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topamax for sinclair?

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    topamax for sinclair?

    hey, so i just recently begain the topamax.. i was curious if topamax can be used with the sinclair method since naltrexoneis supposed to work by taking away the "pleasure" alcohol gives a person, making them drink less and less, etc.. well isnt topa supposed to do the same thing?

    second question-if i ordered naltrexone, would it work if i were to take it whenever i drank, right that night? to stop the binge? just at that one dose? or do you have to work up to a dose?

    topamax for sinclair?

    Yes you are right it is. There is a thread on it. I will bump it for ya.


      topamax for sinclair?

      Taking naltrexone is not the same thing as following the Sinclair method. Topamax is an anti-craving drug; while we do have a few anecdotes of success using naltrexone that way and we respect that, it has limited success when used that way. We on the Sinclair method are using naltrexone for a three-month-or-more process to accomplish pharmacological extinction of alcohol addiction. We suggest you study the posts in the thread Boozehag bumped for you (thanks, BH), and our site

      (cut and paste into your browser) and determine whether this is for you.

      Naltrexone works "right that night" for a few of us, but that is a weak and fleeting effect for the vast majority. Long-term is the key. Knowledge is power. Read up! All the best -- Lena


        topamax for sinclair?

        ok thanks i understand, just wondering because topamax supposedly does the same thing as naltrexone-except naltrexone doesnt work with cravings much i going to read more about the sinclaire method. after 3 months you say with the sinclair method you can stop the naltrexone? its not for life?


          topamax for sinclair?

          The Sinclair Method = Take 50mg (25mg the first two days) Naltrexone one hour before you start to drink. And that is it. End of!

          Therefore the Sinclair Method cannot be 'done' with Topamax, because then it would no longer be the Sinclair Method- it would be a person taking Topamax and drinking on top of it. RJ discovered that after taking Topamax people reported a loss of appetite and less cravings for Alcohol, she found it also worked for her and friends of hers.

          For me it just made me feel giddy and blurred my vision! We all have to try things for ourselves but there has never been any suggestion that Topamax will extinguish the behavoir over a period of time as it is not an opiate antagonist as naltrexone is- it just seems that some people feel less like drinking after taking it.


            topamax for sinclair?

            hi 455,anything you want to no about the 2 drugs can be found on the net,actually since hearing of naltreone,ive lerned a lot from it,i persoanally dont use it yet,but its getting highly recognise reviews by doctors all over the globe,if used properly .its been known to help,other then the long term effects of the drug,which untill years from now we wont no,also it has to be taken for life,if not the feelings come back,that is the studies ive read,very promising in my view,but im not a doctor or a scientist,but there is the old method of just stopping and staying stopped, gyco


              topamax for sinclair?

              Gyc, the good thing about the Naltrexone is you only have to take it when you are going to have a drink, so although that is likely to be every day in the beginning, once we start to 'get better' and begin drinking less, we should find we are only needing to take it once or twice a week, if even that.


                topamax for sinclair?

                Hi - Topamax works by lessing the pleasure of drinking (and everything else in my opinion) in the doesn't help you get better long term, it just helps you while you are drinking and you take it every day. For me, using it also brought with it increased anger, depression and deadened sense of, it was not worth continuing use.

                Naltraxone taken according to the Sinclair method is meant to change the way you drink long term. You take it while you are drinking only (an hour before) and each time you drink, it reduces the brains ability to experience euphoria from drinking. It is an opiate blocker - my understanding of that in simple terms is that there is a little path in your brain to the place that releases happy endorphins. We that abuse alcohol no longer have a little path - we have a big superslide to the endorphins. So we like going down the superslide a little bit more than 'normal' people and after awhile, can think of little else but getting back on that superslide. The Naltraxone, taking as Dr. Sinclair indicates, turns that superslide back into a little path. Over time, your brain learns to drink like a normal person again because it no longer gets the huge endorphin release. The catch is that you always have to take Naltraxone when you drink for the rest of your life - however, if you are drinking normally, the # of times per week you need to take it will be reduced.

                So, since Topamax is not an opiate blocker, it doesn't work the same way....I am not taking either at the moment. Just researching Naltraxone for now, and for me it would be the better option.

                Good luck either way


                  topamax for sinclair?

                  happy4once;554115 wrote: Hi - Topamax works by lessing the pleasure of drinking (and everything else in my opinion) in the doesn't help you get better long term, it just helps you while you are drinking and you take it every day. For me, using it also brought with it increased anger, depression and deadened sense of, it was not worth continuing use.

                  That is a powerful answer!

                  I am a Sinclairian in my 6th week. Already I am loosing interest in drinking. I do not drink every night and drink much less. Actually, alcohol is loosing its magic. It is a funny paradox (Sinclair is nothing but paradox) in that the prize at the end of the road becomes a booby prize once you get there.

                  Month Six -

                  Dr. Sinclar --
                  Okay Mr. X, you are now cured and your prize is a bottle of champagne.
                  Mr. X -- Thanks. I appreciate it but I just don't feel like drinking - thank you.

                  Many of of sneakily and secretly delight at the beginning of the journey that we will be able to drink like those other guys. We can't help feeling like a mosquitoe in a nudist camp. But as the journey goes forward, we realize that the very reason we can now drink is because we just don't want too

                  We are becoming normal and we will need another hobby!


                    topamax for sinclair?

                    Thanks for all your info guys! I'll have to make my decision based on how I feel on the topa since I've already ordered and begun it... hehe so nal will be next if topa doesnt work. but yes i do feel the depression on the topa.


                      topamax for sinclair?

                      Topamax prescription

                      Hi all,

                      I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but here goes:

                      I haven't read the book yet, but have done a fair amount of online research into Topamax.

                      Has anyone bought this online with no prescription? I am not from the US and living in an Asian country. I don't have a shred of confidence in either the doctors of this country or the expat ones here. In addition, mental health, addictions etc. are not the kind of things to air here for all sorts of reasons beyond just privacy.

                      I have been searching for an online prescription provider, but so far, all either look dodgey or need a prescription from a US doctor to fill the script.

                      I am aware that dosage of this kind of drug is really, really important, so I'm not taking this lightly...

                      Help anyone?

                      Thanks so much.


                        topamax for sinclair?

                        Hi Grlfrmipanema and Welcome

                        I did try it Topamax few years ago, and I think I ordered from River Pharmacy, if I remember right. (I live in Spain, so it took a few weeks to reach me).

                        Have you read the My Way Out book? You can download it from the site, just go to the 'Health Store' link at the top of the page. The book will explain the recommended dosage and a lot more, or alternatively start a new thread, and you are more likely to get replies and advice from people who are currently taking Topa, your post might get a bit lost here, as this thread has been going a few days.

                        Wishing you the best of luck!


                          topamax for sinclair?

                          Thanks so much marbella. I will check out River Pharmacy and see what I can find.

                          In answer to your question: I have ordered the book (prefer the hard copy version) and also supplements PLUS CD. I ordered one of the starter packs... I am waiting for all this to arrive, but hoping customs (Japan) don't block the shipment, particularly due to the supplements. I believe that Topamax has also been used to improve cravings for food - binge eaters, bulimics, etc - which, given my background, kills a number of birds with one stone. Don't get me wrong: I'm not viewing the drug as the panacea for all my ills, merely a support to help me gain some forward momentum.

                          I'll take your advice and post again to see what people say.

                          Thanks again!


                            topamax for sinclair?

                            alldaychemist has better prices than river
                            get 100mg and a pill splitter - cheapest way to titrate

