woke up with everyday is gone and my skin is even different, more hydrated.
              Yesterday, I went and bought a new 'beauty sleep" pillow! HA! Just the thought of my sleep being a time of health and renewal now, and not a passed out drunken stuper has got me so excited and happy!!! I hope that feeling never goes away!
              Good luck! Stay in touch! :h


                My Campral Journal

                Oh yeah! 'Meant to say no GI distress so far. But I'm drinking ALOT of water, maybe that's helping....?


                  My Campral Journal

                  I'm trying to drink more water ... hope it helps
                  AF since 1/2009


                    My Campral Journal

                    Hi to both of you,
                    Day3 of Campral for me too. Feeling ok, had slight cravings yesterday arvo, but didn't cave in and positive it will get better. I too have had no side effects, so fingers crossed it stays like that. You 2 are doing great!!!!
                    Keep it up


                      My Campral Journal

                      Skinned- You mentioned that you are having GI distress from the to elaborate...I too am experiencing GI "distress" and I'm trying to pinpoint where it's coming from....the topa or the supplements...not sure if campral and topa are the same kind of med. What supps are you taking? Are you positive it is a side effect form the Campral?

                      "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                      "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                        My Campral Journal

                        Thank you debruce ... Great going on the 3 days! We CAN do this. :goodjob:

                        AF since 1/2009


                          My Campral Journal

                          Jamms ... Campral and Topa aren't the same kind of meds. Topa is used to treat seizures and migraine headaches. It does also help with AL cravings. Campral works by "rewiring" your brain back to what it was before drinking. It helps with cravings, too, but in a different way. I'm not taking any supplements and KNOW it's the Campral that's causing the GI stuff. I'll PM you about what my "distress" is. I don't want to gross anyone out. :H

                          AF since 1/2009


                            My Campral Journal

                            hello, i'm new here and am planning on asking my dr. for a prescription to campral, so thanks for starting this thread!
                            i have been af for 3 days and am wondering if you stopped drinking before or after you started campral?
                            my body is telling me i need to stop drinking NOW, so i have (amazingly and i haven't been craving -YET!).
                            i wont get in to see the dr. for a bit, so i'm hoping that kudzu, exercise and sleep can get me over the proverbial hump.

                            thanks in advance!


                              My Campral Journal

                              Peace, yes, I did quit 2 days AF before I started. In everything I'd read on the medicine before getting it, it all said to quit before starting med.
                              I'll post later today after I've gotten through Day 3 on it, but so fat, so good. I feel great!
                              Good luck!

