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Strictly Sinclair Week 3

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    Strictly Sinclair Week 3

    Here is the latest list of research that supports, directly or indirectly, the Sinclair Method: Naltrexone Studies Dec 14, 2008
    I couldn't get this file to open. . .


      Strictly Sinclair Week 3

      Hmm.. 20+ drinks saturday from 1 to midnight, 7-8, maybe 9 yesterday starting around 3. So far had 2 about 3 hours ago. Not really 'craving' but do want to crack a beer or two or three when I get home in and hour... week 5? Hope to see some real results begin to happen soon......
      Looking at the chart at Contral Clinics it would seem that a noticable drop may begin to happen in the next week or so....


        Strictly Sinclair Week 3

        Solice;536408 wrote: Hmm.. 20+ drinks saturday from 1 to midnight, 7-8, maybe 9 yesterday starting around 3. So far had 2 about 3 hours ago. Not really 'craving' but do want to crack a beer or two or three when I get home in and hour... week 5? Hope to see some real results begin to happen soon......
        Looking at the chart at Contral Clinics it would seem that a noticable drop may begin to happen in the next week or so....
        Don't worry about it & just keep on going. Within a month or so you should start seeing something. I wouldn't expect it to be having any noticable effect right now. Stay the course!


          Strictly Sinclair Week 3

          Thands to all for sharing!
          SR- wow! Your experiences over the past few days give me (and I'm sure others) so much hope.
          Rough few days... Naltrexone+alcohol= CURE!!! I understand how you're feeling dicsouraged. Please keep on keepin' on!

          Day 5. Not sure what's going on, but I am drinking less. My head says I want more, but my body says, "no". Probably the honeymoon effect. BUT, since I've made this commitment, I'm even feeling guilty about my reduced drinking. Got some exercise, today. Felt great. I live in N. Ohio and it's cold, snowy. and not conducive to outdoor activities.

          I've been tuning into some other threads and have read SR's and RV9's VERY informed and intelligent conversations regarding the Sinclair method. I too have questions. I'm not a psychologist, but the theories cross over into education (learned behaviors...). I'm a professor of education and the learning theories that Sinclair and Eskapa espouse are SO outdated in the academic education field. I battle with this. The SM makes so much sense to me as an alcoholic (obviously... I'm practicing it!), but as an educator of educators. I feel that people are so much more complex than any behaviorist viewpoint can account for. So much more goes into how people learn (and unlearn) behaviors. Maybe, just maybe, alcohoism is purely physiological.... In that case, maybe a pharmacological cure really does work. I'm playing all of my cards on this theory.

          I LOVE the intellectual debate, nonetheless.

          Keep posting! We are all in this experiment together, albeit at slightly different stages. While the studies say therapy isn't necessary, knowing how others are doing and sharing our own experiences seems to be helping many of us. SUPPORT! What a cool thing!



            Strictly Sinclair Week 3

            Hi Vicmatoria. You're in exactly the same place as I am with the Naltrexone, it seems. I'm on day five, and last night I had four glasses of wine and one very short Crown Royal on ice - about half of my usual consumption, and I simply didn't want any more. My DH (I say DH, tho we're not married - 'partner' seems too cold, though he is the best one I've ever had), had four beers - his usual on a worknight. We've both started to work out on the treadmill, and I'm back to some simple yoga. This morning I was steady enough in my body and mind to have a nice meditation. Though it's very early in the game, all this feels great! This alcohol thing has been spiraling out of control, and the rest of my life has been in shambles, too. Though the other circumstances aren't directly related to alcohol, I think we need to be in balance with positive energy if we want positive things to occur in our lives. I just got too out of touch. . .alcohol addiction is a devious thing. . .

            This forum is cool. My hope is to enjoy a real cure from alcoholism. . .and then spread the good news about it as widely as possible. Since work very much in the public eye, and am a natural motivator, I hope my recovery - when I go public - will be an encouragement for others.

            Has anyone else here noticed that, among alcoholics, there seems to be a higher than average percentage of people who are charming, intelligent, creative, and good-hearted? That's why the AA message about all of us being selfish and self-centered just never resonated with me. . .it makes alcoholism a moral issue, or character flaw. However, the organization has certainly saved many lives!


              Strictly Sinclair Week 3

              Last night was another good night. Two Vodka matinis(doubles) and I went to bed. It just knocked me out.

              RV - you talked about getting plasted at the funeral. The way I see it, Nal will not stop our drinknig, but simply curb our cravings. I would not be surprised if a lot of non-alcoholics drank excessively at funerals. Isn't that what funerals are about? Driniking, Eating and crying?

              At best, i expect to end up a non-addict. Not a monk.


                Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                Good Morning all --
                rv9 --I'm going to remember to order my Naltrexone refill early!!

                Vic -- Once you have received the book, many of your questions will be answered. Eskapa refers to "learning" only in the neurological sense: the reinforcement of neural pathways. Sadly, that first diminished desire for alcohol only lasts a few days for most of us. We cannot "feel" the weakening of the neural pathways taking place over three or four months' time. This is the essence of the "cure": Restoring the pathway that has become a superhighway back to its pre-addicted state of a one-lane country road (Eskapa at 33). I still enjoyed those first days on Naltrexone as a little preview of what's in store for me in the future. That's why I'm so grateful to you and the others on this thread for being willing to share and offer support and encouragement to stay with the Sinclair Method.

                Going4more, you're so lucky to be doing this with a loved one! I was going to ask what DH meant but I think I get it from your last post. I'm not always up on these internet shorthand things.

                Take care all -- Lena


                  Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                  Nobody on tonight?? I'm feeling pain in what I think is my liver. never had this before..


                    Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                    G4M: IMO, there are alkies in every walk of life. I don't think the quoted percentages are right on any chart out there... There are "functioning" alcoholics, which sounds like many of us here are, as are many of my friends on different to go about our jobs & lives in varying degrees of success...then there are the ones who are worse off than we are...lots of levels. Lots of ways we handle the long run it's a spiral downward, as we all know and are trying to overcome. I, too, feel like I've found a "Kumbayah" association here. LOL Let's bond around the campfire/computer with a nice toddy/medicine and wish upon the's very cool.

                    I love the stories...and share the worries and concerns( Solice). Look forward everyday to see what the dailiness of our lives are. Keep posting.

                    Tomorrow I go to my gyn. for blood work and usual check-up. I also have an appt w/ a shrink on Fri. who knows of the SM & prescribes Nal. I am looking forward to it...except hoping the guy will understand I don't need therapy, just the 'scrip. Will let you know. Cheers!


                      Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                      IMO, there are alkies in every walk of life. I don't think the quoted percentages are right on any chart out there... There are "functioning" alcoholics, which sounds like many of us here are, as are many of my friends on different to go about our jobs & lives in varying degrees of success...then there are the ones who are worse off than we are...lots of levels. Lots of ways we handle the long run it's a spiral downward, as we all know and are trying to overcome. I, too, feel like I've found a "Kumbayah" association here. LOL Let's bond around the campfire/computer with a nice toddy/medicine and wish upon the's very cool.

                      I love the stories...and share the worries and concerns( Solice). Look forward everyday to see what the dailiness of our lives are. Keep posting.

                      Tomorrow I go to my gyn. for blood work and usual check-up. I also have an appt w/ a shrink on Fri. who knows of the SM & prescribes Nal. I am looking forward to it...except hoping the guy will understand I don't need therapy, just the 'scrip. Will let you know. Cheers!


                        Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                        hmmm - don't know why I duplicated. Said was not logged on & got a mssg to retry in 10 seconds...


                          Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                          Solice;537387 wrote: Nobody on tonight?? I'm feeling pain in what I think is my liver. never had this before..

                          I'm just getting aquainted w/ everyone's stories and history and don't recall if you got your Nal with or without a prescription.

                          (VIC'S DISCLAIMER: I am NOT encouraging you to continue with something that may be hurting you. You REALLY should see an MD if you are feeling uncomfortable. I'm just sharing with you that I have the same fears, but that I am willing to risk it. DO NOT RISK IT IF YOU FEEL THAT YOUR HEALTH IS COMPROMISED.)

                          Anyway, I bypassed the MD and ordered online w/o a scrip. I, too have worries about my liver. I do feel sonething in my upper-right quadrant of my abdomen sometimes. It is not really pain, but more like pressure or discomfort. Sometimes it lasts for days and other times it is fleeting or not there at all. I get really worried at times and other times I'm able to tell myself that it is all in my head and that I'm conjuring it up due to knowing how unhealthy my drinking behaviors are. Then, magically, the discomfort disappears.

                          I guess neither you nor I will know what's going on w/ our livers until we go have bloodwork and liver function tests done.

                          I'm not a natural gambler, but I find myself rolling the dice in this circumstance. I figure I've already physically hurt myself for many years w/ alcohol, so how can 3-5 more months make much difference....

                          Besides, if I were told that I wasn't a candidate for Naltrexone at this point, when it IS giving me some hope of navigating away from this alcohol nightmare, would NOT be an option for me.

                          Please keep us updated! We are all rooting for each other on this thread and it is becoming apparent that we are all concerned with how the others are doing.



                            Strictly Sinclair Week 3


                            Good to hear from you. How's it going?

                            Thanks for helping us focus on staying "strictly" Sinclair!!

                            What have your past few days been like?



                              Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                              Joining the Strictly Sinclair Group

                              I am just climbing on board today with this group.

                              I started reading posts related to this forum about a week ago. Last night, I listened to Dr. Sinclair's podcast. Today I bought Dr. Sinclairs book and put in an order for Naltexon.

                              Tonight, 3 bottles of wine. A typical night. This is my baseline.

                              I pray to God it gets better from here. I will report my progress openly an honestly from the day I receive the Naltrexon.

                              Day 1, minus ????

                              SpringerRider, I'm chasing you man and only hope I have the results you are having.



                                Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                                yo rider,im not on any drugs,to prevent me from drinking,i stopped for ten months,oct 07 to aug 08 1st 4 months on my own,5th month with help from treatment,only cause i was forced,next 5 months on my own,other then this site,im at a bit of a loss, doctors are treating heavy drinkers with a drug to curb there drinking,i did read your post the other day, im not an intellect like many,ive just drank many years,39 in all,off and on,the symptoms from alcohol we bring on our selves,why in heavens name would you use a drug,to stop,matter in fact what doctors in there rt mind would ever suggest it,if you cant just stop you have a problem,some people just cant drink,doesnt take a scientist to figure that out,as far as the shrink giving out a prescription ,that's his rt,that's why they went to school so many years,i do believe as a doctor said so many years ago theres no cure,other then just dont drink,gyco ps i did not rt this to offend anyone its just my opinion

