Brief intro, I suffer from horrible back pain. I have tried many things over the past 17 years (including self medicating with booze unfortunately

The Doctors have recently switched my medication for pain control.
I take a 20mg oxycontin 3 times a day (every eight hours). Even more recently the doctor added oxycodone IR 10 mg up to 4 times a day as needed.
What I would like to know is if anyone suffered from any side effects from taking any of these medications. I am googling them, but not finding a lot of info. Maybe I am not entering the right words into the search bar??? Plus, I think hearing from people who experienced side effects, etc, are better info sometimes than what the drugs companies write up.
Here are some things I have noticed.( I am wondering if it could some how be still AL withdrawl? I haven't drank in quite a while, but I suppose anything is possible.)
*feeling a little fluey, pukey in the mornings (no I can't be preggers :H)
*mood swings that include feeling weepy, or aggrivated...sort of an impatient feeling...grumpy?... this one is usually late afternoon...near work days maybe I am just learning to "feel" how a day effects me, and not having a drink to numb the day away???
*loss of appetite OR HUGE cravings for sweets and carbs.
*short term memory issues. I am talking verrrrrrrry short term...I jokingly use the word "brain fart", but I sort of tend to have little lapses in memory from just a few minutes or seonds before...I have to really concentrate *sometimes to complete a transaction at work (no this is NOT old age

Re-reading my post for spelling, I suppose some of these could simply be non-related, but because it is a fairly new prescription, I am curious to see if anyone else knows about side effects.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Have a great day! :l