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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    I forgot to list my height. 5'8.
    "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
    March 13, 2012

    Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
    Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
    Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
    Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
    Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
    Goal #6: 6 months
    Goal #7: 1 year


      Newbies on Topamax

      Hope10...understand that nothing sounds stupid to any of us, as we all have more issues than grains of sand on the beach (can you tell I just got back from Florida?) We are here to share and help. I completly understand your weight issue.
      Let's get sober first and then we will look at ourselves in a whole new way.
      Hang in there.


        Newbies on Topamax

        ok Hope....I'll let that 40 comment slide!!!!JJ
        I completely understand about the weight issue,but like DMB says there is more to it. It's a health issue not a weight issue...or I see it that way.

        I'm 40! 5'6. 128lbs. (lost 3lbs) Usually around 123lbs also. Overconsuming the AL has made me gain weight, get puffy,be unhealthy, all other bad things.
        My most annoying side effect is the metallic taste in my mouth.

        Not drinking today! No desire. Lets keep in touch.


          Newbies on Topamax

          Oh, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it that way. I don't think 40 is a bad thing at all. Forty is young!!! I just mean that I I look 10 years older than I am, whatever that age may be due to alcohol aging a person.

          You are right about the health issues. I am very nervous about going to the dr. to get my liver tested. Last year, the test was fine, (at least from the blood work) but I have been having a lot of pain in the liver area. I worry that as I dose up on the topa, my mind is going to go and I can't afford that with my job. I would love to be able to take the adrafinil if that happens but I know you can't take that with liver issues.
          "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
          March 13, 2012

          Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
          Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
          Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
          Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
          Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
          Goal #6: 6 months
          Goal #7: 1 year


            Newbies on Topamax

            Hey guys, first day I upped to 50mg, so if i feel iffy about it not working, next monday ill be upping to 75mg. i cant say how i feel with the drinking because ive been AF due to taking an antibiotic that i absolutely cannot drink on for 7 days-love it! i mean, hate it at first but after a few days of not drinking it feels so good to escape the hellhole. however, it does stink that on topa i do feel more down than usual so i normally would feel even better mentally. thats my problem with topa-seems to make me somewhat depressed, im hoping it goes away. other than that, i dont feel any tingling that people talk about, i do feel tired, so far i seem to feel sleepy but seem to be waking up alot during the night but always fall back to sleep as im sleepy. i understand what you girls mean about the weight thing. me to! and like many many women all over.. we just always want to be thin, even when we really are. im 5 "3, about 115, i used to be 105 before the alcohol took control and little by little over the past five years i gained ten pounds. from the alcohol no doubt. im hoping the topa will also lose a few of that even though i know, 115 is fine. hehe so lets all keep eachother updated! anyone else feel depressed oe emotional on topa? also, anyone feel if they drink on topa quick or to much they start to get a headache? ( i m not talking about a hangover the next day i mean as ur drinking)


              Newbies on Topamax

              Hiya Guys!!!

              Hey ..... Bird and Hope - I can top that - 42, 43 (!!) this year and I have to say I actually still feel only 30 (what I look like after a sesh, though, is another matter!!!). It's what you feel like that is important. Anyhow .... back to the matter in hand -

              I said that yesterday was my first day on topa. 50mg morning and 50mg late afternoon. To be honest I've only taken it "blind" if you like, from reading this website (hopefully not too stupid of me) so am not sure if that's the right dose right from the start. However, I ordered the 50mg dose and that's what I've got so thought I'd start with that. Yep, had the metalic taste and felt a bit "dizzy" like I said (well, I am blonde!) but - hubby came home at 9.00 ish (as predicted in last night's post) wanting a glass of wine and to be honest I thought I could have done without it. I had 1.5 glasses and didn't want any more. Before, I would have been fighting him for more!!!! So, maybe I have found my magic wonder-drug I've been looking for. It'll be interesting tomorrow night as I'm out on a girlie night out when usually it's up to 2 bottles of Champagne/wine each so I'll see how I fair!!!:nutso:


                Newbies on Topamax

                I'm up to 50 mg. a day now and the itching is gone.
                My craving for alchohol is much less.
                I feel a bit more forgetful which is a little scary.
                The last few days I had trouble talking. I was stumbling over my words & I was at work. It was embarassing.
                I don't think I've lost weight, but I don't need too.
                I see my sleep is slowly improving...a good thing!
                And maybe an added benefit? I've suffered from migraines all my life & I'm hoping the topa will help.
                I'm glad this is here just to see what others are experiencing..even if I get no feedback for myself.
                I'm really flying blind here, but I don't have much to lose at this point.
                Oh P.S.
                I'm 37, 96 lbs., 5'4".
                When I was drinking I gained weight..all in my stomach. How flattering, lol.
                I've always weighed in the 90's-105-ish since my teen years. It's genetic.
                But I put on 15lbs. fast when I was pregnant & then a while to lose it. Everyone told me how awful I looked.
                I could really care less at this point...I just want to be happy
                I think I'm gonna check into that adrafinil. I can't remember words & how to spell things...


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  Hey, Photo,
                  I thought you were suppose to start up at 25 mg a week on Topa?
                  Do you have a copy of the MWO book? Let me know. If not I'm going to give you the suggested titration of the Topa.


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    My first easy AF day

                    My first easy AF day! I feel great. Drank tea and water around my "witchin' time". Enjoyed talking with my family and being present!

                    I remember reading in a post somewhere around here about a feeling of "indifference" on being on the topa. I don't feel depressed, but I feel like my "got up and go has got up and left!" Just like "whatever".!

                    I ordered the adranifil (sp?) and have it. I haven't used b/c I have not been sleeping well since on topa. (waking up in the middle of the night) and I hear its suppose to be a mood lifter.

                    I'm trying to take my topa earlier. I think it's making me a little wired!

                    Somebody have any info on teh adranifil? I wasn't aware of any liver issues. I just had blood work. I'm ok but is it something I would have to watch out for?

                    Good posts everyone.


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      Here is a link to the info that RJ wrote within the MWO site regarding adrafinil and the liver precautions:

                      The skinny on smart pills ? My Way Out Blog

                      I do wonder why I am all of a sudden caring what I am doing to my liver since I have been pouring poison into it for the past 10 to 12 years! I will probably go ahead and schedule an appt. to get my liver checked before I order this stuff just to be on the safe side.

                      On a different note, I have been feeling more emotional/depressed since being on the topa. I also take wellbutrin and prozac. I have been on these drugs for over 10 years. In the past two months, I have gone down 20 mg on the prozac so that could certainly be a reason for my worsening moods. (All of this has been done under the supervision of my psychiatrist who also gave me the script for the topa.)
                      "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                      March 13, 2012

                      Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                      Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                      Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                      Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                      Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                      Goal #6: 6 months
                      Goal #7: 1 year


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        Hiya Bird!

                        AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! No wonder I'm not getting over my jet lag then!!! No, I didn't know that! I'd had a PM from another member who kindly gave me some advice but I only read that this morning after obviously having the 2 x 50mg yesterday. So, today, I've had 1 x 25mg this afternoon but as I'm out for a sesh tomorrow night with the girlies, I'll probably have 2 x 25mg morning & afternoon and start to build it up from then.

                        I'm hoping it doesn't interfere with my anti-depressant medication. I'm based in the UK and actually haven't been to the GP re this (obviously too embarrassed) and have only started to feel better with my anti-d medication after a couple of years of battling without it. Mind you, you never know, if I'm not drinking ... maybe I'm not starting the downward spiral of depression in the first place ?!?!?!

                        Any advice would be good!

                        Thanks! x:l


                          Newbies on Topamax


                          Woah! Be careful with the topa! I'm 48 and you really should work up to that dosage. You should start at 25mg/week, then 50, then 75. Please, just be careful, it's a powerful drug. I'm also on anti-depressants and topa.

                          It's up to you, I just want you to be careful, okay? Have you read the MWO book?

                          Take care,
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            Newbies on Topamax

                            I agree with Be. You really need to follow the recommendations in the book especially if you are getting the meds through the mail and dosing yourself. We all want to get well and do it at a safe rate.
                            Everyone keep posting on your progress. I am up to 50mg. and have had a slight decress in cravings. I will go up to 75 next Monday and we will see how that goes. I have had the tingling and fuzzy brain thing however, I am sleeping really well.
                            Waiting for that weight loss...


                              Newbies on Topamax

                              Hey guys, its not in your head if topa is making you feel depressed, ive read over and over about it being a very common symptom on topamax, that may or may not go away-from what ive read and heard from you have to just wait and see. i start drinking saturday since i had to stop for seven days due to the medication i took for a week. i feel so good to have stopped for a few days.. even though the topa is bringing me down probably slightly. just a bit prone to depression regardless. im on 50mg now. i hope it will go away. i seem to sleep much better, im waking up a ton and im not sure if its from the topa or the other med im temporary taking as that is one of its side effects. i was also curious about some of you who are on antidepressants and your drinking. Photogirl you said that you found an antidepressant that worked for you after years of battling it, but you still drank all the time, im curious how it worked? maybe you didnt drink daily. if i drank daily my antidperssants didnt work.


                                Newbies on Topamax

                                Hi Guys!

                                Thanks for that everybody!

                                When you say 25mg per week - do you mean 1 x 25mg once a week or 1 x 25mg once a day for a week? Then up it? No, I haven't got the book - don't really want hubby to know! I have a feeling though that the TOPA is going to work - again, last night, hubby wanted wine. Before he got home, I'd have probably have had a couple of G&T'S pre-TOPA and then been fighting him for every equal drop of wine. With just 25mg yesterday I was quite happy just to sip away at the wine and actually if he hadn't have wanted to open it - I wouldn't have missed it. That's what I've been wanting to achieve - moderation not giving up completely. Have had 25mg today and am off on my girlie night out as I've said so I'll see if it's done the trick for tonight.

                                As regards my anti-d's ME, I have to say that possibly it was because I was depressed that I was drinking so much and it was a vicious circle. Thankfully the medication has worked but then it was my addictive personality that had then taken its toll. My anti-d's continue to work, thankfully when I do drink, as I would hate to live without them (I'd never put my husband and daughters through the last 18 months without them, let alone me) and, as I say, I'm now looking at the TOPA to now teach my brain MODERATION, MODERATION, MODERATION :nutso:

                                Keep me up to date with your progress!

