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    Can anyone give me some insight regarding Topamax? Specifically, ordering from a Canadian pharmacy online. I've never done this before and being that it's a prescription drug they ask for a Doctor's name and note that you WILL need a prescription. Is this true? Do the reputable ones actually check? I know you can get it without a script from the sleezy overseas pharmacies, but do you really know what you're getting? Any suggestions and/or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated. I tried Naltrexone and it didn't work for me and I don't know how easy it is to obtain a script here in the US.


    I ordered from River Phamacy in Canada. They did not need a script or dr's name. You can find their link on the home page under store. It does take a few weeks to get however, it seems very legit. I have been a bit apprehensive about going to my doctor here and asking her to perscribe it so for now I will keep getting it from Canada. Follow the dosage chart carefully and check in here with any questions and you should be fine. I am in my 2nd week on it and have noticed some tingling in hands and toes and a slight diminish in cravings. I can't wait to get up tp 100mg and see how I feel then. Keep in touch and let me know how it goes for you,



      Hi Alex,
      I also ordered from River. I too like, DMB, am on week 2.
      I read Paddy's thread...its old but a lot of info... and there are some that are doing the topa now.
      I enjoyed the book, this site, the supps, and the CDs.
      It is scary to go thru insurance but it is also scary not to have a knowledgeable doc in your corner...
      I struggled with this for quite some time.
      Let us know how you're doing.

