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Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

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    Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

    From the Amherst Times blog. You may remember this story from a couple weeks ago in the New York Times. I've been wanting to post, it's excellent.

    Sunday, 25 June 2006

    Last month, the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    was host to a conference about addiction for a small, invitation-only crowd of neuroscientists, clinicians and public policy makers. It was an unusual gathering. Addiction conferences are usually sober affairs, but M.I.T. offered a lavish cocktail reception (with an open bar, no less). More important, the conference was a celebration of the new ways scientists and addiction researchers are conceptualizing, and seeking to treat, addiction.

    While many in the treatment field have long called addiction a "disease," they've used the word in vague and metaphorical ways, meaning everything from a disease of the mind to a disease of the spirit. Many assumed that an addict suffers from a brain-chemistry problem, but scientists had not been able to peer into our heads to begin to prove it.

    Now they can, using advances in brain-imaging technology. And they tend to agree on what they see, although not necessarily on how to fix it: addiction ? whether to alcohol, to drugs or even to behaviors like gambling ? appears to be a complicated disorder affecting brain processes responsible for motivation, decision making, pleasure seeking, inhibitory control and the way we learn and consolidate information and experiences. This new research, in turn, is fueling a vast effort by scientists and pharmaceutical companies to develop medications and vaccines to treat addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism are studying, or financing studies on, more than 200 addiction medications.

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    Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

    Terrific Article, RJ! Thanks for posting it!!!:h
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

      Amazing article, many thanks!


        Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

        Thank you, Roberta, for the great NYT article. I had to go to Google the article as the 'MORE' link in your post did not work for me. Here is the url I used: An Anti-Addiction Pill? - New York Times - I hope this works.

        I thought and felt for me the closing remarks were most powerful and here I quote from the article:
        "....William C. Moyers, a recovery advocate (and the son of the journalist Bill Moyers) who for 12 years has been free of crack and alcohol, was invited to speak at the M.I.T. conference. In a room full of scientists and addiction researchers obsessed with the intricacies of the human brain, Moyers read a lecture that reminded them that treating addiction might be even more complicated than they thought.

        "I have an illness with origins in the brain. . . but I also suffered with the other component of this illness," he told the gathered researchers and scientists, some of whom dutifully took notes. "I was born with what I like to call a hole in my soul.. . . A pain that came from the reality that I just wasn't good enough. That I wasn't deserving enough. That you weren't paying attention to me all the time. That maybe you didn't like me enough."

        The conference room was as quiet as it had been all day. "For us addicts," he continued, "recovery is more than just taking a pill or maybe getting a shot.. . .Recovery is also about the spirit, about dealing with that hole in the soul.""

        I could not agree more with Mr. Moyers! There are so many new wonderful approaches to our 'disease' and yet our own spiritual progress is the key to effectively using these tools. My own path and progress toward 'spiritual awakening' had its origin in the recognition of my own addiction to alcohol. It was simultaneously a devastating and painfully humiliating (read: humbling) realization and a liberating experience of freedom and hope.

        Thank you,
        Michael Pearlman, M.D.


          Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

          I am posting the NYT url again, perhaps the Forum does not allow a url if so I searched Google with these key words: AN ANTI-ADDICTION PILL? BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS Sunday, 25 June 2006

          Here is the url:
          An Anti-Addiction Pill? - New York Times

          Michael Pearlman, M.D.


            Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

            OK - I am a slow learner - the 'Forum' is very 'smart' it already created a hyper-link!
            Thank you, DrMike
            Michael Pearlman, M.D.


              Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

              Wow I am amazed at this article. Best I have read yet.

              Thanks so much for posting.

              I am curious now about the D2 receptors. I hope this isn't a dumb question, but I have seen GABA supplements at health stores, would that affect the D2 receptors?


                Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                Good question Nancy. I have the same question. I love research like this. That is one reason I like the site- so much good info being updated in the Research Section which is where I advise newbies to hang out- and others posting links to good info like this. But now back to the question @ hand: the effect of taking GABA as supplements. I found some I like that are peppermint and sublingual.

                Good health to all!

                I also believe in the spiritual component - as long as no one crams AA down my throat.
                Such a turn-off.


                  Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                  Great, thanks for the article. Finally someone put all of this down in writing - stamped by academia! Thanks God. I hope that more time and money is invested in researching addiction.
                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                    Very interesting article. I'm a bit surprised that nicotine addiction wasn't specifically mentioned. Of course I'm no scientist!! But in my reading over the last many months, the whole Dopomine and Dopomine receptor thing is mentioned a lot as it relates to nicotine as well as alcohol and others.

                    At any rate, the research sounds very interesting, and I was glad to read more about the GABA connection validating my wise choice with a recent order!!

                    Day 12 AF
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                      RJ and Dr. Mike, thank you for this. The addictive behaviour pattern has always puzzled me.

                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                        The TIME magazine article addressed this same research. I'm glad to see that the new paradigm is getting attention from the press. And I'm especially glad to see a physician posting on these boards. As far as I know, RJ is the only one who has taken this medical approach and made it available to the general public. For this, she has earned her place among the stars.


                          Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                          No, there are several others taking this medical approach and TRYING to make it available to the public... I think Roberta has just managed to compile things, organise them and present them in a highly user-friendly, well-thought-out way AND she has managed to reach many people through her web site and unflagging attention to keeping it alive and always up-to-date.

                          But there are many others working in this direction and they are all shocked and dismayed that most doctors, even addiction speciliasts, continue to adhere to the AA model, which statistically has an abysmal success rate, and has no basis in science. I believe it is only a matter of time before this horrible disservice to the millions who suffer will be recognised, and Roberta, even as a lay person, is on the cutting edge in collecting, organizing,and bringing this information to those who need it.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                            It was an interesting article. Made me mad when the one guy said why take drugs to stop drinking. Sure he works in a Betty Ford Clinic he has a vested interest in having people go inpatient. Campral totally works for me and what is wrong with that? I also want to know how to get to the Rat Park! Sounds lke a lot of fun and if they have cheese I really wanna go!:H


                              Excellent article re: new treatment approaches

                              As a mental health worker/trained therapist who has worked in both statutory and non statutory settings on the coal face and as a Supervisor, and a person who at times struggles with alcohol who is currently being treated for depresssion, I have a strong distain for the label alcoholic or any other for that matter that stigmatizes. I appreciated the article of discussion here and the fact that there is an MD on board (litterally).

                              I am applying for a position here in Australia educating MD's about mental health, I appreciate and applaud you Dr Pearlman for your views (as well as Roberta of course) as I think the pendulum may finally be swinging in a less myopic sense in terms of perception that we are not all brown bag cheap port swiggers who sleeep on park benches, infact most problem drinkers are highly intelligent and generally functional people, making the negative perceptions even more humilliating and often shamimg and perpetuating the problem it is supposed to be dealing with.

                              Of most importance is the holistic treatment by the medical profession as well as the perception and consideration by society in general, particularly the ignorant or plain arrogant.

                              I was very fortunate after some research to find a very compassionate and empowering MD who allowed me to have input as to my own choices re medication and treatment - he also happens to be the President of the Australian Medical Association. So just at a time when I thought I had lost passsion for pretty much everything in life, I am deeply enthused that we we may finally be able to offer better options that treat people as complex beings with not just 'a disease' or lack of will power and to meet their own personal needs in a respectful and ultimately helpful manner as we are all inately unique and special and ALL struggle with one thing or another, some unfortunately are simply more destructive and misunderstood. In any of my work, I always strive to learn more and not take theory as gospel, look how many historical figures who had it right were ridiculed. We need a multi pronged approach.

                              Hundi (BA. Psychology and Sociology and post graduate Social Work)

                              Hundi ofcourse is not my real name but will happily give my details to those willing to to pursue this important issue further.
                              __________________________________________________ _

                              Insert something witty and utterly hillarious here .............

