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Kudzu's effectiveness

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    Kudzu's effectiveness

    Hello, everybody!

    I was wondering if kudzu is only effective for problem drinkers, and not hardcore alcoholics such as myself. I assume that a problem drinker is somebody that consumes 4-5 drinks a night. On the other hand, somebody who has been drinking 10-11 drinks daily for 14 years(myself) probably should not expect a significant diminishment of desire for alcohol from taking kudzu. I am posting this because kudzu has been ineffective for me, and am trying to figure out why this has been the case. I was recently on a UK-based website - there was some observation posted about kudzu's effectiveness for individuals who drank no more than 25 drinks a week. Well, that leaves me out, I thought to myself.


    Kudzu's effectiveness

    I personally found it seemed to help somewhat for a day or two, then nothing- although some people swear by it.

    I also think thaat unfortunately my drinking has been too hardcore to be effected much by a natural remedy- it also seems to work better in conjunction with a lot of other supplements.


      Kudzu's effectiveness

      Same here.. I didn't really find that Kudzu did anything for me. As a matter of fact, I have to admit that none of the supplements really seemed to make me feel better. I'm still thinking that I may start taking some again... little by little, adding one (Supplement) a week maybe - perhaps I'll be able to pin point which one wasn't agreeing with me.

      Anyways.. I'm not a huge fan of Kudzu, either and I've never tried the Lglut.

      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Kudzu's effectiveness

        I think the kudzu works really well if you take it when you are not drinking already (i.e. hopefully in the morning). It doesn't have a huge effect on me, but I definitely noticed a reduced desperation to drink. I also think it might become less effective with daily use. So it could be better to take it now and then when you know you will be drinking, because it seems to make you (or me, anyway) less obsessed with ingesting alcohol as fast as possible.

        Some people have suggested that you need to take it daily, however. I guess it depends on the person.

        L-glutamine doesn't do a thing for me in terms of cravings/obsessions with drinking. But I believe it is good for you, so I take it every morning on an empty stomach.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Kudzu's effectiveness

          I didnt find the kudzu much use either but the L-glut is magic stuff and I depend on it. Couldnt live without it now. I also find that along with the L-glut other amino acids called sero-tonic (a bit like true calm and GABA) keep me balanced so I dont get hypoglycemic which makes me crave. You probably have to do a bit of experimentation to find out what works for you.


            Kudzu's effectiveness

            kudzu worked for me for intense cravings...didn't take it unless i was craving...but who knows if it was placebo effect!
            i drank two+ bottles of wine a night for years...


              Kudzu's effectiveness

              Kudzu seems to be helping me but I'm still very early in seems to make the beer not taste as good....????


                Kudzu's effectiveness

                I live in Georgia and every summer we are over run by Kudzu. A few years ago, a guy down the road had a heart attack while driving and swerved off the road and into the Kudzu. We had man-hunts for weeks. Helicopters were aloft. The old boy was not found until some guy was clearing the kudzu from his yard and found his truck.

                We have picture of houses completely covered by the stuff and some streets look like tunnels in the summer. Calendars in little greasy spoons have a different kudzu engulfed structure for each month. I am told it was brought here from Japan to control erosion but I think it was something that Gators sent up here to break the morale of the Dawgs.

                Then I heard about kudzu being used to reduce alcoholic cravings and I was sure that this finding was a gift from God. With a commercial use for the weed, it would be harvested far and wide and for the first time in years, we would be free of the insidious growth. But the kudzu is here in all its glory. So help a country boy. Tell your friends that kudzu works. Eat mo’ kudzu! Go Dawgs!


                  Kudzu's effectiveness

                  LOL Springrider, it does seem to help some folk with cravings and also is said to be great for bigger boobs- although it did not really help me in either department I have to say.


                    Kudzu's effectiveness

                    marbella;554530 wrote: LOL Springrider, it does seem to help some folk with cravings and also is said to be great for bigger boobs- although it did not really help me in either department I have to say.
                    Thanks Marbella,
                    With your reply I went to your gallery to see if I could see for myself if it helps with your upper characteristics.

                    They are all dogs!! Believe me, i am an animal lover but it would be fun to put a face (and more) to these fun people I have encountered here.


                      Kudzu's effectiveness

                      Hi Springrider,
                      what an intriguing story! Do you think I can buy seeds of the stuff in the UK to plant on my patio? I'm really into gardening these days? That would be interesting!!! You people live in places like out of movies :0)

