Zman -- You don't sound hysterical but perhaps a bit preoccupied with some small-odds potential catastrophes. I repeat: The sky is not falling.
Anyone starting TSM would say, "Wow, if I follow one simple rule (take naltrexone one hour before each time I drink) then there's a ninety percent chance I'll be cured."
bob3d over on our board takes benzos and is cured. Eskapa posted a couple of times about benzos not being helpful to TSM because they impair the body's ability to make its own GABA and alcohol is a GABA agonist. People wildly overreacted and started saying things like, "Oh great, I invested my hopes and my time and now he says it will not work for me." Eskapa never said that. He said it wouldn't help and could hamper TSM. We are finding anecdotally that benzo users are progressing at about the same rate as the non-benzo-users.
I never talked to Eskapa about the sweet tooth issue past mentioning it because it was of little to no concern to me. I did mention I had no family history of alcoholism and he mentioned there was a name for that but I forget what it is. It was probably all of two sentences because I did not consider it much of a big deal.
I am a moderator over at the TSM bb and no one deleted your post. I don't know what happened to it, but no one deleted it. I did delete the third time you posted the sweet tooth question on the same day but only because it was repetitive and we are a small board. I thought two posts was plenty.
These red herring issues like sugar and GABA do not merit a lot of hand wringing. If you don't want to do TSM that is entirely your choice but at the risk of repeating myself, it has a 90% success rate for the compliant. I'll take those odds over AA any day, plus I get to use the word "cured."