If you were to see signs of liver distress (yellowing eyes or skin, pale stools, dark urine, fatigue, etc...) I'd say stop immediately.
No announcement yet.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
BTW - did anyone here who got it online go have their liver function tested first?
If you were to see signs of liver distress (yellowing eyes or skin, pale stools, dark urine, fatigue, etc...) I'd say stop immediately.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Just a quick update --
The way I asked my Doc for the NAL was for cravings and he prescribed it with out question which shows exactly how little he understands the drug. He prescribed Friday and I paid about 40.00 for 30 pills. First night ( Friday ) was brutal. I started drinking before I took the drug mainly because I was waiting on the pharmacy and took the full dose ( 50mg ) and it made me very sick. I recommend starting on half or even a quarter dose ( I think others had recommended this on the site but I did not follow ) after recovering Saturday things went much better. Tonight Monday night on half dose things are going okay and my drinking seems to be less intense. What I mean by that is about a beer an hour which is good. I understand its to early to tell but I do feel better. I did get the book today and plan to read it and follow it exactly as recommend .
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Nealio -- I too took the full dose on the first day and had nausea/vomiting. I followed Eskapa's recommendation of half a dose the first two days and have been fine ever since.
Please remember that many of us experience diminished desire to drink the first few days on Naltrexone. This effect is fleeting and NOT part of the pharmalogical extinction process which is the purpose of the Sinclair Method (Eskapa, p. 117). We do not feel the process taking place over three to six months, as we feel that initial "honeymoon" period. Patience does not come easily to me, so I need to remind myself that I am healing even though there is little sign of it at this point. Support from others who are a few weeks into the Sinclair Method and beginning to notice changes is one purpose of this thread.
You're on your way! Keep coming back to share. -- Lena
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Just checking in. . .impatient for my River Pharmacy order to arrive. My S.O. (the sweetest man on earth!) is going to his doctor to ask for a prescription. Since I currently don't have insurance, thought I'd skip that for now.
Anybody hear of John Kanzius? He is to cancer treatment what Dr. Sinclair is to alcohol cure. You can find it on YouTube - and I think you'll be amazed.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
A month now. Reduction somedays, others I just don't know. Doc wants me to stop smoking and wrote a script for weelbutrin. Tried yesterday and today but just don't feel right with it. Thought about chantix and found there are a few clinical trials recruiting for nal and chantix...
Anyone use both? I tried chantix before for a few weeks and just didn't like how it made me feel after a few days. One thing about nal is other than mild headaches and lack of libido it doesn't make me feels nuts.
Might try adding 12.5 or 25mg of chantix, it's supposed to curb cravings too, which for me aren't gone yet..
The other night my head definitely wanted endorphins, I craved chocolate, potato chips, sweets, etc.. Guess my brain misses that endorphin high.. Can't wait til I can put some alcohol free days behind me and not take naltrexone for a week or more....
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
OMG - please don't tell me there is the lack of libido on nal...I am so worried about destroying all the good feelings I do have...I exercise regularly, have a healthy sex drive...years ago was on anti-depressants and hated the dull, zombie feeling/no feeling I had. I do NOT want to go there, but thinking if I must endure for a few months, to get beyond this...ok...but just still confused about what else is blocked while taking this.
So I understand the concept of putting a notice on your Dr. Lic., I'm down wid dat...but killing the good endorphs I get exercising, playing golf, playing with men...seriously. Does nal zap everything in its wake while in your system? And how long then, is it in your system...maybe I'm jumping ahead. I should worry about all this in 4-6 months, yes?? But seriously, I don't want to send all my pleasure receptors into extinction...PLease advise??
BTW - have found 2 other docs who are familiar with the SM & nal...just about to nail it down, I think. This is Prob #1..all the rest will fall into place, I figure if this cure really does work...just wondering about the rest.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Hi houtx -- I think you mentioned in previous posts you were reading and re-reading the book. Pop quiz!! What does Eskapa say about selective extinction and reinforcing positive endorphinogenic activities (such as sex)? Re-read that section and it will put your mind to rest.
Solice -- Please remember to have patience. Sinclair says, and Eskapa repeats, that three months is the minimum for permanent healing to occur. If you are noticing any progress at one month, that is great. Hang in there. You're well on your way.
Chantix, and studies of Chantix and naltrexone, are not part of the Sinclair Method. Since we keep it "Strictly Sinclair" on this thread, you won't find anything useful here. I'm pretty sure I've seen other threads that discuss Chantix.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
I have not posted for awhile. Have been tied up with a trade show. I am coming up on two weeks. The honeymoon is over and my drinking is back to normal. Besides starting Nal while I was on the road where my drinking is always sporadic, I did not know if the effect was Nal or simply the irregular hours I was keeping. (a cardinal rule in my profession is never enter a plant with alcohol on your breath)
Once I got home, I returned to my regualr pattern but my quantities are slightly less and I don't stay up as late drinking. I am not seeking any significant progress at this point. I just want to make to let the process work.
On the Sinclair Pod cast he does say that some people see behavioral changes in as little as seven days and I guess I am changing a little.
RV9 - you are the scout in front of the wagon train so we are turning to you to help us with our expectations. The other night I was pondering and started to think, what if I get to four or five months and nothing has changed?? Sinclair says it works for 80%. What if I am in the 20? Oh well, I am always the doubting one. But do give us some hints as to what we may see as time marches on.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Hey SR -- Yes I am waiting for results too. I don't want to be the watched pot that never boils but after 2 weeks I definitely see subtle changes. Last night I went to a movie w/ my daughter and "forgot" to be anxious about how I would make it through 2 hrs. in the evening w/o a drink. Once home, I thought about a glass of wine but somehow a cup of peppermint tea w/ her sounded more appealing and that's what I did. THIS IS NOT ME!! May not happen every day but it is real. I'll take "changing a little" as you said because it is a promising sign the method will work for me. Actually, the success rate is closer to 90% for those who COMPLY with the DRINKING+NALTREXONE=CURE formula. Ten percent don't comply with this essential component. Another 10% seem to not have the genetic makeup to be successful on Sinclair. This involves a combination of three factors including: no relative w/ history of addiction; absence of preference for sweets; AND rare anomaly in the individual's opiod receptor configuration (I'm paraphrasing so no Eskapa cite but this is an example of why we all need the book). We all secretly dread we might be among the unfortunate 10%. But from what I've read on this site (not counting us "Strictly Sinclairs") I sure see where the noncompliance factors in. People start on Naltrexone thinking they are doing Sinclair (INCLUDING MYSELF) and do not get the experience they expect, or think they are getting a result right away. That's why I started this thread. Despite the mountain of clinical trials, it is hard to keep faith when the results can't be felt and are so subtle and gradual. I try to remind myself it took twenty years to get here so I can invest three or four months in a method that has about 90-to-1 odds. Beats AA -- 5 or 10 in 100 make it after a year. And Sinclair is for life !! Keep sharing -- Lena
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Right on Lena, 10% stop or don't follow the process. I don't know about others here but I have to stop questioning my decision to do this. It's been about a month, I know there are subtle changes, but still drinking at my 'normal' level more often than not....
Endorphins are involved in a lot so, yea, my brains been trying a few things to try to get themChocolate is one but if this turns down my chocolate cravings when sober that's not all bad!!
And Hout, don't fret, the libido may be because there have been a couple days I took wellbutrin. I've been battling anxiety and depression a lot lately.. I hate how ant-d's affect me though so only take as a last resort.
Doc insists I have to quit smoking. Knowing me like I do, the thought of drinking and NOT smoking just doesn't register and I DO drink too much and can't control my intake, God I hope this works for me..
I have got to lose the thought (conviction) that an alcohol and cigarette free life is somehow bad..
Thanks everyone.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Well for what it's worth, the Sinclair method is helping me alot. I can't remember the last time I made a phone call I regret and I have no more blackouts and I always go to bed and remember going to bed. I just don't drink nearly the amounts I used to and it isn't easy actually impossible for me to drink to the levels I used to at all. Feb 6th is 4 months for me. Yes I was a bingy drinker but I am really happy with the many improvements in my life. Pretty much a mod now.
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
Solice;531713 wrote: I don't know about others here but I have to stop questioning my decision to do this.
Potato you are out there ahead of us in the long haul.
That's probably the main purpose of this thread: To encourage each other that it's worhtwhile to hang in there for the long haul as we follow the method Strictly Sinclair.
Keep sharing -- Lena
Strictly Sinclair Week 2
I really enjoy reading this thread & appreciate everyone's input. I am still trying to nail down an MD (psychiatric addiction specialist) to prescribe and getting closer...but again, I really don't want or need too much counseling. I know I'm bad!! LOL - in the meantime, I have an appt. w/ my gynecologist next week for bloodwork & well woman check-up. If I haven't had luck w/ anyone else, I will bring it up with her.
Solice, I tried Wellbutrin a few years ago to quit smoking and all it did was give me dry mouth. But it worked like a dream for my girlfriend - it was like a light switch going off, she said - after it kicked in, she just didn't feel like it anymore, plus felt better mood-wise! I was soooo disappointed...so who knows - we are all different! I've actually found quitting smoking easier than quitting my relationship w/ wine. But it finally came down to being grossly disgusted with it - waking up with a nicotine hangover in addition to the alcoholic one. When I decided to quit (3 yrs ago for the 3rd time - but this time for sure. No probs), I found success with Nicorette. But chew SLOWLY no matter what strength you go with. Otherwise you get terrible hiccups & heartburn. It had something to do with the other thing in my mouth at the same time I was sipping...sometimes I would suck on a straw at the same time too.
I experimented with the flavors, like the coated ones better, liked the mint and found it didn't interfere with the taste of my cocktail. I had my moments, but I was committed to quitting and being stink free and quite frankly, the scare of smoke-related health problems kept me going...I think you will be fine. I actually relied on Nicorette (or the Walgreen's brand) for over a year and finally got sick of that and just stopped. Started chewing regular gum for awhile but after a few days, I was done...tired of being addicted to all that shit and spending the money...You can do it! Try everything and don't give up on yourself! You are here b/c you want to make the necessary changes to be the best you can be. We all do. Hang in there and don't beat yourself up no matter what! Try not to be sad, lonely or worry about the future. What I like about AA is taking one day at a time...so hard, but so true.
Anxiety and depression are all part of being addicted, I'm afraid. Especially with alcohol. Who here has not gotten all mopey and woe-is-me or perhaps defiant and belligerant while drunk? All part of the anxiety and depression that caused us to drink and keeps us in the frustrating cycle. As we all know alcohol is a depressant. In spite of the second stage of feeling alert and not wanting to go to bed..then we crash and OMG...face the music the next day...ugh - sick of that part but want to be able to take it or leave it. Am so keeping my fingers crossed Naltrexone will work for all of us.
I'm sorry I get long-winded - but feel such a great kinship here and really looking forward to hearing everyone's progress & sharing my own as we go through this process together. Thanks for being here & cheers to all of you!