Finiding a decent level of pain control so my life is livable has been a struggle for a long long time.
I went through many years of self medicating with alcohol (of course

Fast forward to Nov 2008 and when on a regime of Tylenol 3's and 5 mg morphine as needed, my pain is life is feeling hopeless, will I ever know a day without pain controlling my life?
Dr visit and CT scan reveal a compression fracture in my back, as well as four discs with problems, blah blah.
A month of experimenting with meds leds us to the above cocktain of pills.
20mg oxycontin 3 times a day....and up to 4-10 mg oxycodone.
Firstly, they work. They work great. I have only begun to realise how well they controlled pain since yesterday, and trying to get OFF them.
Pain is back with a vengence.:upset: :upset: :upset:
BUT, that being said...I wake up every morning feeling pukey sick...(I am afraid this is like a mini withdrawl...and in such a short time of taking them this scares the SHIT out of me)
They make me CRAZY.
I have already had a person ask me for a couple...(they have a bad back ya know???? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight) My answer was no ofcourse, and my Doc counts my pills at each visit, to ensure they are being taken only as prescribed. (that alone I thought was odd)
I am scared because I think if I don't get off them now, I will have to detox off them in a hospital.
I have only lowered my intake by half for one day
and I feel terrible, and cold, and shakey, and have the skin creepy crawlies.
Boy I hope this goes fast.
I hope I can do this without it being a "thing"
A part of me is sad, because for the last while I have been pain free AND AF.
We will see what happens now :upset:
Sorry....just thought I would set up a place to vent. I honestly can't believe how much my back pain is back and it is only day 2 with a lower dose.
An amazing medicine for pain.
I am just too afraid to keep taking it.
Blah, this sucks.