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oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

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    oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

    Hi all.

    Brief intro, I suffer from horrible back pain. I have tried many things over the past 17 years (including self medicating with booze unfortunately )

    The Doctors have recently switched my medication for pain control.
    I take a 20mg oxycontin 3 times a day (every eight hours). Even more recently the doctor added oxycodone IR 10 mg up to 4 times a day as needed.

    What I would like to know is if anyone suffered from any side effects from taking any of these medications. I am googling them, but not finding a lot of info. Maybe I am not entering the right words into the search bar??? Plus, I think hearing from people who experienced side effects, etc, are better info sometimes than what the drugs companies write up.

    Here are some things I have noticed.( I am wondering if it could some how be still AL withdrawl? I haven't drank in quite a while, but I suppose anything is possible.)

    *feeling a little fluey, pukey in the mornings (no I can't be preggers :H)

    *mood swings that include feeling weepy, or aggrivated...sort of an impatient feeling...grumpy?... this one is usually late afternoon...near work days maybe I am just learning to "feel" how a day effects me, and not having a drink to numb the day away???

    *loss of appetite OR HUGE cravings for sweets and carbs.

    *short term memory issues. I am talking verrrrrrrry short term...I jokingly use the word "brain fart", but I sort of tend to have little lapses in memory from just a few minutes or seonds before...I have to really concentrate *sometimes to complete a transaction at work (no this is NOT old age )

    Re-reading my post for spelling, I suppose some of these could simply be non-related, but because it is a fairly new prescription, I am curious to see if anyone else knows about side effects.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

    Have a great day! :l

    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

    oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

    Hi Keets
    I will tell you what I know as an RN. I'm sure that you know that these drugs are highly addictive, and serious withdrawal ensues if they are stopped abruptly.
    Side effects: Common: Nausea, vomiting, constipation (very common)
    Central Nervous system depression, which would explain ST memory problems. It is difficult to explain, but all opiates have a euphoric phase and then a crash. This may explain irritability, etc....
    I know this is not much, but these are the most common. Let me know if I can be of further help.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

      Hi Keeta, I agree with Sea they are both highly addictive. I don't think the drs in the U.S. prescribe them very much anymore and definitely not for long periods or with refills. I'm sorry your pain is so bad.
      Enlightened by MWO


        oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

        Hi Sea,
        Thanks for responding. Especially from your professional capacity you will have knowledge some wouldn't!
        Because of the level of pain and problems I am having with my back (example, with a CT scan they recently found a compression fracture at L-1 with a 40% loss of height on the right with NO trauma, two discs are out at L4-5 and L5-S1 (does that sound right?) plus arthritis, plus plus plus LOL.

        My Doctor is the Pain Control Doctor ( I am sure there is a "proper name for it, but can't think of it) for a large area within which I live, plus she also runs the Methadone Clinic in the closest City to us. She is very aware of addictions, and was concerned if I had had any past problems with abusing pills (even asked if I had ever crushed a pill and snorted it before...I didn't know you could DO that LOL) or used cocaine, or crack. Strangely enough she didn't ask about alcohol though. But, that being said, I have talked to her a few years back that I thought about asking for antibuse, and used that I thought I was drinking too much to help self medicate for pain. Nothing really came of that appointment other that she said there were side effects involved, and to think about it, and come back if I was still interested. I ofcourse never persued it again.

        I am currently booked for a bone density test, and we are going to go from there...and some further CT scans for further up my really a work in progress trying to discover WHAT is causing this. Also on a waiting list for an appointment with an orthpeadic (sp?) surgeon.

        In the mean time, to avoid going on disability and keep working, we have worked diligently to find a medication that has a high enough degree of pain control so that I can work and still function. I am too young to curl up and die as it were.

        The crash you speak of means it is sort of a little "mini-withdrawl"??? Yikes, if that is the case, it IS a nasty pill feel like that in between doses.
        I just hope this doesn't end up being a "problem" for me. I definately don't need that shit. BUT the alternative is disability, which is just NOT enough money to live on, atleast not while I have young kids...I HAVE to keep it together owrking wise for at LEAST 10 more years.:upset:

        She doesn't think we can accomplish this without some sort of opiate.
        We have briefly spoken that if I am ever able to not need pain control meds, it will be a weaning process. I clearly stated I was nervous about it, but would follow any course of action required to "come off" any medications including a hospital, doctor supervised detox.

        We have been dealing with this for a few years, and I am happy to finially find something that works on the worst of the pain.

        Side effects though make me nervous, especially the addiction.
        Sea, you also mentioned constipation...WOW...BIG doctor finially recommended apo-lactulose two doses of 2 TBSP one in the morning one at night. Man that is ICKY stuff. Have you ever heard of that?

        SKendall...why don't they prescribe it any more? Why no refills? I have only been on them (the long release oxycontin) for three months, but the oxycodone has been only this past week. That is when I have sort of noticed the particular side effects I listed more accutely.

        Yeesh, nothing can never be cut and dry, or easy can it.

        How frustrating.

        Thank you both for your replys.

        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

          Yipes, I wrote a novel as a reply, sorry :H
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

            Oh Boy, do I know about I call it "motor oil". Nasty stuff. You are working with a doctor, which is great. You can be tapered off of opiates safely with your doctor's help when I time is right. In the meantime, I would explore other options. They can do epidurals, steroid injections, pain patches, and I am sure there are other things. I am no specialist. Believe me, I know that no one can live on disablility. Let me know if I can be of any further help.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

              Oxycontin and oxycodone are very similar as far as I am aware. I have been on on Oxycontin years ago for a nerve dying in my tooth and I found the side effects too difficult to deal with. What I know they are addictive. I couldn't stand taking any of them.


                oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

                Hi potato!
                Thanks for posting.
                My understanding is OxyContin is a slow release form of oxycodone...and the oxycodone prescription is a faster acting form of the medicine.
                You mention side effects you couldn't handle. What sort of side effects did you suffer?

                Thanks again for posting

                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

                  Horrible nightmares that I could not believe and constipation for starters. I also broke a rib about ten years ago and was also on heavy painkillers then. I just can't tolerate them at all. I also experienced the inability to think clearly at all when i was on them. Again, I must emphasize this was my experience. I avoid them .


                    oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

                    By the way. I n response to the quote. When I drink I am actually a very nice person who is happy and "over loves everyone". I don't dislike myself when I drink. I just drink too much sometimes and it is not good for my health.


                      oxycontin and/or oxycodone... INFO anyone???

                      bumping because my next post is going to involve me trying to get off these same meds....ugh
                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

