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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    hi, i'm pretty new to this too. started topa about four days ago, 50 mgs 2x day. no tingling or anything, but i don't usually have any bad side effects from drugs unless it's cold medicine or vicodin. don't know if it's placebo effect but it seems like my craving for alcohol (and sweets/chocolate) are lessened. I do have to search for words a little bit more so i have to slow down, but i had that with effexor and it eventually went away. i think most SE's eventually will.
    anyway, how long do the cravings go away for other people? is it just my imagination? i am so ecstatic-- first time in like 20 years i haven't wanted to drink at least a bottle of wine a day.

    oh, ps. found a coupon for topa


      Newbies on Topamax

      Took my first 25 mg today -- very speedy!

      I took 25 mg about 7 hours ago and still feel very speedy. Is this normal? I feel like running a marathon or climbing a tree and swinging around on it! Stomach is a bit jumpy, too. Yikes!! I'm going to try to eat some dinner & take my evening vitamins & Calms, & I sure hope it helps.


        Newbies on Topamax

        See Creature;756748 wrote: I took 25 mg about 7 hours ago and still feel very speedy. Is this normal? I feel like running a marathon or climbing a tree and swinging around on it! Stomach is a bit jumpy, too. Yikes!! I'm going to try to eat some dinner & take my evening vitamins & Calms, & I sure hope it helps.
        I'm only taking 25 mg a day right now See, and my doctor told me to take it at bedtime. If it makes you feel speedy during the daytime, I can't imagine how you'd get any sleep.

        Please check in and let us know tomorrow if it's affecting you in the same way.



          Newbies on Topamax

          Hi, Everyone,
          See Creature, sure hope the crazies went away! I have found that walking really helps. I have also climbed the mountain behind our house for the first time in two years, since on Topo.... either new energy or the Topo I don't know which.

          I have decided for myself to up my dosage to 50 mgs in the morning and 50 mgs in the evening for the duration of the holidays, just as a preventative measure. Though I really haven't gone overboard ( and I'm now in week 8 of my Topo) I have found that stress makes me think about wine more, and I have noticed the glass of wine happens a little more frequently than I'd like. And, yes, a second glass has happened twice. (Oh, my, does it have a HUGE effect.... Not good! That in itself is going to be a deterrent for me!) So, I am upping my dosage.

          I still am confident that what I am experiencing is HABIT not CRAVING and this is such a blessed relief from what has plagued me for years. I'll visit my doctor within the month and see what she says. Perhaps I'll choose to keep up with the Topo past the 12 weeks.

          Good luck everyone. Check in. I think about all of you and send you strong thoughts that things go well for you!


            Newbies on Topamax

            :new: I went to my Dr and he was totally on board with the program - he has been trying to help me stop drinking for years! He did tell me to take it at night the first month, cuz it will make me sleepy, then he wants me to come in after a month and check in with him. He did say that he doubts I will go up to 300 mg - he said the side effects were pretty brutal at that dose.

            I can't wait to start! I am going to Las Vegas for a industry seminar next week, so I am starting after that. I have all of the supps on the way, and the CD's are already here. I have read the book and I am very excited.


              Newbies on Topamax

              HI Everybody,
              I have been off of here for a couple of months due to family issues. I was really thinking about giving up on the topa however, after coming back and reading these posts again I think I need to up my dose.
              I have been at 50mg a day for a long time and I think I am now just resistent to that. I am going to up my dosage and see if I have a change. I will keep you posted.


                Newbies on Topamax

                I am going to jump in here - my first post. Have just received my supplements and seeing the doctor in two days time. I have sent in the book for him to read before my appointment. So hoping that here in australia he will prescribe the Topomax. Tried the Naltrexone before - but lost the effect after a while. This feels like it will work. I need it to work for me. I guess I will buy it online if I can't get it off the doctor. I occasionally have some will power but need a sustained effort to get over this damn drinking. hope contunue learning more from you all as I have been reading this thread for a while. fingers crossed the doctor goes for it and I will have the meds in 3 days. Hope is here!


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  Not good - Blurred Vision. Long Distance Only. Looked it up. Comoon side effect. Can harrdly reat this. Chrsit. This sucks. Off to GP tomorrow if anyone is interested.


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    I'm brand new here & have just started this. Don't have the drugs or anything yet - I just ordered. I'm worried about the dumbing effect. Is it really bad? I'm self employed & sell, so I can't be too whacked out. Any advice on that would help before I begin.

                    I am hopeful that this approach will work for me though - need to have something work! My willpower has certainly failed me . . . .


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      He says I went up does too fast. I did 15 mgs for 3 days, 25 mgs for 4 days, then upped to 50. Two days and vision issues. Not sure if I should jsut stop of do what he said - he said to take 25 mgs for another week and vision should improve. Just feels so damn serious - has anyoneelse has this??


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        I stopped taking it - can cause serious permanent vision imparement in cases like mine - if anyone lese experiences this you have to stop saking it immediatley or it can have very serious consequences. Not wanting to scare anyone but this side effect happens in like 1 % of people only - but if it is you - stop.
                        Good luck all. I shall find a new course of action.


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          Had serious hair loss after 6 weeks, 150mg per day. After 2 years, hair still not back to normal. Topamax

