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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    Doing My Best,

    I have actually heard that Topa will cause exagerated (sp??) muscle pain from exercise...even if you've been at it all your life. May want to take a week off and see if it helps. If it does....start up again and take it slow.

    Wondering also....does the Topa seem to affect your breathing at all? Does mine.


      Newbies on Topamax

      Great input. Forgive me for blowing it if this gets posted 2 x. I'm still trying to figure this out.
      I've been using topa for awhile at 50-75 mgs w/ little success. Now I'm up to 150 mgs, starting w/ 75 mgs in the am, then 75 more @ 2-3 pm. It seems to be working great. I need to figure out best time to take the last dose for best results. Have only had 1 bad slip in 2 weeks since taking this much, and that's because I took it too early, stayed up too late.


        Newbies on Topamax

        Hey everyone!

        I haven't been on MWO for about a year, but haven't posted in quite a while. I started topa last March. I got up to 300 mg per day. All of the side effects came and went. Some were more annoying than others. I also took the modafinil which helped. Even though the side effects were bad at times, I stuck with it because the cravings were markedly less, especially after I got up to 150 mg. I also lost quite a bit of weight. I am not af, but definitely have control over my consumption. Over the last several months I have done additional research on topa. There are many people who have been on topa for years for their migraines. So, I am not too worried about being on topa for a long time. I have also found that there has been research on using topa for depression. I have felt that my depression has been better since I have been on topa. I also take something else for depression. I looked into taking my depression med and the topa, and there is some research to show that this works for some people that that aren't helped by depression medication alone. Recently, I forgot to order my topa. Before I realized it, I had to start titrating down so that I didn't go off cold turkey. I was off of topa for about 5 weeks until my shipment came. I started back at 25 mg last week. This week I am on 50 mg. I have some itching, and a bit of what I would call confusion in the morning. The confusion goes away after my coffee kicks in. When I was off of the topa I definitely felt an increase in the cravings, and an inability to stop once I got started. The topa seems to let me just stop when I've had enough whether its alcohol or food. I hope that some of the info helps. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Also, I think the side affects were less when I kept up with my vitamins.
        http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/a career....a family to care for....gee! I've got it all!!


          Newbies on Topamax

          :new: I happened upon this board after doing a search for anti-craiving alcohol drugs. Here's my story. I started drinking, mostly socially about 15 years ago. It quickly became drinking during the day when I cleaned the house, cooked etc. The amount gradually grew to starting to drink as soon as i opened my eyes in the morning. When I went to work I was able to stop drinking in the morning (for awhile), then had to have one beer and cigg before I left for work. I found working and managing home, family and demanding job to much so I stopped working after 3 years. Back to drinking all day and through the night from that time to this one. I never just go to bed, I drink beer during the day and wine at night until I can't drink any more and fall asleep. Finally I decided to go and talk to my dr and be very honest with him about this problem and seek help. He tested my liver enzy. and they were up. I got the scary (you're gonna die talk) which got me serious about sobriety. I asked him about drugs to help and he told me that there were no effective drugs avail. I knew that I couldn't do it on my own and AA was absolutely not an option for me. That's when i began my search. Well I decided that topamax, along w/ this forum could be MWO. Also, I will get the book that everyone is talking about. I went to another dr and told him a fib about migraines. I looked up the symptoms on the net and got the meds. (0 co-pay for meds w/ insurance) I justify lying by saying to myself that i must take an active role in this and if something can help me i'm not gonna let a dr tell me no. it's too important. any way just started last night at 25mg. will continue up to 100 mg. no symptoms yet. 40 yo female 5' 7" 167lb. will post reg.


            Newbies on Topamax

            :new: Too.

            waiting to I admire your courage. Does your husband know how much you drink? Does he drink? How many kids do you have?

            I'm a 40 year old female as well. My long history is to drink a bottle of red per night during the week and who-knows on the weekends. I'm doing better with the Topamax...but still find myself drinking everyday for now. I've been on it for 2 1/2 weeks and just went up to 125mgs. The side effects were pretty intense the first week...but now I'd say it's tingling and numbness of hands and feet. Have some trouble with spelling (can prob tell...ahah), but not having too many difficulties at my job. Kind of feel nauseous (sp????) sometimes, some loss of appetite (comes and goes), seem to sleep better, pretty alert during the day...get tired in the evening.

            Anyway, went out on Saturday and didn't want to finish my glass of wine...then last night...wanted to keep on drinking all night. What gives? I'm going to just keep giving it a chance. It definitely IS doing SOMETHING. Maybe it's time for me to meet it half way.

            I'll keep posting....keep in touch.



              Newbies on Topamax

              I've been going back and forth between this thread and the Sinclair thread. I have tried Naltrexone, but like alot of folks, was told not to drink while on it. Didn't work for cravings so I quite using it. I just had a scrip filled from River and am wondering what it's like to use w/ topa and also Lexapro which I use for depression. Anybody ever tried that combo? The topo at 150mgs didn't do much for my cravings last nite. I was kinda out of control in need of just one more glass of wine after a whole bottle that my husband was totally irritated, wondering if this topamax and drinking thing could actually work.
              I've been on the program for about 2 weeks.


                Newbies on Topamax

                I have been on Topamax for 10 days. I went up to 50 mg on day four, which was too early I realized after reading the book, plus my doctor told me to do it after one week. No real side effects yet. I'll wait the full two weeks before going up to 75mg. There has not been a reduction in cravings.

                I would estimate that over the past two years, I would drink about three to four nights per week sometimes more, sometimes less. I am only now beginning to diary my day to day activities (supplements, hypno cds, etc...) so I have been AF three days, then drank three nights, AF three days, then drank two nights and will possibly drink again tonight. I have trouble going over three days AF without getting those cravings to drink. My weakness is tequila straight up on ice. Two years ago it would have been wine but for some reason over the past two years the only thing i drink is tequila w/ no mixer. gross, right?

                I am really trying to take the supplements and do the cds exactly by the book. I'll keep you posted.
                "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                March 13, 2012

                Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                Goal #6: 6 months
                Goal #7: 1 year


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  hello never can tell. i have 2 children, my youngest 19 left home for school last year. yes my husband does drink. he used to drink almost nightly (e&j) but for the past year or so he only drinks perhaps once every couple of weeks or so and only one or two drinks then. he does know that i drink but he never thought that it was a big problem because i only drink beer and wine. i told him several times that i was an alcoholic but it wasn't until the dr. told him that he got it. he doesn't know always exactly how much i drink. you mentioned buying wine by the bottle, well honey i stopped buying bottles years ago. i buy it by the box. less trips to the store. i sometimes buy 2 boxes at a time and leave one in my trunk. when one is emply i simply replace it and he never knows that it's not the same box. with him i really don't have to do that but it's my own personal shame that causes me to go to that extreme.


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    the night before last (night 2 on topa 25 mg.) i actually went to bed. it was around 12:30. i did drink beer that day and about 2 glasses of wine (keep in mind that my idea of a glass of wine is a little more than half of a drinking water glass). I usually have around 4 or 5 +. i was so proud of myself when i just went to bed and did not want to finish the glass of wine that i had. well, i woke up at around 3:30am, finished that glass and several more to boot. (How you like that "Never Can Tell") didn't kick myself too hard. will just keep waiting on meds to kick in and i too must meet it half way.

                    last night was really tired, went to bed early with out drinking anything. first time in 15 years. for me the topa is starting to work. again i woke up at around 3:00. I'm wondering if this is a side effect. I drank 2 glasses of wine and took something to help me back to sleep. 2 glasses is still less than before. today i only had 2 beers and will have some wine tonight.

                    day 2 topa symptoms: ichy, tired, upset stomach, foggy head, beer taste a little funny.
                    day 3: slightly foggy headded, beer taste a little more funny, not bad enought to stop me from drinking it though.


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      ooh yea, day 2 topa symptoms, iching, a little foggy mind, naush., tired


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        up to to 50 mg. a day of topay. cravingings lesss, unless i start to drink. then i still can not stop?
                        the itchining stopped then resumed as soon as i upped the dosage 25mg.


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          Hi all!

                          So nice to see so many new ones!:welcome:
                          I'm on week 4 100 mg of Topa:
                          tingling, terrrrrrible metallic taste in my mouth!!! I have an aluminum water canister -can't even look at it because it immedaitely makes me shiver! Sorry, but I had to buy a plastic one!
                          Loss of appetite.
                          I'm not sleeping like a baby! Sleeping less and waking up!
                          Some brain fog.
                          Was diagnosed last week with hypothryrodism. On meds for that now. I never took meds. before in my have a pill box!
                          Still not AF! Food, wine, beer do not taste the same. I don't think about AL as much. But I still havent strung some AF days together like Hope 10 (Hello)

                          DMB, how are your muscle pains?
                          W2Ex, hello looking forward to your posts. Congrats on taking the plunge.
                          Jetson, I also am doing all the vits, supps, and CDS. Not consistent with the CDs. I need to be!
                          NeverCanTell, I know what you mean by "put more effort into it"
                          look forward to hearing.
                          I'm going back to Paddy's post about this metallic thing! Gosh its yucky!!!!:thanks:


                            Newbies on Topamax

                            Hi Everybody,
                            i have been out of town for a few days and it is great to see so many new posts. I was on a girls weekend which would have meant way to much to drink in the past and I must say that I only had a couple all 3 days and woke up feeling great each morning...what a change. I am working my way back up on the topa since I forgot to order until it was too late and really had to cut back until my order got here.
                            The thing that has really helped me is being able to be honest here with everyone and the cds. I do have a tendency to fall asleep listening to them however, I think they make a big difference when used with the topa. What do you guys think?
                            BOP- the pain is better
                            Keeping sharing


                              Newbies on Topamax

                              Great Idea!!!!!

                              Thanks for starting this! Yep - like all of you, was trudging through the other thread but obviously a new one is a lot helpful for us newbies. Well, I've just started on the Topa. Came back from a 2 week holiday in Antigua and knowing how I'd induldge (as you do!!) I'd got myself organised and got my Topa ordered ready and waiting for me. Have taken 50mg this morning and 50mg this afternoon. Have had a bit of a strange taste in my mouth, a bit of fuzziness in my head (but I've also got jet lag so not sure if that's a side effect or not!!!) but absolutely NO cravings for any wine! (mind you, again, not sure if that's a side effect or just a natural drying out process from 2 weeks all-inclusive!!!!!). Anyway will monitor it. Will be interested to see if it is the wonder-drug that many purport it to be, ie, to curb the cravings or limit the amount drunk. Either way, I'll be a happy bunny!!!!!! I'll definitely be keeping updated with this thread - :goodjob: for thinking of it!!!!!! :thanks:


                                Newbies on Topamax

                                Boy do I feel bad today! It's just been a tough day emotionally! I ended up drinking on Saturday night. So it was the whole three nights in a row, (if you read my earlier post.) I would not have if my husband had not brought a bottle of tequila in the house. I think he has finally realized that he has not been supporting me in the way I have needed to be supported.

                                I realized today that I have been on the 50 mg for exactly one week so I went up to 75 mg today. I am feeling so down about my body. I have NEVER had a weight issue. I have always been kind of obsessed with being thin and probably have body dysmorphic disorder but this is the first time in my life that I have gained 10 to 15 lbs other than when I gained 25 lbs when I was pregnant with my daughter.
                                I know it is from the alcohol and the eating like a pig after I am drunk and the day after hangover carb cravings/fast food nonsense!!!

                                This has all happened within the past 1 1/2 to 2 yrs. It's hard to even say how much I weigh b/c it fluctuates sooo much depending on the day. The largest I have been lately is 138 but if I don't drink for a week, I can get down to 128. I know this may sound really stupid to a lot of you but it's a huge issue to me! Two years ago, I NEVER went past 125. I would always stay between 121 and 123. Anyway, I really hope this works b/c I want my old body back. I am so sick of being bloated and having a puffy face and puffy eyes!

                                I am 31 years old and probably look 40! Sorry for being so vain! I am hoping the Topamax will help me to be totally AF b/c I think thats the way I need to go.
                                "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                                March 13, 2012

                                Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                                Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                                Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                                Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                                Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                                Goal #6: 6 months
                                Goal #7: 1 year

