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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    I started at 25mg and didn't notice any reduction in cravings at all. I quickly went to 50mg. Still no reduction. Impatient as I am, I jumped right to 100 (within a week). I noticed a small reduction in cravings and was drinking less. I did have the tingling in the hands and feet, but no big deal. I'm on antidepressants, so no problem there. Definitely tired, but not sure if that is because of my hypothyroidism (just diagnosed). Still think my doc started me on way too low of a dose for that. A week later, I'm up to 200 mg. I know that was a fast progression to 200......but I think I found my right dose. I can barely even finish a glass of wine now. I still "want" to drink, but I can't. It's weird. I have this battle in my mind at the end of the day. Do I want a glass of wine or don't I? At least it's a battle now. Before, there was no question....I had to have it. Now, I pour the glass of wine, and most of it just sits there. That has NEVER happened to me before. I've had the same bottle of wine in the fridge for the past week. Oh....and beer just tastes awful! and I do love my beer AMAZING!! I'm so excited. I've lost 10 pounds which is also really nice. I have been seriously watching what I'm eating though, desperately trying to get back to normalcy. (37 female 145 pounds) I have a lot of hope of living a normal life now. The drug is expensive, but honestly if I compare to how much I spent on to two bottles of wine a night or a 12 pack of beer, not to mention the nights out at restaurants, losing my purse twice in the past six months, a night in the hospital, wrecking my car...the list goes's worth it! THe only negative I've had really is being tired. I can only hope that is due to my thyroid problem and it gets cleared with meds. I do have the foggy head thing from time to time, but not enough to want to make me stop taking the meds. Good luck everyone, I hope you find it works for you too


      Newbies on Topamax

      Hi everyone:

      It's been a while since I posted...I have been on the Topa for a little over 6 weeks now, titrated up to 100 mgs per day - 50 mgs in the a.m. and 50 mgs about mid-afternoon, and it is working.

      However, the one time that I did whole hog drinking (not moderating like I had been, stopping at a glass or two of wine) I got my first, last, and only DUI. SHIT! Yes, I've cried about that on several other threads too. :upset:

      Not sure if it's that my tolerance was down so much from having tapered off/moderated for about a month prior, or the topamax somehow affected also, but I am pretty sure that I hadn't drunk MORE than other times when I made it home without incident....shame shame, I know I know, still wrong, still unsafe, yatta yatta but these thoughts still run through my head regardless.

      Anywho, the point here is that drinking through the topamax is probably not a good idea folks! I am now on Day 18 AF and feeling good, for now anyway I'm still living in some shame and fear from the legal process I'm facing, but I think also that the Topa at 100 mgs is doing me good (and the hypno CD's, other supps, and of course all you lovely people here on the boards. )

      I'm not sure how long I'll be on the Topa, but AF is looking like a long term thing for me, the moderation thing got me in so much trouble so damn fast it's hard to see a future on that path, even though when I started MWO in April I thought for sure I could do moderation at some point in my life.

      Who knows?


        Newbies on Topamax

        karens;619283 wrote: Hello,
        I just got my first dose of Topamax in the mail yesterday. TOday was diagnosed with I'll be starting meds for that. I also take Prozac and Wellbutrin for depression. Does anyone know if Topamax interferes with any of these drugs?
        I take both wellbutrin and prozac and have not had a problem taking topamax. My psychiatrist is monitoring the use of all three.
        "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
        March 13, 2012

        Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
        Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
        Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
        Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
        Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
        Goal #6: 6 months
        Goal #7: 1 year


          Newbies on Topamax

          mispadre;618019 wrote: Hope,

          Maybe 300mg is what you will need. However, don't give up if this medication doesn't work for you. There are others available: Naltrexone, Campral, Baclofen, etc. And there are more coming out.

          Remember that the studies done at VA did not work for everyone in that study either. That's the case with most medications for brain disorders. It might be a good idea to get back on the hypno cds if those helped before. Or you may want to try a live hypnotherapist who specializes in addictions. I did that and if anything I found it relaxing and comforting. I don't know how it affected my drinking since I could only afford to go three times (it's a bit costly).

          Whatever you do, do NOT give up! You've obviously come this far which is a heck of a lot farther than most people. Just keep your eyes and ears open for new ideas and suggestions and don't beat yourself up.
          Thank you for the support! I am at 275 but still not reduction of cravings. I will up the dose to 300 and if this does not work, I am going to try something else.
          "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
          March 13, 2012

          Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
          Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
          Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
          Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
          Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
          Goal #6: 6 months
          Goal #7: 1 year


            Newbies on Topamax

            Hello All
            I am newly on Topa and I was hoping that I could join you. I am on 100mg currently and it seems to be helping. The only side effects I feel is a bit of muscle soreness and fatigue, but it is tolerable. I will up my dose again in 5 days.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Newbies on Topamax

              I am just seeing this thread and thought I would share with you all my experience with topa as it has been very positive. I followed RJ's advise on tirating up. I am currently at 200 mgs and that seems to be where I must get and stay for the cravings to stay at bay. I suffered the topa dopa and tingling and tiredness for about 3 weeks. All side effects were gone after the 3rd week. I am on Wellbutrin as well. I have had no issue with that. I will share with you that I have stopped taking it before and within a couple of days the cravings did return. I feel I may be on topa long term. OH WELL...better than alcohol.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Newbies on Topamax

                Hi Everybody, I have not posted in a long time due to the end of the school year and tons of other things. I am up to 200mg a day and doing really well finally with the side effects which seem to have gone away. I only have about one of two glasses of wine a night and feel great.
                It took a long time for the tingles to stop but eating bananas really helped with that.
                It is great to read that so many of you are doing well....keep posting and everyone hang in there and have a great fourth of July.


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  I have some topa that I will happily send to anyone who pm's me. Glad it is working for you all.


                    Newbies on Topamax

                    Topamax 25 Mg and Baclofen 50 Mg together?

                    Are there any side effects? Have anyone tried this?


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      topa again?

                      Every time I have tried topa, I don't seem to tolerate it. It seemed ok the first time, but I never got past 50 mg's. I'm starting again today and am taking all of the supps this time, with the addition of CoQ10 for energy. My plan is to give it three weeks even if I'm as sick as a dog. I have high hopes for this program as I am soooo tired of alcohol's side effects. Wish me luck and I'll try to keep posting. 49 MWC. 5'6'. 135 lbs. Prefer to weigh under 125. Thanks for all the support. Keke


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        day 4 - min side effects with supps and topa. Some increased muscle soreness. fell asleep to hypnotic tape, but felt well rested after. minimal cravings. keke
                        p.s. hope this thread hasn't died


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          I'm bumping it back up for you keKe....hoping it works for you. Everyone is different. Good Luck

                          Everything I need is within me!


                            Newbies on Topamax

                            update on topa

                            Thanks for the bump brightlite, Day 5, busy and haven't had a chance to do cd, but might try tonight when I go to bed. slept later than usual. Was postponing the topa until after an exercise class due to the increased muscle soreness, however I missed the class anyhow and just took my dose. Probably just as well. Feeling a little edgy right now so I ate the rest of my lunch. keek


                              Newbies on Topamax

                              "the Runs!!"

                              I had to stop the Topa (and it was working so well) because I started getting the runs and found myself in the bathroom all the time. I have been off for several days now and my GI system it still not back to normal. I had gotten up to 50mg twice a day when all this happened. Any thoughts for me??


                                Newbies on Topamax

                                Hi Yanni, Is it the topamax? Or are you on the supps as well. Magnesium will do that along with all the B vitamins. Just a thought. Keke
                                Day 6 and only had one day of indigestion. I will go to 50 mgs tomorrow.

