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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    HI All,
    You are all doing such a great job with the postings. I am now up to 100mg a week and encourage everyone to follow the program very carefully with upping dosages. You need to know what your body can handle and what is enough for you. 100 is almost ok for me but not quite enough. I hopr 125 or 150 will be. The funny this is as I have gone higher, a week at a time, the tinges and other side effects have lessened, wierd.
    Everyone, stay strong and keep posting. Someone out here has been through exactly the same thing you are going through.
    I will let you all know how it goes at 125.


      Newbies on Topamax

      topa update


      Just keeping you updated on my Topa ......about to increase to 50mg after almost a week on 25 mg......the "fogginess" has lifted now. Not sure if that was from lack of alcohol or the Topa, but regardless, I was very clear headed today. I also did not experience any slowness in my reflexes today. I have not noticed a decrease in appetite. I am religiously taking MWO supplement routine too. I really do feel good. My mood has leveled out also. (I am also on anti-depressants too & started them prior to Topa). Have not craved ALcohol or had a taste for it. I hope everyone is doing good also. I am proud of us all! This takes a lot of self motivation and determination. I know my children appreciate it (even though they have no clue why I have been so hard to love with)..... MDHW


        Newbies on Topamax

        Hi TOPA friends!

        Hope this thread is not dead...I've read ALL of paddy thread and now here I am!

        I am a 41 yrs old female, 5"2 115...alcohol history of 25 yrs.

        I am on my third week and starting 75 mg of ToPA far the craving really went down but the brain fugg is reaallly present for me...

        I'll keep you posted !


          Newbies on Topamax

          I hope this thread is not dead also. Hang in there. The foggy brain went away for me when I got to 100mg last week. I go to 125 tomorrow so we will see how that goes.
          I am still drinking some and really want that to end or at least be a rare thing. Are you drinking or are you AF?
          Keep posting and people will respond.


            Newbies on Topamax

            Shantoa & Doing My Best:

            I am still around also! I am finishing up week 2 with 50mg. No side effects this week. My "fogginess" ended after the first 3-4 days on 25 mg. I am not craving. Little antsy the last day or so but nothing like before. Also, still taking MYO supps. Playing lots of tennis and staying really busy with kids. That helps too. I have had no more than 1/2 to a glass of wine a night to every other night. Not because I wanted it but because I was scared of DT's or whatever AL withdrawals might occur.

            Don't let this thread drop! I check it daily! MDHW


              Newbies on Topamax

              HOPE10? Where are U? MDHW


                Newbies on Topamax

                HI MDHW,
                I am loving 125mg. I am down to 1-1/2 glasses of wine and feeling great. The only side effect is that my typing skills have gone to hell. i have to type everything twice otr 3 times...see???


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  hi guys , I'm waiting for my topa to arrive from river but im following the thread just so i know what to except . just wanted to say hi


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    Hi everyone

                    Happy to see that poeple are still hanging aroung! i Know i am !

                    I am now on my 5th day at 75 mg ang still a bit foggy but it is clearing slowly...i am not sure if i should wait to be completly clear headed to go to 100 mg.(or do 10 days instead of 7).i want mod not AF.

                    As far as alcohol craving goes they are way less frequent but i am still drinking when i am not suppose to (during the day on the job).

                    i started to take kudzu + l-glut to see if that help...

                    happy to ear from you.


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      I really want to keep this thread alive!!
                      I went to 150 mg of topa a couple of weeks ago and had to back down again to 100!! I could hardly make it through the day!!! I was SOOOOO tired!!! Even some days at 100mg are tough! The fogginess I think is getting better though! The AL??? Some days are better than others...I really believe it's a choice.....not sure I 'crave it'...I think it's more of a want. You know what I mean???? Let's keep this alive...I like hearing how this affects others!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies on Topamax

                        Lol "Doing My Best" Keep working on that Typing! I am just happy to have some control over something!


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          Starting the MWO supplements is a good prep prior to starting Topa, or at least, for me it has been. Good luck. MDHW


                            Newbies on Topamax

                            Hey SDLOVES!


                              Newbies on Topamax

                              feeling better

                              I am feeling better and more energetic this morning and no craving :-) i dunno if it's the topa or the sup or both but i like it !

                              Just to recap from the beginning if that may help someone :

                              at 25 mg side effect were :

                              metal taste in the mouth.
                              tingling feet and hand.

                              at 50 mg :

                              metal taste in mouth.
                              tingling feet and hand.
                              forget word,simple math etc...
                              (did funny thing like instead of removing my shoes inzip my
                              mind fogg.

                              at 75 mg :

                              metal taste in mouth (less)
                              tingling feet only
                              forget word,simple math etc...
                              still do funny stuff... lol
                              mood up and down
                              mind fogg

                              every time i titrate the side effect seem to dissipate with time so keep with it poeple something IS WORKING here !

                              I have a question...can you take topa for years ?


                                Newbies on Topamax

                                I am feeling better and more energetic this morning and no craving :-) i dunno if it's the topa or the sup or both but i like it !

                                Just to recap from the beginning if that may help someone :

                                at 25 mg side effect were :

                                metal taste in the mouth.
                                tingling feet and hand.

                                at 50 mg :

                                metal taste in mouth.
                                tingling feet and hand.
                                forget word,simple math etc...
                                (did funny thing like instead of removing my shoes inzip my
                                mind fogg.

                                at 75 mg :

                                metal taste in mouth (less)
                                tingling feet only
                                forget word,simple math etc...
                                still do funny stuff... lol
                                mood up and down
                                mind fogg

                                every time i titrate the side effect seem to dissipate with time so keep with it poeple something IS WORKING here !

                                I have a question...can you take topa for years ?

