This is the journal of a doctor who is an alcoholic and BEAT IT with Baclofen.
It is also the journal of a doctor who is surprised and anguished by the responses of the "addiction" professional community that ignored his recovery.
I so wish I could take the Baclofen and have the complete suppresion of symptoms he has had. I really do. I can't take Topamax, I can't take Tegretol, I can't take Baclofen. My skin breaks out in this horrible rash that is really painful and gross. (Okay, the gross bothers me more than the painful, but I am female for Pete's sake!!)
But, this book covers more than his journey and his relief from Baclofen, it covers the whole Picture of what we are. We are "slaves" to the feeling that we can't get without alcohol but the alcohol makes us slaves. Eeek.
So, today, I am sober, I am fighting and I am so glad I am here.
However, I hope and pray that anyone here who can benefit from Olivier's experience, does.
None of us should suffer from this "disease," "malady," "syndrome," and I am so trying to speak politically correctly for all because I really do hope so many read his book, maybe try his protocol (WITH THE HELP OF THEIR DOCTOR) and find true relief.
ps, I stress again, WITH THE HELP OF THEIR DOCTOR. Because these drugs, Baclofen, Topamax, whatever, are DRUGS that have consequence. Please, please, talk to your doctor and get their "buy in" first. Why? Because if you have complications and have purchased your drugs online, who is there to help you with them? Ummm, No ONE. Not one.
Please take all medical questions to your doctor, first. If your doctor will not listen to you, find one who will. Someone with heart, caring and compassion. Those doctors still exist.
I know.
I have one.
Another love,