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Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

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    Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

    Abielle;549020 wrote: I have recently started to take Naltrexone, around the first of the year.
    I take it every day, an I am thinking that maybe I have noticed a difference?
    Just not sure yet.
    I have recently read about an extended release version, and was wondering if anyone has tried that?
    Hi Abielle and Welcome!

    Are you taking Naltrexone as an anti-craving medication and not drinking with it, or are you doing the Sinclair method and drinking with it?

    I am not sure what you mean by an extended release version, is it possible you are talking of Vivitrol, an injectable form of naltrexone which lasts around a month per injection?


      Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

      Abielle;549020 wrote: I have recently started to take Naltrexone, around the first of the year.
      I take it every day, an I am thinking that maybe I have noticed a difference?
      Just not sure yet.
      I have recently read about an extended release version, and was wondering if anyone has tried that?
      Are you interested in the Sinclair Method? If so, read Eskapa's book or at least study the information in these many threads, including the Podcast by Dr. David Sinclair on Shrink-wrap radio.

      I started in mid-January and have noticed a significant difference but I am strictly on teh Sinclair Method.

      Naltrexone is for targeted addiction extinction. It has a poor record (no better than placebo) for those trying to maintain abstinence. I won?t go into any more detail for I would prefer you do the research on your own. But to drench yourself in Naltrexone is not the preferred protocol.


        Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

        Thanks for dropping by, Abbielle! Simply taking naltrexone is not the same thing as following the Sinclair Method. I have a fairly long post on this thread that summarizes the Sinclair Method. There is a ton of information on

        The only extended-release naltrexone I am aware of is the Vivitrol injection that lasts up to thirty days. That is not practical for those of us doing Sinclair, because it is important that we not take our naltrexone on days we do not drink.

        Karl, I think you'll find answers to all the questions you have asked elsewhere on this thread or over at

        Take care all -- Lena



          Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

          We are all one, in spirit

          SpringerRider;548585 wrote: Good metaphor.
          BTW - are you one of us? Don't remember talking with you. Glad to meet you either way.
          Hi SpringerRider, I'm cyclefan not because I ride but because I follow the sport of professional cycling. I am not following the Sinclair Method. I did the MWO method exactly as RJ describes in her book (Topamax, hypnotherapy CD's, supplements, and exercise), except that I was AF for 65 days instead of her recommended 30. Now I am moderating my drinking. Since mid January I have had on average 3-5 oz of spirits and one-two glasses of wine/week. This suits me perfectly for now but I am ever vigilant. Most days anymore I don't even think about drinking.

          I've been following the Sinclair discussion since Lenaleed first started posting about it here. I come from a long line of alcoholics, in addition I have a step brother who is battling his alcohol addiction with miserable results. I would like to talk to him about Sinclair but he is our "family secret", no one is allowed to discuss his "problem." (In this day and age!) But my step mom, a lovely woman otherwise, is very enabling and protective of this man so without airing more dirty family laundry... I do care for his wellbeing, maybe someday I'll get a chance to mention this method it may successful for him. I wish you all nothing but the best of success in freeing yourselves from your addiction.
          vegan zombies want your grains


            Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

            Karl1981;548884 wrote: so does it inhibit the affects of drinking too? like does it stop the affects we get from drinking too?(getting drunk, being angry funny ect?) or am i completely off.
            as i see from what i read people on heroin dont get the 'hi' ''buzz' when taking this.
            Adding to SpringerRiders comments:

            I find that the first drink hits me harder than it would before I took Nal. This is mentioned in Dr. Eskapa's book.

            Naltrexone shuts down the opiate system in your brain. What Dr. Sinclair found in his research was that alcohol addiction is a learned behavior that is enforced/driven by the release of endorphins when you drink. Naltrexone blocks these endorphins. Over time, Drinking+Naltrexone will remove the desire to drink through a process called pharmacological extinction.

            Exactly, Naltrexone blocks the effects opiates (e.g., heroin).


              Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

              cyclefan;549119 wrote: Hi SpringerRider, I'm cyclefan not because I ride but because I follow the sport of professional cycling. I am not following the Sinclair Method. I did the MWO method exactly as RJ describes in her book (Topamax, hypnotherapy CD's, supplements, and exercise), except that I was AF for 65 days instead of her recommended 30. Now I am moderating my drinking. Since mid January I have had on average 3-5 oz of spirits and one-two glasses of wine/week. This suits me perfectly for now but I am ever vigilant. Most days anymore I don't even think about drinking.

              I do care for his wellbeing, maybe someday I'll get a chance to mention this method it may successful for him. I wish you all nothing but the best of success in freeing yourselves from your addiction.
              I see that you are a bicyler. I was referring to the Naltrexone when I asked if you were one of us. I ride the Harley for fun but I also a bike for health.

              If you have something that works, don't fix it.

              You might give a copy of Eskapa's book The Cure for Alcoholism to your step-mother to read. The unique thing about the Sinclair method is that you are never asked to change your drinking habit until it becomes a decision of your own choosen. It is also the preferred method of detox because it is gradual.

              I would be tempted to convince him that Nal was a vitamine that he should take before drinking to alleviate hangovers. It would be a unique study to watch someone becomed cured without knowing it.

              Don't try that. It is just a muse.


                Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                SpringerRider;549241 wrote:
                You might give a copy of Eskapa's book The Cure for Alcoholism to your step-mother to read. The unique thing about the Sinclair method is that you are never asked to change your drinking habit until it becomes a decision of your own choosen. It is also the preferred method of detox because it is gradual.
                I had thought of getting the book and sharing it with her and my dad. I am planning a trip to visit toward the end of March, at that time my step brother should be out of in-patient rehab, hopefully successful this time but not counting on it. Since we are not supposed to even know he was in rehab, this is a subject that will be best brought up in person. Families, eh?

                SpringerRider;549241 wrote:
                I would be tempted to convince him that Nal was a vitamine that he should take before drinking to alleviate hangovers. It would be a unique study to watch someone becomed cured without knowing it.

                Don't try that. It is just a muse.
                Well, it might be kinder than the fate my cousins had planned for him at one point which involved concrete boots and the Missouri River. Of course, I understood your jest, though great minds and all....
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                  You know, I think that one of the reasons I am so interested in, and so closely following this whole naltrexone thing, is that I am wondering if it would be effective for someone like my father... his alcoholism was very severe, he ended up committing suicide... I just know there is NO way he ever could/would have stopped drinking permanently (he lasted maybe a month in AA, once), nor would he have stayed on antabuse. He is beyond any help now, of course, and it still eats at me. For my father, for someone like him... if his physician had explained to him how to use it... I just wonder. Might it have made a huge difference, for him?

                  Time will tell. So far, from what I have read, it looks as if there might be something along the lines of 50% "sustained recovery" rates over a period of, perhaps, 6 months? Maybe a year? That's very good, compared to other "methods." I am very interested in seeing how this picture looks over a period of 1, 2, 5 years... and also wondering what might be the factors that lead to drop-outs or lack of "success" for other reasons.


                    Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                    [QUOTE=SpringerRider;548906]You are completely off. You can take Naltrexone wait one hour and drink until you are drunk, fall down, puke on your shoes and show your ass. The difference is that you just won't want to do so as often.

                    What dimimishes is not the effects of alcohol but the desire to drink and even after you take your first drink, your desire for the second one is less.

                    Hi I am back and reading. I had the vivitrol shot a while ago and three days later, I was off and running 24/7 for the entire month of the "time release shot" and I definitely was feeling the effects of drinking, (not falling down,not puking) but comfortably intoxicated. Just wanted to put this out there FYI.

                    I have another comment but I need to find the quote.


                      Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                      lenaleed;549112 wrote:

                      The only extended-release naltrexone I am aware of is the Vivitrol injection that lasts up to thirty days. That is not practical for those of us doing Sinclair, because it is important that we not take our naltrexone on days we do not drink.


                      Continuing: So administered to a 24/7 drinker Vivitrol should be practical and have effects for those that are following the Sinclair Method.

                      I have the book and I have read it and I am following with respect all of your hopes for success in eliminating the struggle with alcohol.:heart:


                        Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                        Oh, Wow . . .

                        WIP I'm happy you shared that. Cyclefan, you too. I have been brought to tears by some of the gut-wrenching posts from struggling souls on this site, especially the "Need Help Now" topic. It is just so unfathomable to me how some suffer and watch loved ones suffer.

                        I grew up in a family that had a healthy attitude toward alcohol. I developed my own addiction drinking alongside an alcoholic spouse. I used to think that's what "codependent" meant! Eskapa says there is strong scientific support for the alcoholic "gene". But any of us can drink our way into addiction if we keep at the "learning" long enough, much as we can get cancer despite no family history if we are exposed to cancer-causing toxins. I know that my two young adult kids have the gene and much of my concern is for them.

                        I know I must present as a zealous advocate of the Sinclair Method. The truth is, with about three exceptions as to members on this site, I try just to stick to conveying information (albeit in spades). I have an intuitive sense this is "my way out".

                        Because the Sinclair Method is so new in this country, and so destined for resistance from the chemical dependency establishment, I want people to be armed with the facts as they decide for themselves. I also am educating myself about this method as I respond to questions and challenges from those who post. I'm torn because it seems like too good a secret to keep to myself . On the other hand, I don't feel I am in a position to advocate for this method at this stage of my own experience.

                        Every single soul who visits this site has been affected by alcohol addiction. It seems such a hopeless landscape for the most part. I have chosen this way. I literally pray every day that it is an answer to some of the unspeakable suffering I have encountered on this site.

                        God bless -- Lena


                          Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                          Hi Oceana -- For a 24/7 drinker, Vivitrol would not be a bad idea for the first month, or even maybe two. But as you and I have discussed before, naltrexone performs poorly as an anti-craving med. The true extinction effects are not experienced for at least three months. At some point prior to that, the effect may have progressed to the point where a person might feel ready to go without drinking for a day or two. This is an important opportunity to go off naltrexone and reinforce positive endorphine-generating activities such as sex or riding a big pipe. I've been meaning to pm you about this because I'm planning to take my young adult kids for a surfing holiday and I'm hoping to be ready for a few naltrexone-free days by then.

                          I know you have done well on a naltrexone/baclofen combo, but I can't help but wonder whether the baclofen is doing the job for you. What do you think? Campral alone does poorly in studies, yet some on this site swear by it. At least one study shows a Campral/naltrexone combo shows better results. For whatever reason, some do well even on those drugs that do not do well in studies. After all, no med is 100 % ineffective in the clinical trials. If we find something that works, we should probably stay with that. At least until it doesn't.

                          Eskapa reminds us repeatedly that the Sinclair Method is NOT for those who are abstinent.

                          Great to hear from you! Take care, Lena


                            Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                            lenaleed;549473 wrote: Hi Oceana -- For a 24/7 drinker, Vivitrol would not be a bad idea for the first month, or even maybe two. But as you and I have discussed before, naltrexone performs poorly as an anti-craving med. The true extinction effects are not experienced for at least three months. At some point prior to that, the effect may have progressed to the point where a person might feel ready to go without drinking for a day or two. This is an important opportunity to go off naltrexone and reinforce positive endorphine-generating activities such as sex or riding a big pipe. I've been meaning to pm you about this because I'm planning to take my young adult kids for a surfing holiday and I'm hoping to be ready for a few naltrexone-free days by then.

                            I know you have done well on a naltrexone/baclofen combo, but I can't help but wonder whether the baclofen is doing the job for you. What do you think? The science is all over the board. Campral alone does poorly in studies, yet some on this site swear by it. At least one study shows a Campral/naltrexone combo shows better results. For whatever reason, some do well even on those drugs that do not do well in studies. After all, no med is 100 % ineffective in the clinical trials. If we find something that works, we should probably stay with that. At least until it doesn't.

                            Eskapa reminds us repeatedly that the Sinclair Method is NOT for those who are abstinent.

                            Great to hear from you! Take care, Lena
                            Lena and all,

                            Yes right now it is difficult to determine which of the meds is best assisting me in staying AF. I am not at liberty to fail. In the future when I feel more secure, I will perhaps try Baclofen alone, however for me currently, this formula is proving successful.

                            We must remember the Sinclair Method is just that, a "method."

                            I certainly hope it is to be a successful and proven medically "cure" (for lack of a better word) as it is experimented and documented. I am interested in following the Sinclair thread. I can not do the Sinclair Method now as I am not at liberty to drink any alcohol so I must do the best I can with the tools available I have for myself.

                            As for the joys of life, sex, dancing, surfing, hey even writing on this site, I have not been experiencing any blockages of neurotransmitters, or non reinforcement of positive endorphins.

                            ps: There is still the study taking place currently at a university in southeast USA with the same method I am using, so in the future we can see the results of that study. It won't be out till next year as they were having problems finding enough subjects, but I think they are now on their way.

                            Time will tell....:heart::heart::heart:


                              Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                              Darn! Hope I did not overstep the bounds of "Strictly Sinclair" I may have gotten off on a tangent....:H I will try to be more careful! Pay attention!!!!


                                Strictly Sinclair: Naltrexone Done Right

                                No worries -- The name of the thread is a "flag" for those looking for info. We will change the name to Sinclair Snotty or something like that if we wish to start discouraging discourse. As I've said many times, knowledge is power. I'm so happy you showed up. Keep coming back.

                                :h lena

