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Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

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    Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

    Hi Lena

    Thank you so much for the added information- I went wrong on a number of counts the last time- I thought 25mg would be enough and I was taking it everyday sometime during the morning, quite a few hours before I was likely to start drinking.

    I Have already began- although I have not taken a Nal today, as I have no plans to drink however if the situation looks like changing, I have it ready in my purse.

    I have no possibility of talking to a doctor and doing it with their help- I have had some pretty sad experiences here every time I have asked for help. I live in Spain, and none of the doctor's I have access to speak enough English to be presented with the book.

    I found one who was happy to prescribe it, no questions asked, but when I began to discuss it with him, he dismissed me, there was no point anyway, as he hadn't even known what it was, he had to look it up in a book. He obviously assumed I was going to take it as an anti-craving med, I was afraid after that if I tell another doctor what my plan is they wouldn't even give me it.

    I will just have to monitor myself carefully for any signs of liver dysfunction.


      Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

      marbella;524684 wrote: I gave up with the Nal because I was feeling nauseous and my eyes had gone a bit yellow- as though I had been drinking heavily for a week.

      Naltrexone is metabolized by the liver and if you were getting yellow eyes (or the other symptoms of liver distress like dark urine, pale stools, etc... please, you don't have to tell us!) I'd be very cautious. There is another drug called nalmefene that is on the verge of being approved in Europe. It is metabolized by the kidneys and will be much safer for you.


        Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

        rv9;524875 wrote: Marbella,

        Naltrexone is metabolized by the liver and if you were getting yellow eyes (or the other symptoms of liver distress like dark urine, pale stools, etc... please, you don't have to tell us!) I'd be very cautious. There is another drug called nalmefene that is on the verge of being approved in Europe. It is metabolized by the kidneys and will be much safer for you.
        Thanks RV- I will be very cautious- however if I only take it on the days I am going to drink as opposed to every morning, I may find I don't have the same symptoms. Also it may have been through drinking everyday, although during that first week therre were days I did not really fancy it, but thought I should drink for the method to work.

        I will be extremely vigilant for any signs, and stop right away if I see any.


          Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

          Hey Marbella -- If you've been taking 25 mg at least your body has had a chance to get used to the Naltrexone. When I started at 50 mg it really knocked me. I'm just a few days into it and now no side effects at all. Some nausea in the early days is not unusual but I haven't had it beyond the first day. The package insert says Naltrexone is contra-indicated for "any individual with acute hepatitis or liver failure." It can cause liver toxicity "when given in excessive doses," far beyond the recommended 50mg., e.g. at 300 mg (Eskapa at 216).

          We who have tormented our livers for so long always are wise to be alert to liver issues.

          Thanks for being willing to be a part of our little community! -- Lena


            Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

            marbella;524852 wrote: I found one who was happy to prescribe it, no questions asked, but when I began to discuss it with him, he dismissed me, there was no point anyway, as he hadn't even known what it was, he had to look it up in a book. He obviously assumed I was going to take it as an anti-craving med, I was afraid after that if I tell another doctor what my plan is they wouldn't even give me it.
            I've talked to two shrinks and despite providing one of them with the book, they won't prescribe if the plan is to continue drinking.

            The best advice I've heard so far is to tell the doctor that you've quit drinking and want the Naltrexone to manage cravings. Almost all would prescribe in that case.

            Someday the refusal to prescribe to someone who wants to follow the Sinclair Method will be grounds for a malpractice lawsuit. But the treatment isn't mainstream enough for that right now (and never will be if AA and the addiction clinics have their way).


              Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

              That is an excellent summation of the Sinclair method. I do believe those that have not ever read Eskapa's book could read your post and work the protocol.



                Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                rv9;524886 wrote: I've talked to two shrinks and despite providing one of them with the book, they won't prescribe if the plan is to continue drinking.

                The best advice I've heard so far is to tell the doctor that you've quit drinking and want the Naltrexone to manage cravings. Almost all would prescribe in that case.

                Someday the refusal to prescribe to someone who wants to follow the Sinclair Method will be grounds for a malpractice lawsuit. But the treatment isn't mainstream enough for that right now (and never will be if AA and the addiction clinics have their way).
                As I said, I described to my MD quite eloquently how Nal worked and he understood exactly what I was saying. I showed his the book and we discussed it. We share a common alma mater as he got his Doctor of Osteopathic where I did my graduate work.

                When I explained to him how I would administer the drug, he simply said "I never told you that", smiled and wrote the prescription for me to take one 50 mg tablet daily.

                In these litigious times, the idea of prescribing drinking to an alcoholic would come with serious trepidation.


                  Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                  SpringerRider;524915 wrote: As I said, I described to my MD quite eloquently how Nal worked and he understood exactly what I was saying. I showed his the book and we discussed it. We share a common alma mater as he got his Doctor of Osteopathic where I did my graduate work.

                  When I explained to him how I would administer the drug, he simply said "I never told you that", smiled and wrote the prescription for me to take one 50 mg tablet daily.

                  In these litigious times, the idea of prescribing drinking to an alcoholic would come with serious trepidation.
                  I can well understand doctors not being comfortable about prescribing Naltrexone knowing the patient was going to drink- I think it is up to individuals to put the method out there- Drs Sinclair and Eskapa are doing their utmost, but many people seem to be very cynical.

                  If it is successful, I will certainly be going to that doctor to make him listen to what I did- in the meantime I will just go and ask for a repeat prescription when necessary. He will write it without even looking at me, and ask me nothing- the same as the first time I went.


                    Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                    marbella;524939 wrote: I can well understand doctors not being comfortable about prescribing Naltrexone knowing the patient was going to drink- I think it is up to individuals to put the method out there- Drs Sinclair and Eskapa are doing their utmost, but many people seem to be very cynical.
                    But my doctor is at least curious. He did not even know what Nal was before I asked for the prescription nor did he know I was alcoholic. I am one of those high-functioning drunks and have only returned to drinking during the summer of 2005 after 12 yrs. of sobriety. So after his initial shock of discovering I was an alcohol addict (my term), we discussed the potential of Nal. He said he had several other patients whom he was suspious could benefit from such a treatment.

                    I am only on day 5. I did not drink or Nal yesterday. I just did not feel like it. Whether I am on a Nal honeymoon or something else, matters not. If I am going to drink, I will take Nal first. That will be my mantra until proven otherwise.


                      Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                      SpringerRider;524990 wrote: But my doctor is at least curious. He did not even know what Nal was before I asked for the prescription nor did he know I was alcoholic. I am one of those high-functioning drunks and have only returned to drinking during the summer of 2005 after 12 yrs. of sobriety. So after his initial shock of discovering I was an alcohol addict (my term), we discussed the potential of Nal. He said he had several other patients whom he was suspious could benefit from such a treatment.

                      I am only on day 5. I did not drink or Nal yesterday. I just did not feel like it. Whether I am on a Nal honeymoon or something else, matters not. If I am going to drink, I will take Nal first. That will be my mantra until proven otherwise.
                      That is cool that he is open to new ideas.

                      The doctors I have seen basically just say 'Stop drinking'.

                      If I knew how to do that I wouldn't be sitting there would I?!!

                      I feel optimistic again about this- I did when I tried it before but now realise I was not doing it correctly- Thanks so much for this thread and pointing that out guys.

                      Even though I have been better with my drinking lately, i still feel like a timebomb that could go off at the slightest nudge. With Nal in my pocket, that fear has subsided greatly.

                      I do so hope we all get the results we crave from this- for our sakes and those that come after. As Dr. Sinclair said 'A whole generation has already been lost'.


                        Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                        rv9 posted this on a separate thread but it has info of critical importance to those of us doing Sinclair and using Naltrexone Please heed. Thanks, rv9.

                        Hi all,

                        I wanted to address two things about the Sinclair Method in a new thread so it doesn't get missed. Mods can lock this if they like - these aren't really discussion items, just FYI. They were mentioned in another thread and are worth mentioning again:

                        1. Opioid Receptor Upregulation

                        When taking Naltrexone and not drinking, the number and sensitivity of the opioid receptors in your brain increases drastically (I've heard about 2x). This means if you engage in behavior that results in the release of endorphins, including drinking, without a blocking dose of Naltrexone, you will reinforce that behavior to a much greater extent than before the Naltrexone.

                        But here's the part that those who are worried about it have missed: This is a reversible phenomenon and with about 1 week off of Naltrexone, the receptor levels drop to normal. So it's not like you're rewiring your brain forever.

                        2. Naltrexone Medical Alert - Pain Management

                        In the same way Naltrexone blocks endorphins, it also blocks opioids (e.g., morphine).

                        If you are taking Naltrexone, put a medical alert card in your wallet (or wherever is customary in your country) so that if you are in an accident, doctors will know to manage your pain using appropriate drugs. I can think of nothing worse than being in pain that doctors don't know how to manage because they are unaware of your Naltrexone use. They CAN manage pain without opioids, but they have to know to do it.

                        I keep a label on the back of my driver's license that says: "MEDICAL ALERT - NALTREXONE HCL - 50mg/DAY"

                        Also be sure a trusted emergency contact knows to inform any emergency doctors of your naltrexone usage.

                        This is especially important for those of you who, like me [rv9], are taking naltrexone ordered over the internet without the knowledge of a regular family doctor.


                          Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                          Starting day 6. Drank last night on Nal. Was pretty stressed when I got home from work issues. Took Nal with supper and about two hours later had a double shot of tequilla, followed by another double. Later I had a shot of vodka and went to bed.

                          This is progress for me. The 4 day honeymoon is over but I do seem to desire less. Time takes time and I will just let the progress work. But last week I would have drank 12 shots and passed out on the couch so I guess it is doing something already.


                            Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                            I'm running out of Naltrexone and and only have 2 pills left. My refill order is taking longer than I had hoped.

                            In order to avoid backing myself into a corner, I'm not using these last two pills or drinking until my order comes in.

                            It has been 3 days w/ nothing to drink and I've got to say it is remarkable how little craving I'm having. In the last 15 years it is UNHEARD OF for me to go three days without drinking. Even a day or two and I'd normally go crazy craving it. I only get a twinge of craving when I pass the liquor stores on the way home from work (my daily trigger). Other than than, nothing. This is working.


                              Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                              When can I expect the change?

                              Wow RV, I hope to be there. Long time daily drinker, I've had spats of aa sobriety. Now on Nal + drinking for about a month. Started with 50, up'd to 75mg/day for a week and now taking 50mg on way home from work.
                              I noticed the initial honeymoon and then went right back up but definitely reduced somewhat. Had a few nights last week with 3-4 beers and 1/2 litre whiskey. Whiskey and me are a BAD combination..

                              Have read lots on Sinclair but need to buy the book. It's been a month and I still want to open a beer first thing when I get home from work and 'need' my first two or three. No buzz, the endorphin high is definitely blocked, but I still get drunk. Last night I had 7-8 drinks from 3:30 to about 10:30, really a little more than 1 an hour. Even had a gingerale in there..

                              Some nights I stay home, watch tv and can sip 3-4 drinks with no desire for more, others I might have 6 or 7 more quickly and others I might go out and have 8-10 or more (2x last week)

                              When can I expect to just not desire to drink? It's almost a month now and I was hopeful the AF days with no will power would start by now.. Should I try to force a few non-drinking days now? Should I just keep drinking +nal no matter how much I drink?
                              My God I'm confused. I want this demon gone!! I've had months and more AF with aa but the cravings would always be there and eventually won every time.

                              Now I've been drinking daily and excessively for 3 plus years and after lossing my job last april my drinking skyrocketed, especially the amount of whiskey and vodka..

                              I try to stick with beer but occasionally succumb to liquor. I so want to be ''cured''...

                              Does the desire drop in the second month? Does the drop occur just natural?

                              I want to not drink and not take nal to experience the highs from good habits(sex,Etc), when can/should/will that begin??

                              Help and encouragement appreciated!!!

                              Me, Seeking Solice....


                                Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                                Solice;525734 wrote: When can I expect to just not desire to drink? It's almost a month now and I was hopeful the AF days with no will power would start by now..
                                I didn't feel any reduced desire to drink after a month. I first noticed it at a little less than 2 months (2 weeks or so ago) - very subtle - still drank. Just noticed that I wanted to drink less but drank anyway.

                                Should I try to force a few non-drinking days now? Should I just keep drinking +nal no matter how much I drink?
                                No and yes. A day without drinking does nothing to move you toward the cure. Just keep drinking. If you are drinking excessively (to the point where you are having G.I. symptoms, signs of liver distress, etc.) then you might consider cutting back to a safer level, but my attitude in this is that 4 more months of drinking for an alcoholic is hardly going to matter in the long run.

                                My God I'm confused. I want this demon gone!! I've had months and more AF with aa but the cravings would always be there and eventually won every time.
                                Which is why AA is such an abysmal failure for 95% of the people who use it.

                                Does the desire drop in the second month? Does the drop occur just natural?
                                It depends on you. It might happen that soon, as it has started doing for me. Others may take 4-6 months. Don't despair if it doesn't happen soon enough for you. Just stick with it. If after 4-6 months you don't notice a diminished desire to drink, it's time to start looking at other options.

                                I want to not drink and not take nal to experience the highs from good habits(sex,Etc), when can/should/will that begin??
                                When, and ONLY when, you can go off naltrexone for 2-3 days and not succumb to a desire to drink. Upregulation is the monster here and if you go off the naltrexone to enjoy some nocturnal gymnastics and subsequently drink, you're going to set yourself way back.

                                Good luck & post your progress!

