What????? I'm not at all sure what you mean, SR. I never suggested anyone drink to do Sinclair. I was talking about active drinkers: ". . . . drink as you normally do." You KNOW I have repeatedly said the Sinclair Method is not for those who are abstinent.
No announcement yet.
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
What????? I'm not at all sure what you mean, SR. I never suggested anyone drink to do Sinclair. I was talking about active drinkers: ". . . . drink as you normally do." You KNOW I have repeatedly said the Sinclair Method is not for those who are abstinent.
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
lenaleed;551952 wrote: What????? I'm not at all sure what you mean, SR. I never suggested anyone drink to do Sinclair. I was talking about active drinkers: ". . . . drink as you normally do." You KNOW I have repeatedly said the Sinclair Method is not for those who are abstinent.
Sometimes I get a little quick to draw the gun and dress people down when I feel too rightious about a particular issue and I shoud not do that. But I do know that you have a crystal clear understanding of the prionciples of the Sinclair Method and often defer to you. Forgive me if I spilled my soup (on you).
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Okey dokey, Springer, we're all good. It might have been me who jumped the gun bro. Our posts may have crossed paths. Let's use this as a teachable moment. Now that we have everyone's attention: No one (including Going4More) is suggesting that anyone give up abstinence to do Sinclair. It wouldn't make sense. If you can be abstinent you do not need Sinclair.
-- Lena
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
I was not taking Nal (nor drinking) while on the painkillers. I am off the painkillers now and last night had a glass of wine (and Nal one hour prior as always). I have come to the realization that I am an unusual case as the Sinclair Method has worked for me since day one. I don't even think about it anymore but when I do, it's absolutely incredible that the biggest problem plaguing my life is now well managed and hardly even a problem anymore. I am already feeling healthy and I'm working out everyday now. I am still eager to learn and to stay active in MWO forums to give/get support from all my pals here.
I wish everyone the best in their progress, whichever method they choose. I believe the most important thing to realize is that there are options and no one therapy will work for everyone. If you are not successful with your chosen method, by all means try something else but just know that you absolutely can get a grip on your life with the right assistance, whatever works for you.
xo John
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
JohnR;552301 wrote: I was not taking Nal (nor drinking) while on the painkillers. I am off the painkillers now and last night had a glass of wine (and Nal one hour prior as always). I have come to the realization that I am an unusual case as the Sinclair Method has worked for me since day one. I don't even think about it anymore but when I do, it's absolutely incredible that the biggest problem plaguing my life is now well managed and hardly even a problem anymore. I am already feeling healthy and I'm working out everyday now. I am still eager to learn and to stay active in MWO forums to give/get support from all my pals here.
I wish everyone the best in their progress, whichever method they choose. I believe the most important thing to realize is that there are options and no one therapy will work for everyone. If you are not successful with your chosen method, by all means try something else but just know that you absolutely can get a grip on your life with the right assistance, whatever works for you.
xo John
I was just wondering John, if you find after a few drinks it becomes quite disgusting? I mean it doesn't actually taste bad as such, mine doesn't really taste of anything, but you have trouble getting it down? I am finding myself grimacing trying to swallow it.
Or do you 'just not fancy it?'
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
hi lena,s rider ,marbs and john,glad the mehtod you choose,is doing you well,i thot the best spot to go to was the end,cause this a contious thread ,im hoping youll all be here in 4 to 8 months,and will see how your doing,ive read up on the drug,it sounds likemany doctors are getting on the band wagon,im also under the understand ing it comes in 2 other names depade and rivia, john im curious,you seem to have used this method for a while ,it also seems like it is working for you quite well,do you drink cause of habit,i no when i stopped smoking 30 years a go,for years after i stopped i kept reaching for a smoke,do feel this drug will eventually be stopped and all will be well, gyco
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Good Morning Gyco -- Thanks for dropping by. While we wait to hear from John, I thought I'd chime in with my own two cents.
I started the Sinclair Method at the same time as John: nearly six weeks ago. So we haven't been doing naltrexone very long. I envy the result John has. He seems to have lost interest in alcohol quickly. I'm more like most people, after the first week, when I didn't want to drink much, my drinking went back up. I am now seeing very gradual results. For permanently restoring the brain it takes at least three to four months.
The big difference between Sinclair and other alcohol addiction treatment is that you permanently lose the obsession with drinking. No more fighting cravings, or wondering if the next binge is just around the corner. So no, it is not like always wanting a cig after quitting.
If we do drink, we always take naltrexone first, for the rest of our lives. It's no big deal because there are no side effects at all after the first couple of times you take it. As RV9 says, taking naltrexone is easy,easy,easy. It just keeps our brain from re-connecting that "gotta have it" addiction wire again after it has been disconnected. And, we won't take it very often because we won't be drinking very often, if at all.
Dr. Sinclair followed a group of his patients for three years and their average drinking was nine drinks per week! When drinking is at normal levels, patients say they can actually truly enjoy a glass of fine wine for the first time in years.
We all promise to stick around and update our progress. Have you had any luck getting on the other site? I'm bad at making links. Try copying and pasting this in your browser: thesinclairmethod.com
Take care, Lena
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Well put Lena. Since I have been on Nal, I have definitely lost the obsession with drinking which, for me, equates to no excess and no hangover. When I first started it, I noticed that wine did taste different but now I can taste it and enjoy it. Six weeks after starting, I am still at one or two glasses instead of one or two bottles. I wake up feeling great and with no regrets. That is well worth taking nal when I drink. Finally, I can hang out with friends and have a couple without going overboard and always being the "drunk guy"!
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Hi All. The last few weeks I was going pretty nuts.. I've been taking Nal and drinking, had some reduction but when I had whiskey, yea, right to 10-15 a night.. I NEEDED to stop!
Decided wednesday night, after 5 beers I needed a few AF and Nal free days. Thursday was tough early, but having decided I 'WANTED' to stop, I made it. Today I really didn't crave. If I do drink I will surely take nal first but I want to get atleast a few days, maybe even 7 or 30, alcohol free and I'm interested to see what happens over the next few days.
Yesterday I had some cravings and took some ativan on advice of Dr. He also gave me b12/b-multi shot, I told him I wanted to not drink, he knew how much I drank and precribed ativan to help with withdrawals. Today I didn't need it. Literally today, a multivitamin, 1 l-glut and hopefully I'll fall asleep without anything and yes, there's a six pack in the fridge if I really want one..
I have so many stressors, house in forclosure, post divorce motion on monday, long term relationship shot to sh*t, but today I didn't WANT to drink. I was about 8 weeks drinking on nal and the hardest part was just not drinking that first day.
I wonder, If I do not drink or take nal few a few days, will it be like that 'honeymoon' period? Will I only be able to have a few and not want anymore?? Well, Like I said, I want more than a few alcohol and nal free days so I'm in no rush to find out....
They say it takes a day or two to feel the endorphins again, well, so far not really. I plan to do a little weights tomorrow and maybe a long walk so we'll see! Hmmm, maybe I'll get lucky and find someone to explore other endorphin releasing methods
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Hi Phil
When I went to the doctor, I had planned on telling him I wanted to follow the Sinclair method, but when I got there he did not even know what naltrexone was and had to look it up- he was trying to give me Antabuse- I then just let him think I was wanting it as an anti-craving med for which it is normally prescribed. I had a feeling if I had told him I planned on drinking with it, he would have not have given me it, as he did not know what it was and would have wanted to cover his own back.
I know some of the guys here have told their doctor they are following the Sinclair Method, and others have done what I did, and others just order it online.
On the Sinclair Method Forum we are trying to build a small directory of Sinclair Method friendly doctors!
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
I have been on Nal for about 3 months and following Sinclair for over 7 weeks. I have not had ill effects from the meds or from drinking. Still drink my regular amount of 4-6 drinks per day. Sometimes I get by with 2 glasses of wine. I take Nal every day.
My doctor prescribed it when I told her I was having trouble cutting back on my alcohol intake and wanted to be free to make a choice rather than have a craving.
She wrote the prescription after seeing my blood work. She wanted to check liver function first and since all was OK she wrote it immediately. She told me to take it daily. I told her I didn't want to trade one addiction for another so I was hoping I wouldn't have to take it more than a few months.
She suggested taking it every day even when I was in the early honeymoon stage. She will see me again after 4 months on it and we will talk again. She was never under the impression that I was planning abstinence forever but only that I was aware I needed to cut back.
She didn't mention Sinclair but I suspect she knows more than she told me about the meds. I will ask her next time. I feel grateful to have her as a physician after hearing how others have to get their prescriptions.
I keep up with you guys every day but just don't feel that I have had much to say since all I do is take my meds and drink my usual. The good part is no hangovers or embarrassing bloopers. Still looking forward to the days that I don't start looking forward to 5 o'clock just to have a drink. I am hoping this works and will be part of the group who is willing to share as I go along. The best to all of you.
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
Hi Angelfood, your doctor sounds pretty cool- I would prefer to do this under a doctor but am not too bothered about going it alone either.
angelfood;554238 wrote:
I keep up with you guys every day but just don't feel that I have had much to say since all I do is take my meds and drink my usual. .but it is great to have some folk on board who have been at this longer!
Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right
cpn1004;554109 wrote: You folks taking Naltrexone, was your doctor cool with the idea and write the scrip for you?
Thanks for any info,
On my second request, he wrote me a script for 3 refills.
We did talk on my second visit about progress. He was impressed and said, he might know someone else who could use this treatment.
I would expect the best you would hope for a doctor to tell you in this age of litigation is, "if you choose to drink, take Naltrexone one hour before". In that way, they are not telling you to drink.