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Strictly Sinclair Week 3

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    Strictly Sinclair Week 3

    patience . . . .

    Welcome, Q! Glad you're joining us on this thread.

    Those of us with insufficient time to see real results yet need to remind each other that to the formula DRINKING + NALTREXONE = CURE, we must also add PATIENCE. Significant results take a minimum of three months.

    I must confess I have been remiss in keeping my drinking diary. Eskapa said he strongly encourages it although the rats did okay without keeping diaries. I am definitely noticing subtle changes; just a reduced preoccupation with alcohol.

    Have a great day all -- Lena


      Strictly Sinclair Week 3

      Last night was another good night. I took Nal arounf 5 PM and poured myself a double martini around 7 PM. It took me an hour and half to drink it. Then I made another and finished after South Park and went ot bed at 10PM. I am not using will-power or trying to restrain myslef in any way. I actually intended to "drink a little more" and that is why I took the Nal earlier than usual.

      One of my "strong triggers" is problem solving. You known, one of those problems that once solved, you run around High-Five'ing. It used to be, "now lets go celebrate with a drink" which woudl go to 2 AM. I had one of those "stoked up" occasions yesterday so I took the Nal, expecting to indulge right after work. But after pouring the first drink, the urge subsided.

      I think I am identifying triggers and shooting them down on sight.

      Gyco - I have had several dry ups. I had 12 yrs. sober in AA. Last year while dieting, I went dry for a couple of months. But the desire to drink was always like a pebble in my shoe. I cannot speak for you. You may go to the grave without ever touching a drop of alcohol. With Nal, it appears that I will not have to contend with the craving. If I choose to drink, I will not be turning on the "craving machine". Whether alcohol addiction is curable is now under question. Maybe, just maybe, the world might not be flat.

      But I want ot stronly emphasize for you, if you are happy with your sobriety then the Sinclair method IS NOT for you. Enjoy what you have. Extend that curtiscy to others.


        Strictly Sinclair Week 3

        Hi All, In 2 days, Feb 6th. I will have taken my Nal one hour before any alcohol for 4 months. I started Oct 6th. I may not be all that applicable here because for me that amounts to 10 pills a month but I can tell you I am estatic about my improvements. I have been getting better since mid December. The last time I can recall getting plastered is in the beginning of December/08. If my results translate for daily users or former daily users then it is positive. It has and is working very well for me. Good luck all!


          Strictly Sinclair Week 3

          potato;537836 wrote: Hi All, In 2 days, Feb 6th. I will have taken my Nal one hour before any alcohol for 4 months. I started Oct 6th. I may not be all that applicable here because for me that amounts to 10 pills a month but I can tell you I am ecstatic about my improvements. I have been getting better since mid December. The last time I can recall getting plastered is in the beginning of December/08. If my results translate for daily users or former daily users then it is positive. It has and is working very well for me. Good luck all!
          How can you say that may not be applicable!? The end game is to be able to drink when you want and not drink when you don't want. I, like you, am nearing that stage and it seems to be coming much quicker than I expected. I would like to say that I was not in "as deep" as many others before I started Naltrexone but that is not the case.

          The night I ordered Eskapa's book, I poured a quart of gin down the sink. I went on line and ordered it and had it shipped overnight. Actually, I was disappointed with it at first - as soon as I saw I needed to take a drug. I wanted to get sober without returning to AA. I thought I could read some secret and never drink again.

          I had been sober for 12 years and in that 12 years I went from unemployed to a 6 figure income and truly on top of my game. I had started and sold two business's, brought two beautiful girls into the world, and picked up a graduate degree in my field. I bought a house and most recently, of course, a Harley. My beautiful wife has stayed by my side all the way.

          In 2005, I had a few drinks while in Mexico with our salesmen and it slowly crept up to a half quart/day habit. I used to be only a beer drinker. Out of shame, I start drinking around 9 PM, after the girls are in bed, and pass out on the couch. I had been missing work and with all the cut backs, I feared I would end up on the short list because of lateness, absenteeism, half drunk at work, etc. I was even going to go to AA in the next town (pride issues).

          I skimmed read the book when I got it, took a day off from work and went to my MD and told him to prescribe Naltrexone. He didn't know what it was so I gave him the book. I drove straight to the Rx and took half the tablet there.

          The rest, as they say, is history.

          But like you, I have been doing exceptionally well. I have always been one that could go on dry-outs for up to a month but I do not believe I am riding a pink cloud. My internal awareness is very attuned and I know when I am whistling in the dark. This is much different. What I am experiencing is true progress and significant at that. It seems you have done the same. The fact that I have had a background in psych may help but as Sinclair says, “those rats never listened to a word I said”. Cheep, cheep.

          Don't be dismissive. All our journeys will differ. I am not in a race. Enjoy what you have found and thank you for sharing it with us.


            Strictly Sinclair Week 3

            Hi SR, Thanks for your comments. I was not trying to come across as dismissive at all. I am thrilled with my progress. The not applicable part was just because I was never a daily drinker so I meant that my results may be different than for daily drinkers. I am not sure if my results are at the same rate. For example, maybe it may take longer than the 4 months for me. I'm not sure but I love the book and my life is soo much better because of the method.


              Strictly Sinclair Week 3

              I saw your answer to this. What were your first 3 weeks on Nal like? I'm not seeing a difference and am getting worried. I take Nal religiously before drinking (pretty much everyday-had 2 days off this weekend-not rare after a real bender) but I'm still craving like always and looking for that fuzzy buzz every night. I promise I will stay the course but I'm feeling really defeated right now.


                Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                I am sitting here in my family room watching TV. I took Nal about two hours ago. I wanted to take it at work but I forgot to put one in my wallet. If I had, my intention would have been to pick up a 24oz. Coors Lite and drink it on the drive home(ya, I do that).

                So I waited until I got home and took my pill. I waited the hour, almost two, and I lost the desire to drink. I did mix my martini and will sip it for the next couple of hours. Drink + Nal = Cure. But there isn't much interest in doing so.

                The same thing happened yesterday but I did have the Nal at work. I took it about 4:15 with the intention of buying the beer during the ride but by the time I left work, I lost interest.

                Now here is what I think. I think I trigger the endorphin release when I think(plan) drinking and that triggers the craving. When I take the Nal, I short circuit the process, without even the drink.


                  Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                  wxyz;538263 wrote: I take Nal religiously before drinking (pretty much everyday-had 2 days off this weekend-not rare after a real bender) but I'm still craving like always and looking for that fuzzy buzz every night. I promise I will stay the course but I'm feeling really defeated right now.
                  The first week, I was in travel status and I barely had the chance to drink. I took Nal on the first and fifth night. That was the only time I drank.

                  But I have taken nearly every night since. I drank pretty regular up until this last weekend. A couple of times pretty heavy but since Saturday, I have noticed a real loss of desire (and drinking).

                  If you look back at my posts, you will find where I was questioining my progress too.

                  I wouldn't try to compare too closely. Just as we all drank differently, we will most likely recover differently. And to be honest, I may go on a bender tomorrow. And you know what? I will just accept it for that is what the Sinclair method is all about.

                  We are to let ourselves drink natually as long as WE ARE ON NAL.

                  As long as you are drinking on Nal and not endangering yourself or others, you are doing it right. I am confident that the process is happening under the radar screen and will surprise you all at once.

                  Take care.


                    Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                    wxyz. You have to take nal one hour before you drink. It doesn't matter when or where or why. You just follow the formula. It seems simple enough. I've done it long enough to know it works but you have to do it. No slips. No mistakes . No second guesses.


                      Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                      I am absolutely religious about taking Nal 1 hr before- NO MATTER WHAT : )
                      I Sooooooo want to kick drinking. I have promised myself that no matter what (whether I see results or not) I WILL take Nal for 4 straight months. I have NOTHING to lose at this point.
                      Thank you so much for responding to my post. I can't tell you how much it means to me right now.


                        Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                        Thank you for your response. I have read your last posts and I'm grateful for your honesty (that goes for everyone who post here!) I guess we do have different drinking habits so I can't compare but it's still really great to hear what you've been experiencing. Thanks so much!


                          Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                          Potato! So happy for you! I've learned a lot from following you on your journey. Thanks for being willing to share. My kitchen timer is about to go off (one more thing I learned from you) so I'm outta here but tomorrow's another day. Best to all -- Lena


                            Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                            Hi all. Yep, md prescribed. nal dr closed today but went to normal doc who doesn't know much about nal. knows I'm taking it and drinking though. I'm pretty honest with him, been seeing for years.. Had blood work done today, results fri-sat. will see him sat am. calling nal dr tomorrow morning. Definitely in area of liver and last night's was after a few whiskeys , which was after a few beers. been feeling this for a few days but last night got pretty painful. wasn't going to take any nal and try not to drink but such a wreck right now,lots of stressors in life to say the least. home alone tonight working. took half/25mg before and got a six of mgd 64. half way thru 2nd. hope I can get to sleep ok tonight. still have a bit of pain... figured I'm still de-programming tho.. maybe try to not drink tomorrow and friday, cravings are definitely down.. that is progress!


                              Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                              SpringerRider -
                              You are my hero. Love reading your posts - now where is that Rv9?? He is the one who speaks to the Dali Lama!! LOL - I'm kiddingly elevating Dr. Sinclair, but...well, almost truly...

                              Of course, I enjoy reading everyone else's posts too - but appreciate yours very much. Thx for your personal history and all - like hearing the stories! It's exciting & encouraging to witness all the progress.


                                Strictly Sinclair Week 3

                                Just do it. Take your Nal one hour before you drink. Beyond that don't think too much. People are over thinking things. Believe me it is simple and it just works on it's own. Don't get lost in debates etc. It just works for me and that is what is important.

