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Topamax Question

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    Topamax Question

    I have had a awful week. A best freind from Michigan died suddenly who was like a part of the family. We are off to the funeral latter this week. Needless to say, I have hit the wine hard. I am only up to 50mg on the topa so I am not really having any noticable effects yet. Just want to get throuth this awful weeknend and then regroup. Please be here next Monday and help me get back on track. Thank goodness for this site. thanks


      Topamax Question

      I wrestled with the issue of going to my doctor or not and finally I decided to go thru my doctor, who I have a good relationship, with because if there were any ill affects of the topomax and something happened I wanted to make sure she was aware of what I was doing. I brought her the MWO book and gave it to her to read, and we discussed the program. She was very open to using the topomax as off label use (and my insurance even covered the cost of the rx surprisingly). My first week on 25mg I didn't really feel much, nor the second week, other than maybe a little irritable and blah, when I went to 75mg I actually did feel pretty good and noticed that not only did the craving for alcohol go away, but I wasn't even thinking about it. It would be like 8 at night and I would realize that I was not thinking about wine, hadn't thought about it at all! That was freedom. When I went to 100 mg I started feeling irritable and blah and depressed again, so I cut back to 50 for a few days and still felt blah, but I took 75 today and feel a little better. I may stay at this dose for a while. I am pretty sensitive to meds (I can't even drink decaf coffee - that is how sensitive I am), so that may be the magic dose for me. My appetite is pretty non existant, and my weight is down about 7 pounds in the four weeks I have been doing the supplements and the topomax. I am not sure that I have any interest in drinking again, I like being in control of alcohol instead of the other way around. Good luck to you on your journey.

