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The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

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    The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

    Even if you cannot take Baclofen, like me, this is a great read.

    This is the journal of a doctor who is an alcoholic and BEAT IT with Baclofen.

    It is also the journal of a doctor who is surprised and anguished by the responses of the "addiction" professional community that ignored his recovery.

    I so wish I could take the Baclofen and have the complete suppresion of symptoms he has had. I really do. I can't take Topamax, I can't take Tegretol, I can't take Baclofen. My skin breaks out in this horrible rash that is really painful and gross. (Okay, the gross bothers me more than the painful, but I am female for Pete's sake!!)

    But, this book covers more than his journey and his relief from Baclofen, it covers the whole Picture of what we are. We are "slaves" to the feeling that we can't get without alcohol but the alcohol makes us slaves. Eeek.

    So, today, I am sober, I am fighting and I am so glad I am here.

    However, I hope and pray that anyone here who can benefit from Olivier's experience, does.

    None of us should suffer from this "disease," "malady," "syndrome," and I am so trying to speak politically correctly for all because I really do hope so many read his book, maybe try his protocol (WITH THE HELP OF THEIR DOCTOR) and find true relief.


    ps, I stress again, WITH THE HELP OF THEIR DOCTOR. Because these drugs, Baclofen, Topamax, whatever, are DRUGS that have consequence. Please, please, talk to your doctor and get their "buy in" first. Why? Because if you have complications and have purchased your drugs online, who is there to help you with them? Ummm, No ONE. Not one.

    Please take all medical questions to your doctor, first. If your doctor will not listen to you, find one who will. Someone with heart, caring and compassion. Those doctors still exist.

    I know.

    I have one.

    Another love,
    AF April 9, 2016

    The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

    Hi Cindy, Yes I have the book on order and was so hoping to get it today, I have read an article he wrote and I am actually (with the help of my Dr.) taking 5mg 3x a day of Baclofen, along with Nal. We are starting with a low dose to see how it goes. Started 12 days ago and am going on day 13 AF. Yesterday had cravings twice but that was because I am dealing with divorce and therapy and really working on the issues so they are right at the top of my plate, BUT managed to get through the day. In fact when I awoke this am, never thought of drinking and when, my first thought was to log on to MWO. What a relief. Well, can not wait to read the book and continue on this difficult quest. Thanks


      The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

      Thanks so much for posting this Cindy.

      What are you taking now? Are you on naltrexone?


        The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

        Interesting. I saw my doc this morning and he and I discussed the possibilty of Baclofen along with the Nal I am already taking. I am doing the Sinclair method though for now and he doesn't include Baclofen in the "extinction equation " so we are waiting for a while to see how this goes. Thanks for the post and way to go OceanOcean. I am also going through separation/ divorce.


          The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

          potato;514991 wrote: Interesting. I saw my doc this morning and he and I discussed the possibilty of Baclofen along with the Nal I am already taking. I am doing the Sinclair method though for now and he doesn't include Baclofen in the "extinction equation " so we are waiting for a while to see how this goes. Thanks for the post and way to go OceanOcean. I am also going through separation/ divorce.
          Potato, I am continuing to have good results on the Baclofen and Naltrexone, and I am not drinking. I do have Eskapa's book re: Sinclair Method. Will read it, but I am afraid to drink as in the past I would just get right back on my "roll". What did your Dr. say about taking the Baclofen along with the Naltrexone?

          My divorce is looking less threatening. My husband is willing to get things all set up, then not sign the papers, if I continue to not drink, he does not trust me not to drink and this will be kind of like insurance for him. Yes, kind of confusing but if this gives me the push to not drink, so be it.

          I have for many many years desired to get this addition under control, well maybe this will force me to, and although it's very confusing, if it works maybe it will get the "me" back to "me."


            The End of My Addiction by Olivier Ameison

            HI Oceanocean, my doc has a few other patients that are taking Baclofen and Nal and he doesn't mind whatever I want to do. He says he will put me on the Baclofen if I want but I am doing quite well with just the Nal. The othere day I took the Nal and waited one hour and then poured myself some wine. I took one sip and was totally grossed out because it tasted terrible and couldn't drink it at all. I am however, the kind of drinker that drinks too much asa a rule in one session but I only feel like drinking once or twice a week. I've been that way most of my life so what I want to do is stop the excessive times. I've tried but my body won't even let me do more than that. I get really sick if I do. It has just been that way forever. I despise the hangovers and sore lungs from smoking that happens when I do go to excess. It seems like a lot of pressure to put on yourself to have a relationship hanging on an addiction. However if the desire is great enough than I believe anything is possible. I'm glad to hear of your success. Best wishes.

