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Newbies on Topamax

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    Newbies on Topamax

    Hi all, can those of you that buy online without an rx tell me where you purchase from? I tried River today but the shipping costs almost as much as the drug? Holy crapola!!


      Newbies on Topamax

      Hi CJ, I did the River thing once and I agree it was way too expensive. I went through my doc for the topamax and she put it through as migraine med. Hope that helps. keek


        Newbies on Topamax

        topa update

        Hi All!
        Last time I posted on this thread was in April. I tried topa in conjunction with the supplements. I was already on zoloft/wellbutrin for many yrs prior to Topa. My goal was to eventually achieve moderation with alcohol. Worked for a while. I eventually ended up drinking over Topa, then just quit Topa after titrating down. My drinking picked back up later in the summer (2 bottles wine nightly +). A few weeks ago a couple things happened in my life that just opened my eyes beyond WIDE OPEN. So, now, I have put myself (with physician guidance) back on Topa with no alcohol in the picture. 2 wks now. Feels good. No bad sideffects noted currently. No cravings, except for sweets (lol, due to no alcohol, I am sure ha,ha ! I am staying active. Hope to stay on track. Have never really tried abstinence from alcohol before, but am kinda liking it. Feel better than I have felt in years.



          Newbies on Topamax

          MDHW;736510 wrote: Hi All!
          Last time I posted on this thread was in April. I tried topa in conjunction with the supplements. I was already on zoloft/wellbutrin for many yrs prior to Topa. My goal was to eventually achieve moderation with alcohol. Worked for a while. I eventually ended up drinking over Topa, then just quit Topa after titrating down. My drinking picked back up later in the summer (2 bottles wine nightly +). A few weeks ago a couple things happened in my life that just opened my eyes beyond WIDE OPEN. So, now, I have put myself (with physician guidance) back on Topa with no alcohol in the picture. 2 wks now. Feels good. No bad sideffects noted currently. No cravings, except for sweets (lol, due to no alcohol, I am sure ha,ha ! I am staying active. Hope to stay on track. Have never really tried abstinence from alcohol before, but am kinda liking it. Feel better than I have felt in years.

          Wonderful news!!


            Newbies on Topamax

            HI, Hope I can join you.

            Hello, everyone,
            I've posted on the Just Starting Out forum for several months, but haven't ventured far beyond that. I did go to my doc about starting topo, and am now in my third week of it. I also get migraines, so I'm hoping that it will help out on several fronts, weight loss included!

            My cravings seemed to stop almost the very first day that I started topo, so I am assuming that must be a psychosomatic response. As I posted in the newbies thread, when I did a 30 day AF in May, cravings were such a constant problem that I LEAPT off the wagon at the end of the 30 days, so not having that constant craving was truly a blessed relief. This week at 75 mgs I am definitely feeling the tingling in hands and feet, and so will probably hold at this dosage for awhile, to see if I can stay relatively successful without going to higher doses. I did have one big slip this week, so I know I need to stay aware of how tired I get.

            I am losing weight, and now fit into jeans that I had had to put aside for awhile.

            For me, the topo really seems to be the key. I hope it remains so. I look forward to reading your posts to see how all of you are doing. I haven't even seen this forum before now, so thanks for being here, just when I needed you. Have a great weekend!


              Newbies on Topamax

              Mica, if you eat half a banana before bedtime it should help you with the tingling in the hands and feet.
              It's fantastic to hear Topa working so well for you.
              Please keep us posted.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Newbies on Topamax

                I'm worried about the "dopey" effect of topomax - is that only at high doses? Is it necessary to go all the way up to 300mg? It is interesting to read that some people's cravings come back.

                I think I need to try something because yesterday I took all the supplements and listened to the Subliminal cd, although I didn't exercise, because I'm coming down with bronchitis. Over the course of the day I somehow managed to have 10 beers and a glass of wine. Bad. I'm so frustrated. Maybe I'm afraid of change, or something. It's like I'm fighting with myself. Can't seem to sit still long enough to read, or listen to the cds, or some other ones I have about mindfulness, etc. I always seem to fill up the time I have to myself, which is not much, with errands, chores, etc., and I think that's what leads to the frustration, rebellion, etc., that drives me to drink.


                  Newbies on Topamax

                  Hey, there, WorkinProgress...
                  Sometimes it feels like that, doesn't it? Like you can't sit still long enough to even think. I find that when i feel like that, going for a stroll helps. I know, that is when I feel the LEAST like getting out the door, but even when I'm sick, just moving my body even at a slow pace seems to help. I am holding even at 75 mgs of topo, because I was just starting to get the topo dopo effect, and didn't want to get more. My cravings seemed to go away at even the lower dose, and that is still true, for me, anyway.

                  Deebee, thanks for the word about bananas. It does help the tingling in the feet and hands. I appreciate it!



                    Newbies on Topamax

                    Walking is good...

                    Thank you! It's the simplest thing, and I consistently forget to do it, or find other things to do. Walk! I love it. I think I will right now. I think I could even just go out and walk around the backyard a little. We have some nice redwood trees that I'm always thinking I should go out and sit under. Thanks for the info about topo, too.


                      Newbies on Topamax

                      Hey Good news!

                      I just found out that without trying I've lost 8 pounds this month. And this has been with allowing myself the occasional dish of ice cream.... Yahoo!

                      I'm still holding at 75 mgs of topo, still dealing with the tingling of hands and feet, but still have no real cravings to speak of. Such a relief after white-knuckling it all summer. ( Or not even trying to bother...)


                        Newbies on Topamax

                        Let's go for a walk together!

                        Workinprogress, I'm with you. But the trees I walk through will be ponderosas, not redwoods. But I'll be thinking about you! :goodjob:


                          Newbies on Topamax

                          Hello Everyone - I finally found a dr to prescribe me Topamax! I was in an outpatient re-hab this summer and they gave me everything but the Topamax, no matter how much I asked. I was still drinking while in the program and they basically gave up on me for being honest with them. This site gives me true encouragement, so I'm back to it. I will admit, my drinking still continues, but I need to pull out my book and give it another try, hopefully with the help of the Topa and this site. Wish me luck!


                            Newbies on Topamax

                            christyacc;563181 wrote: Hi everyone!

                            This is so much easier to read than the other Paddy post. I was on Topa last year but for some reason stopped, not sure why. I wasn't consistant with it, forgot to take it, tirating up inconsistantly, etc. I didn't give it 100%. Though it did cut cravings and I did lose weight. The change of taste of pop was huge....and the change of taste for beer, but not so much that I didn't drink it . I never went overboard with it, which was awesome.

                            What is the general concensus here? Modding or AF? I only have 3 days AF happening right now...would like to do a bit more, and decide later. I was just curious.

                            I re-ordered the Topa, and hopefully it will get here soon. It seems to take forever to get to Canada.
                            Hi everyone... I'm reading this thread right from the beginning and so this original quote is old. But I need to ask: how do you go about ordering Topamax through the Internet? Is this not a prescription drug that you need to obtain from your physician?




                              Newbies on Topamax

                              AnyaPrincess;752255 wrote: Hi everyone... I'm reading this thread right from the beginning and so this original quote is old. But I need to ask: how do you go about ordering Topamax through the Internet? Is this not a prescription drug that you need to obtain from your physician?


                              It can be ordered either way ...probably better ordered with a script through your physician though #1 you can get it for a better price because insurance will pay for it...#2 your doctor can help you with any issues that may pop up with your program. However you can order on the internet on some sites with a script as well...question is will your insurance consider then an in-network presciption provider? If you have a prescription probably just as well take it to your local pharmacy.



                                Newbies on Topamax

                                CMCEREZA;750802 wrote: Hello Everyone - I finally found a dr to prescribe me Topamax! I was in an outpatient re-hab this summer and they gave me everything but the Topamax, no matter how much I asked. I was still drinking while in the program and they basically gave up on me for being honest with them. This site gives me true encouragement, so I'm back to it. I will admit, my drinking still continues, but I need to pull out my book and give it another try, hopefully with the help of the Topa and this site. Wish me luck!
                                HI, CMCEREZA! I DO wish you luck! I hope the topo works for you as it has for me. I have been enjoying one glass of wine, once in awhile, and last week even had poured myself a second, put it on the sideboard to have after dinner, and ended up pouring it out because I simply didn't want it. I've got to tell you, this NEVER would have happened before. I am so totally amazed at the difference that topo has made in me. Good luck. Let me know how it goes!

