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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    Welcome Blanchieboo:welcome:

    My side effect did dissipate with time...I also have a tendency for depression and i currently take celexa for that so i didn't experience too much depression so far.
    If that make you more confortable take the time to get use to each dosage before you titrate up...just my 2 cent :-)


      Newbies on Topamax

      Blanchaiboo i too am nervous about the depression and disappointed. i dont experience hardly any of the other symptons, except tiredness. but i like that since it helps my insomnia. i did NOT give topa a chance though. i went up to 50mg for a few days and i felt down and headache a bit when i drank and just didnt like it. so stopped. but lately the drinking has been out of controls o i have decided i must at least try up to 100mg for a short time if i can. i cant live like this anymore with this alcoho problem, its controlling my life..i do have a question though does anyone know if the topamax DOES cause depression while I am on it for a month or so and i slowly taper, willthe depression persist when I come off of it? I wouldnt think so but I heard someone mention they still felt depressed after.. anyone know?


        Newbies on Topamax

        Re TOPA & Depression

        Hi guys - just looking through this thread as I've not checked in for a while. I've previously posted that I've got a pre-existing history of depression prior to going onto TOPA. For whatever reasons I didn't give it a FULL go initially (got up to 100mg a day) and then slipped back into my AL days - really didn't like myself - so got a 2nd doseage of TOPA and have been on it now again for about 2 weeks now. Straight onto 100mg a day. Keeping on with my anti-dep's medication which I can't live without and whilst I would definitely say the TOPA does give a bit of a DOPA effect (Blanchiboo - you called it "indifference" which I can sort of see) - for me, I don't have the DESPAIR :upset: which is how I felt when I was either a) drinking too much and feeling cr*p with myself or b) with no anti-dep's medication.

        SO, I guess to cut a long story short - for me the DOPA/TOPA is worth the fact that I'm not craving and then secretly drinking however much vodka before hubbie comes home. It also means that if we are drinking, a glass of wine goes a long way ..... an awful long way.

        You've got to find what works for you. Hope this helps for some! :lxx


          Newbies on Topamax

          I am at 200mg a day. And I have been AF for more than two weeks and feel great. I bought the Topa over the net. It has taken much of the cravings away but I have to fight the good fight against my demons wine and vodka. I have lost already 7 llbs! I have a few pesky side effects but anything is better than the misery I felt when drinking I was a mess.


            Newbies on Topamax

            I started taking my first dose at 6:00 pm and the second around 9:00 pm. that seems to do me really well. during the day I am good and maintain a stable mood and the headache is not so bad. a little tingling in feet. I am still drinking, but much much much slower and much much much less. I am so very pleased. it is not an effort at all.
            I am on 50 mgs still and I think I will wait until the weekend until I go up to 75. I am only 5 feet tall and I respond to meds really well, so I dont think I will need much. I weigh 120 now, and my appetite had decreased tremendously. Before I abused AL My comfortable wieght was 110 to 115 and I think I will be there again soon.
            I feel so much better. I am also excersizing and eating better. I am motivated again to be human.
            I will keep you all informed.
            Murphy...So cool! Keep it up! Doesn't it feel great!
            Photogirl, I am JUST LIKE YOU! Hang in there. I am still drinking too. Just less. I am trying not to beat myself up because I am taking steps. You are too. Be kind to yourself.


              Newbies on Topamax

              :bump: for Lights Out
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Newbies on Topamax

                Hey topa friends,

                I'm now at 125mg (my dr prescribe just a bit more)
                Seem to loose my hair a bit more these day...hope it not gonna be
                Too bad...I'll see . That freak me out thought.



                  Newbies on Topamax

                  I am brand new here. Read the book a while ago, but came back to it recently. I ordered the Topa and the starter kit...waiting for it. I already take Wellbutrin XL and Zoloft combo. I've been on it for years. I'm a little concerned about the Topa though. Some of you seemed to say that it really didn't diminish the cravings that much???If I read that right....I tried Naltrelone a while ago, but with nothing else, no email support forum, no supplements of amino acids didn't work. I'm nervous!


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    first day Topa

                    Well my Rx finally came yesterday and knowing I would start it today I drank way too much wine last night. Bummer but today is the beginning and I'm trying to be positive and hope for success. Thanks for all the stories and advice!


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      New to Topa - need advice

                      I ordered online from River 50 mg topa and started 2 days ago - been taking once a day for 3 days - I'm embarrassed to admit, I don't know when and how much I should be taking! I'm a weekend abuser - usually drink 4-5 vodka drinks 2-3 times per week and although that might not sound like a lot, I am a bypass patient and that amount puts me out! I have been struggling with abusive drinking most of my adult life and have been reading good things about topamax so I decided to just go ahead and try it, but realize I need a little instruction here! Help!


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        bump and question

                        Ok, I'm on Day 4 of Topa at the 25 mg once a day, and also Day 4 AF! Pretty good for me, I'm pleased. Also no side effects that I have noticed so far from the Topa, of course I've also had no hangovers for 4 days which is rather a good stretch of time for me to be so lucid in that way also.

                        One question I have, although I've seen lots of people talking about getting up to dosages of topa in the 100's, what about the maximums in the book of 300 mg per day. That seems like an awful lot to me....have some people found that if their cravings are managed at a lower rate they just stay there, or is it best to follow the book's schedule at first and then back off and see how things go to find your balance AFTER?

                        Thanks, hope everyone is doing well.:goodjob:


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          Hey DORI!

                          I'm a bypasser too! I didn't notice your post until after I had done mine. I know what you mean by a few drinks putting you OUT. Me too.

                          As for the dosages, have you gotten the My Way Out book? It is really critical reading if you are going to be taking the topa on your own and not under a doctor's care. You can download the PDF here on the site for only $12 or something, or you can order the book. I got my copy from Amazon for about $16 as I recall.

                          I can tell you that you start with 25 mg, once a day, for the first week, then add a second daily dose in the 2nd week and work your way up on the total mg per week from there. I really do recommend the book though, not just for the dosing schedule but for the herbal supplement regimen (which I am doing also and I think it helps) and just the program overview and history of the program in general.

                          PM me anytime if you want more help....clearly I'm almost as new as you are but as a bypasser we have at least TWO things in common right off the bat! :welcome:


                            Newbies on Topamax

                            yup still feels great I will be one month on Friday AF


                              Newbies on Topamax

                              Thanks scrubbly...!!

                              for your response! It's nice to know there's someone else out there in the same proverbial boat! I will take your advice and download the book - I guess I was so excited to hear that there was a pill that curbs cravings, I didn't stop to notice there was a book to guide you too! I will slow down and try to follow! Meanwhile, please keep in touch - I'm very new to this board and not real sure how to operate on here!


                                Newbies on Topamax

                                Hi and welcome to all the newbies:welcome:

                                Murphy, congrats on the 30 day AF:goodjob:

                                And me? Still going like the energizer bunny !

                                I am on 150mg...feeling good...the only thing that bug me is that my hair seem to fall out a little more than usual, so i bought a supplement called nutricap(it good for hair and nail)hope that help...I'll keep you posted

