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Question about Baclofen

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    Question about Baclofen

    Has anyone used baclofen? I've been reading about it and just wondering if is worth taking since it doesn't seem to have the same side affects that topa does.
    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

    Question about Baclofen

    Hi 1morechance, Yes I have been on Baclofen for 28 days now. BUT I am using it along with Naltrexone. I take 25 mg Nal and 5 mg Bac in am , and again at 4 pm then 5 mg Bac at nightime. The baclofen is really helping me keep calm and I believe it is helping me keep the triggers at bay, like when someone pushes my buttons. I did run out of BAc one day so for about 24 hours I did not have it in my system, and I started to get edgy and my calmness was disappearing.

    Since I am taking both together, I do not know what Bac does alone, does it curb the desire? I have read Dr Ameisen's book discussing the use of Bac alone and it worked for him. Did you read that book?

    But I am having mixed thoughts about the Nal, and I am reading Sinclair's method. I have however been able to be AF for these 28 days, and have hardly had any desire, just once in a while a fleeting thought, then it goes away.

    I was going to stop the Nal, to save it for trying Sinclairs Plan, but together with my Dr. we decided since I am able to not drink, I am going to stick with this formula. I think it may be a good thing to try the Bac alone, why don't you try it and report back. I have a friend who is going to try the Bac alone and I will report back from her her results in a week or more.

    I am leaving on a trio next Friday, after that I will see what happens on this thread. Good luck, start with low doses, and then increase gradually....


      Question about Baclofen

      Hi, Baclofen is an old med well tested and tolerated. It has been given for years as an a antispasmotic for patients with mutiple sclorosis (sorry for the spelling) and other disorders where people have spastic movements. I believe it has a secondary effect of settling a person down. My doc actually suggested I take it along with my Naltrexone but I don't want to take more than one med. I think it is safe though.


        Question about Baclofen

        Thanks potato
        I started reading Dr. Ameisen's book yesterday. I'm calling my dr. to get a prescription
        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


          Question about Baclofen

          Hi there, does anyone know a GP in Johannesburg, South Africa, who will prescribe Baclofen?


            Question about Baclofen

            Hi complex and welcome,

            Find a member here called Tiptronic_ct, and send him a pm. He's in SA, and can probably help you out.

            Good luck.


              Question about Baclofen

              Hi 1more. I'm a former Topa gal too. The side effects chased me away. Baclofen can also have some major side effects, but I much prefer bac-brain to topa-brain. And it is calming, at least at lower doses. It also doesn't have the spooky hormonal stuff that topa has. Give it a go.

              Complex, welcome aboard!

              Edited to add: Glad your aboard the baclofen train too, Aurora. I love your screen name!
              * * *




                Question about Baclofen

                Hi, complex! and welcome!
                This thread was started in 2009! Wow and yowza!
                Fair to say it's not the most active thing, right? Still, good on you, complex, for reading through the threads! (Love your username, by the way!)
                Complex, there are several options for getting bac in your part of the world. tiptronic_ct will be along soon to offer suggestions/support I'm sure. You can also order online. Lots of advice around here about how to do that, too!
                keep posting!

