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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    ok guys nota newbie but

    not a newbie made it up to 300 mgs and was clean then changed jobs done well for awhile buying on line but personally i dont think its as strong. well i fell off the wagon then it ran over me then it backed up and done it 2 or 3 more times well here i am back to 12 pack a night during the week took me 2 months to convince my doc to give it to me he tried anti depressants first which done nothing but i will need them later im sure but not to clean up. finally yesterday he gave me the script so i'm back and i'll do what i can to guide you and hopefully me to the soberland we seek. :sorry:


      Newbies on Topamax

      2 more books

      one is the tao of sobriety and the one the advertise on tv the THE ALCOHOLISM AND ADDICTION CURE: A Holistic Approach to Total Recovery the second i downloaded the audio version and its a helluva story told about addiction by the father of the addicted and he reads it so the emotion is in it
      my way out is also required reading


        Newbies on Topamax

        Hi guys. Day 5 only on Topa and Day 5 AF, I guess this stuff is helping!

        Hydro, welcome back and you have nothing to say sorry for (at least not to US!). Glad you are here and to have the benefit of your experience. Can I ask how long you were on the 300 mgs and were you AF or modding? Good luck to you in getting back on track.

        Shantao-hope the hair supp helps!

        Dori-let us know when you have read the book and if you have more questions! How are you feeling and doing on the 50 mgs?


          Newbies on Topamax

          What a goof!

          You will not believe this...I actually found unopened bottles of MWO Kudzu and Glutamine in my cabinet - I must have ordered the starter kit a few years ago, so now I'm looking for the book! What a dope! I remember getting it for the CD's, which I didn't find to be helpful. Maybe I just wasn't using them right. Anyway, hopefully I'll find the book and get on the right dosage of topa - meanwhile, I am taking the 50 mg. at night - it seems to make me tired and nauseated. But this weekend will be the true test! Will keep you posted!


            Newbies on Topamax

            Thanks tomorrow I am at the 30 day mark. Try Botin and zinc for the hair thing it helps.
            I am feeling pretty damn good. I have also lost 11 llbs which certain helps. I could not do this without the Topa.


              Newbies on Topamax

              Dori-glad you found some stuff! I have been giving the CDs a shot but its kinda early to know if they are helping. Let me know if you find the book.

              Good job on 30 Murph and on the 11 pounds!


                Newbies on Topamax

                Newbie saying hi

                ok let me introduce myself.... Realizing I had a problem, I found topomax from googling alchohol addiction and came across this site, then going to my doctor. I am on day 6 on 25mg and probably going to up my dosage to 50mg tomorrow. I had been drinking about 1/2 liter of alcohol per day, all from 6pm-midnight, and getting up for a professional workday, which was leaving me lethargic, fat, and aparently with high blood pressure and cholesterol despite only being in my mid 30s and athletically active. My addiction is killing me slowly and the most bizarre thing is, not a single person around me really knows it. I don't do things that mess up my life, nor do I have issues that make me drink. Its a purely physical addiction for me that I wish wasn't a problem (generally speaking, I enjoy drinking, I just do too much of it). I say this not to segregate myself from those who have other issues, but to relate to anyone who may be out there in my position as its sometimes just as difficult to explain how a seemingly worry free existance can go so off track.

                So my journey begins. started at 6'4 282lb male 33 active in sports and weightlifting. 25mg Topomax, no side effects. days 1-6. alcohol consumption reduced to about 1/2-1/3 normal. 7 lbs lost. even consumption of alchohol, reduced but not eliminated craving. still waking up at night though I have been taking pill around 6pm since that is normally when my craving starts. Doctor recommend to take it at night, maybe I should listen?


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  Take the topa at least an hour before the witching hour. I take it in the morning and about 4:00 in the afternoon. works for me. It only dulls the urge it doesn't totally go away.
                  I was a very heavy drinker wine and vodka or gin was my poison. I find I have to not drink anythnig or I drink over the topa. especailly if I drink hard alcohol.

                  Best of luck to you. Murph.


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    Topiramate now Generic in PA

                    I just filled my latest script for Topomax, and it was filled as topiramate (generic) at the generic co-pay. I live in Pennsylvania, USA.

                    Good News, My Way Outers!

                    13 Days AF and Counting.
                    :new: ceprise


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      ceprise;605023 wrote: I just filled my latest script for Topomax, and it was filled as topiramate (generic) at the generic co-pay. I live in Pennsylvania, USA.

                      Good News, My Way Outers!

                      13 Days AF and Counting.
                      If I read correctly, the patent ran out just 2 months ago. This means your doctor won't have free samples anymore (drug companies only spend on reps to push/hand out samples of thier expensive/under patent drugs), but it will be cheaper and cheaper over time.


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        Topa and depression

                        bluespaces;561699 wrote: Did anyone feel like they got depressed on topa?
                        It stopped my craving but I felt really more depressed than usual.
                        Maybe it was the topa or maybe withdrawals?
                        It has taken me 3 rounds of the Topa to track my depression back to it (topa) as the source. At first, I noticed a marked increase in irritability and a tendency to be uncharacteristically outspoken, even if just for a moment. I thought perhaps it had to do with just wanting that glass of wine. . . but after the last 3 weeks ending up in tears and feeling suicidal, I have decided to stop and do some research.
                        ps I have been AF for 60+ days, completed 36 days inpatient treatment in March and April.

                        Can anyone refer me to some specific, documented research on Topa and depression?


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          Old timer checking in

                          scrubbly;602803 wrote:

                          One question I have, although I've seen lots of people talking about getting up to dosages of topa in the 100's, what about the maximums in the book of 300 mg per day. That seems like an awful lot to me....have some people found that if their cravings are managed at a lower rate they just stay there, or is it best to follow the book's schedule at first and then back off and see how things go to find your balance AFTER?
                          Hi guys: just saw this thread and wanted to add my 2 cents:
                          I agree with the advice to get and keep handy RJ's book for the dosing suggestions. In there I believe you will find a section that give updated dosing suggestions, including the sugggestion that although 300 mg was used in the study, many do not need that high a dose. What I've read on here is that people tend to go up on the dose until something just "clicks" and then they stay at that dose. There is a very good thread by Paddy in this section worth reading . . I'll try to create a link to that.

                          You all seem to be doing great. Another useful tool is DrinkTracker. Anybody tried that? If you go to go t o the top of the page and click My Way Out Forums and then scroll 3/4 of the way down you'll see that as a choice. It's a place to post your daily amounts and see clear evidence of your progress. Then when you start adding AF days you have a record of your process. I'm a modder and have used it since I started; lots of those AF use it too

                          Keep up the good work!!



                            Newbies on Topamax

                            I have not posted in a month and I guess it's because of stress from various things in life including work and family but also because the topa just does not seem to be working. I am at 250 mg and have not noticed any reduction in my cravings.

                            I have continued to drink, no more and no less. I have been on the 250 for about two weeks and I'm so afraid to up the dose b/c if I get to 300 and that does not work I will be devastated! Why have my cravings not stopped?

                            I will admit that I have discontinued the hypno cds b/c of lack of time. But...the study conducted at VA tech or whatever school did not include hypnotherapy and the topa worked.

                            It's just really frustrating!
                            "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                            March 13, 2012

                            Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                            Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                            Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                            Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                            Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                            Goal #6: 6 months
                            Goal #7: 1 year


                              Newbies on Topamax

                              Hey there,

                              Unfortunatly I will have to discontinue the topa for now as my hair are falling out more and more and I sure don't want to go is too bad because aside from that topa is working very well for me...I might give it another try later if I can find something that stop the hair from falling...:upset:

                              Good luck everyone


                                Newbies on Topamax

                                Hi, I'm new. Just going out to pick up Topamax from pharmacy; my psychiatrist phoned it in for me when I told him I saw a program on addiction on CNBC a couple of weeks ago. That's how I found out about the Topa. I sure hope it works, because I am really scared. I have done the AA thing; at one time it helped me, but now, not so much. I don't go anymore, really haven't for several years. I am a binge drinker. I am really scared, because I can't get any control over drinking anymore. I am sick of living like this. I hope this works. Is it OK if they give me a generic, because they probably will. Anybody out there care; have any advice? Thanks.

