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Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

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    Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

    Hello to Everybody! Thank You for ongoing support and being there.
    Can somebody share, please, how He/She deals with the nausea feeling after taking Nal? Is it possible that nausea is caused by certain vitamin deficiency? Did anybody read anything about how to reduce nausea? Also - Does somebody know and can share if a certain brand of Naltrexone is more efficient than others? in other words works better or worse?


      Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

      Hello To Everybody. Does somebody know and can share if a certain brand of Naltrexone is more efficient than others? in other words works better or worse?


        Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

        Hi, is anyone still doing this method? I'm just wondering about it and thinking of trying it and wondering if any of the people from this thread are still around?
        hope to hear from you.



          Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

          redcat;1393847 wrote: Hello to Everybody! Thank You for ongoing support and being there.
          Can somebody share, please, how He/She deals with the nausea feeling after taking Nal? Is it possible that nausea is caused by certain vitamin deficiency? Did anybody read anything about how to reduce nausea? Also - Does somebody know and can share if a certain brand of Naltrexone is more efficient than others? in other words works better or worse?
          Nausea is an accepted SE, nausea when first starting TSM can be got over by starting with a lower dose and working up over the course of a few days. Apart from that if there's nausea after the initial stages I think it's just accepted as an SE and can be encouragement to have AF days.

          I think some of the sickness and headache, what we call a nalover is due to the fact endorphins act as a mild pain killer and with nal you cannot feel endorphin effects whilst it's in your body.

          Some people have reservations about the brand noddict, they say it's time release so max dose isn't reached after the hour. Others say brands are pretty much all the same.

          Playland you may already know this but both myself, Katie Smiles and Heavy Fuel follow TSM and have experienced great success with it.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

            H All –

            I don’t want to be the bummer on this thread, but having tried TSM for over a year and recently reconsidering it – I have a few warnings.

            First, if you are getting it from your DR, it will be on your medical record and it is NOT prescribed for anything other than substance abuse. So a MAJOR warning if you live in the US. I’m not certain about other countries. Expect issues in the future with obtaining life insurance, the cost of your medical plan, etc. It is a label that will follow you forever.

            I am certain of the above after being part of the initial group on the TSM site and discussing this very problem with numerous people.

            If you are buying it off-shore, as I did, two other warnings. First, yes Nordict brand has become a bit suspect because it is possible time released. I have no proof of this, but do know of two others that had great success and slide back after switching to Nordict. Having said that, many have used other brands and have not seen success – sadly I was one of them after trying for over a year.

            A applaud ANYTHING that works for anyone, and in my head TSM makes SO much sense. So much so, that just a bit over a month ago I was ready to try it again. And commit to the year plus I know it can take. I was ready to start it again on September 1st.

            That morning, I awoke very early with an awful pain in my kidney – now knowing what it was (not AL related) and was rushed to emergency. I had NOT started taking Nal.

            But, thank God I hadn’t! I was in terrible pain and admitted to the hospital to what they thought was a stone which was blocking a kidney for months and created a major infection. I would have never been able to take the pain medication they gave me had I been on Nal. PLEASE pay attention to the fact that you should carry this information in your wallet to alert emergency personal if you are on Nal. The “normal” pain killers they would give you should you be in a car accident, etc – WILL NOT work on Nal.

            There are certainly options, but you are forced to disclose you are taking Nal. And that brings me back to my original concern. Had I started the Nal, I would have had to disclose it and it would forever be on my record.

            I saw some amazing success stories over the years on Nal and the TSM program. Just be informed of the potential down sides and risks. Wishing you ALL the very best in your journey and should it ever be written as “off label” – I will be back to join you. =)


              Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

              WaitingToExhale;1394294 wrote: H All ?

              I don?t want to be the bummer on this thread, but having tried TSM for over a year and recently reconsidering it ? I have a few warnings.

              First, if you are getting it from your DR, it will be on your medical record and it is NOT prescribed for anything other than substance abuse. So a MAJOR warning if you live in the US. I?m not certain about other countries. Expect issues in the future with obtaining life insurance, the cost of your medical plan, etc. It is a label that will follow you forever.

              I am certain of the above after being part of the initial group on the TSM site and discussing this very problem with numerous people.

              If you are buying it off-shore, as I did, two other warnings. First, yes Nordict brand has become a bit suspect because it is possible time released. I have no proof of this, but do know of two others that had great success and slide back after switching to Nordict. Having said that, many have used other brands and have not seen success ? sadly I was one of them after trying for over a year.

              A applaud ANYTHING that works for anyone, and in my head TSM makes SO much sense. So much so, that just a bit over a month ago I was ready to try it again. And commit to the year plus I know it can take. I was ready to start it again on September 1st.

              That morning, I awoke very early with an awful pain in my kidney ? now knowing what it was (not AL related) and was rushed to emergency. I had NOT started taking Nal.

              But, thank God I hadn?t! I was in terrible pain and admitted to the hospital to what they thought was a stone which was blocking a kidney for months and created a major infection. I would have never been able to take the pain medication they gave me had I been on Nal. PLEASE pay attention to the fact that you should carry this information in your wallet to alert emergency personal if you are on Nal. The ?normal? pain killers they would give you should you be in a car accident, etc ? WILL NOT work on Nal.

              There are certainly options, but you are forced to disclose you are taking Nal. And that brings me back to my original concern. Had I started the Nal, I would have had to disclose it and it would forever be on my record.

              I saw some amazing success stories over the years on Nal and the TSM program. Just be informed of the potential down sides and risks. Wishing you ALL the very best in your journey and should it ever be written as ?off label? ? I will be back to join you. =)
              Absolutely correct.

              Could I also add that here in the UK just because your Dr has notes about your alcoholism this information does not get passed on. I know some over here are afraid having alcoholism on their record will inhibit their life. Sure some employers require a medical but it's up to you what you reveal, only issue it would cause is if you needed time off at a later date because of it and they'd then ask why you'd not revealed it earlier. Social services also can't access these notes as far as I know(which is another fear for those with children) and I'll double check this with someone who works in that line so as to be sure. Unless it becomes a problem everything between you and your Dr is confidential. Only time it ever came out with employers was because I told them(this was after medical screening when I had a relapse), and all they ever did was try and support me. Some people worry re losing their drivers licence, I once asked my Dr about this. She said she would only divulge stuff if DVLA asked her, and they'd have to have suspicion to do so. Now she knows I'm stable and drink within safe, recommended levels(which is on my notes) it's not an issue.

              It's not affected any other form of insurance - travel insurer asked about preexisting conditions but that's only because they won't cover psychi stuff and alcoholism isn't something I'm going to be requiring treatment for when abroad. If I relapse and get bad again I'd just come back after my holiday and sort myself out at home.

              Nalorex comes with several copies of a card which you can slot into your wallet, purse or pocket and I have one with me almost everywhere I go, just incase I am in an accident or require medical treatment.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                Thanks WTE, I forgot about the Records stuff here in the States, and yes, don't want the chance of it on my record. And, UK Blondie, I think it is different for you folks in the UK, for us here in the states, it is Insurance Death to have Alcohol on your record, as screwed up as that is.



                  Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                  playland;1394633 wrote: Thanks WTE, I forgot about the Records stuff here in the States, and yes, don't want the chance of it on my record. And, UK Blondie, I think it is different for you folks in the UK, for us here in the states, it is Insurance Death to have Alcohol on your record, as screwed up as that is.

                  Yes I know this but wanted to clarify this for the UK people as they can suffer from similar fears, which may stop someone from getting help.
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                    Some people have reservations about the brand noddict, they say it's time release so max dose isn't reached after the hour. Others say brands are pretty much all the same.
                    Playland you may already know this but both myself, Katie Smiles and Heavy Fuel follow TSM and have experienced great success with it.

                    Hi Ukblonde,
                    I thought by Playland you meant the company's name/certain brand producing certain Nal. Now I realized that it is the name of a member; You referred to her, and I misunderstood. Sorry. That is so funny.. several days I have been searching over the Internet for Playland Pharmacy...LOL.


                      Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                      :l:h That is so funny



                        Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                        PLEASE HELP, I am trying to help somebody very close - can Naltrexone help to quit marihuana using TSM?


                          Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                          Hi All, I'm still here and interested, just overwhelmingly busy and out of the country and not finding time to post. Can anyone tell me about the side effects of Nal, I thought there really weren't any but then I read something on another thread about the bad SE.



                            Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                            playland;1420704 wrote: Hi All, I'm still here and interested, just overwhelmingly busy and out of the country and not finding time to post. Can anyone tell me about the side effects of Nal, I thought there really weren't any but then I read something on another thread about the bad SE.


                   • Index page


                              Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                              Thanks WTE


                                Strictly Sinclair Method Weekly Thread

                                playland;1420704 wrote: Hi All, I'm still here and interested, just overwhelmingly busy and out of the country and not finding time to post. Can anyone tell me about the side effects of Nal, I thought there really weren't any but then I read something on another thread about the bad SE.

                                Some people struggle with nausea, and most with horrible hangovers - but this one can be reduced by drinking less which becomes an incentive as the cravings lessen.

                                Opiod based painkillers won't work if you've taken Nal in the last 24-48hrs, you can carry a card advising medical staff what to do in an emergency(I have several) but since I now only drink once or twice a week and haven't had any serious medical emergencies since starting TSM it's not an issue for me. Just depends on the individual.
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

