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How do I know if Campral works

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    How do I know if Campral works

    I started Campral after one day sober. Everytime I stop drinking I feel like I got hit by a truck for months. Muscles ache, cannot concentrate, agitated, terrible dreams and severe fatigue. I tried anti depressants, anti anxiety drugs etc. Nothing works only drinking. When I start to drink the day after having alot of beers I feel good. I little jittery but my energy level is normal. I'm normal. Will Campral alleviate this horrendous feeling I get when I stop drinking because I feel if it doesn't work I will definitely drink again. I am on my third day with Campral and feel terrible.

    How do I know if Campral works

    You have to give the Campral a chance to work. If you can go 7-10 days without drinking, the Campral will have a chance to build up in your system. I found that I'm not jittery or anxious feeling. I'm also very relaxed. But if you drink while taking the Campral, there's no sense in taking it. Also, make sure you take it the way your doc prescribed it. For me it's 2 tablets 3x a day. Give it a try! You can always go back to drinking after 10 days if it's not working.

    AF since 1/2009


      How do I know if Campral works


      Thanks for your input. I'm going on day four of Campral day five AF. Trying to hang in there.


        How do I know if Campral works


        I didn't really have a lot of symptoms after going AF, and I drank heavily. But my hubby has a bad headache in the morning. I am on Campral and on AF day 17. I don't know if it helps, but my hubby is not taking it and I have had to talk him out of going to get something to drink a couple of times. I have not had but a passing thought about it due to Campral? I don't know. But something's working and hell, I already paid for them why not try all the help you can get?

        Hang in their hon, it really will get better!:l


          How do I know if Campral works

          I know it's not nice, but it does help 'me' to hear of someone else who feels absolutely shite for weeks after going AF. Everyone else seems to be 'tip top' and energised after one to two weeks.
          As for campral, I took it, but still drank on it rendering it useless. I am now on antabuse and day 12


          Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


            How do I know if Campral works

            Re feeling like shite

            No problem. Your not being mean your being honest and I respect that. I believe if anyone is truly dependent on alcohol it is holy FN hell to come off of. That is just my experience and opinion. If your feeling great after a few days or weeks I don't think that person has a problem. If I felt better today I would probably say to myself that I can drink. Thats why I stopped going to AA meetings because I would walk in feeling like I wanted to throw a chair at someone and everyone had smiles on their faces like they hit the lottery or something. I lived to drink. It came before sex. I'm just being honest. Anyway, how long were you on Campral before you stopped.

