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Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

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    Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

    I have been following the Strickly Sinclair threads and I read the new site also I have read the book about the Sinclair Method.

    I continue to experiment with my own "method."

    I take 15 to 20 mgs of baclofen (a muscle relaxor) spaced out out at 5mg intervals per day.
    Along with this I take 50 mgs of Naltrexone (25 mgs 2x a day)

    I am having very good success in limiting my drinking. Prior to taking this formula I had been completely unable to not drink, with the exception last April at a 30 day rehab. This was AA based and I choose to participate as a "learning experience." I did not have very good success with this rehab, I drank and resumed my 24/7 drinking habit within seven days of leaving rehab.

    What did I drink? For 35 years I at least drank 2 bottles of wine, spaced throughout the day and evening. Added to this, depending on my social schedule, was at least 4 hard alcohol drinks per day, and more if I was "really" drinking.

    Five years ago, for personal reasons, I choose to address my alcohol consumption. I started with personal therapy. The advise there was to go to AA. I never felt I was a "candidate" for AA so I decided not to pursue that as a help. I do however continue personal therapy.

    Throughout these last five years I have made various attempts to change. Amoung the tools I used were:

    1. Hypnosis - I found personal hypnosis to be moderately helpful and to this day I still listen to my personal tapes.

    2. Exercise - I started yoga, nia and pilates and began a life long dream and started to study surfing.

    3. Change of friends - consciously and naturally I changed the group of people I partied with. Instead of socializing with friends with whom at the end of an evening dinner party of 8 people with the line up of 16 empty bottles of wine, I found myself in the company of my new society, of friends from my exercise classes, a dinner party would end with 8 people and 3 to 4 bottles of wine. (Of course I had drank more before I went, and more when I came home, but it was a start.) I am now honest with my friends and I have shared with them my problem in regard to AL, they have been very supportive.

    4. Naltrexone - I tried twice before to take 50 mgs of Nal prior to bedtime, as directed by my Dr. This enabled me to stop drinking for about a course of nine days in a row. I would then "feel" better and stop taking the Nal. Immediately I would get a craving and drink.
    Thus putting me back on the roll.

    5. Topomax - My brother was successful in stopping drinking entirely using this med. I however, went ballistic, felt like every day was a major PMS disaster. Could not tolerate the topomax.

    6. Vivitrol - A monthly injection of naltrexone. I was administered this along with campral . I did not understand there was a relationship of the two meds together and sporadically took the campral. Three days after my shot I was back to 24/7 drinking as if nothing had changed at all. My desire was in full gear, and I was able to get the total benefits of getting high from AL.

    7. AA - I have resumed AA meetings. I do not agree at all with what I feel are outdated and cultish methods. I do however go to meetings and do get some support. I only go to meetings where there is a guest speaker. I have understanding of the 12 steps, but I too, as others have said before me, do not think I am a "victim" nor do I have remorse in regard to my drinking past. Yes I have messed up a few personal relationships, but I have, on my own with my own diligence, repaired and mended those relationships. And not by just apologizing but by doing my own sincere work with compassion and understanding. We, none of us, are perfect.

    8. I have tried to go "Cold Turkey" Never works for me

    9. I have been using NeuroScience supplements after having urinalysis to determine the levels of brain chemistry. I had very low serotonin, and now it has been adjusted. I continue to work with an alternative health practitioner to tweek my other unbalanced levels.

    So through these five years, I have made what I feel is good progress, slowly but surely.

    I did at one point have a liver test that indicated my liver was slightly compromised. With the addition of milk thistle and a salad daily with fresh dandelion greens, I changed that test to normal liver function.

    Because my husband, and rightly so, is over my drinking, I am in the possession of the fact that he is in the process of divorcing me. However, if I do not drink, he is willing to continue our relationship, and in fact remarry in the future. This was very difficult for me, as through the years I have helped him with numerous and serious health issues. The last item was his successful cochlear implant five years ago which gave him back the ability to hear, after 15 years of literal deafness. That was the time I choose to "PAY ATTENTION TO MYSELF."

    So, to stay in my lovely home, (although I have other homes I could live in, I am not in any way destitute) I am not allowed to drink. Thus I am unable to follow the Sinclair Method.

    My reason for sharing?

    I am experiencing good positive help using my meds. It may be possible if you are reading this and can not stop drinking, Naltrexone may be able to at least get you started toward the road of abstaining. It is possible.

    I do not at all negate the people who are doing the Sinclair Method, as I too, would love to be one of the trials on their site. But I am doing what I am, and I since Dec 26th 2008 I HAVE NOT DRANK 94 BOTTLES OF WINE along with 40 + or - COCKTAILS


    Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

    Hiya Oceana. Thanks very much for sharing where you're at with the grog, etc. I found this information interesting, and food for thought. For me, total abstinence is necessary at the moment, and i am cool with this, as, like you, trial and error have led me to my decision. I think we all have to find our own 'way out', as is often noted here. Thanks again for sharing, and for your honest post. I wish you every success in your journey..................G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

      GREAT POST...those are the meds i will NEVER be without. I have no intention of ever drinking again but I am not naive enough to believe that it could never happen. Thank GOD I had these meds, if it wasn't for them there is no way i could be happy and sober today...The MWO program plus these 2 meds are an unbeatable combination that WORKS FOR ME !!!!
      Thanks for posting !!!!
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

        I believe you are making great progress toward your goal of reducing alcohol consumption, with the final goal of eliminating alcohol, I think. You are doing great, you don't give up but keep finding new approaches.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

          Fantastic news Ocean- I am thrilled your approach is working for you, please keep us posted


            Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

            wow ocean i am impressed,what a thread,you remind me of me hahahha,even your married life,at one point ,my drink was a lot more, could that be cause im male,hahahha,i like the part on rehab,i believe the rate of failure is high,number one you have the choice to leave when you want,many stick it out,just to fall [i didnt say fail] when they get out,if your method is working for you,fantastic,as far as partners be,mine has not been where ive been,nor does she want to,since rehab and interventions coming on tv,my wife being able to see the other side as it is,her behaviour towards me has changed considerably,,the old saying goes,do you really want to walk a mile in my shoes,again thnx gyco


              Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

              My heart goes out to you lady. Some of us have messed up and lost the trust of those around us and that is a terrible prison to be locked in. Do the best with what you can. I do wish you all the luck and you are in my prayers.


                Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

                thanks SpringerRider, I am doing well, and I am feeling rather positive. So far, so good!


                  Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

                  Ocean, that is quite a testimonial to the salubrious effectiveness of naltrexone and baclofen. I am very happy for you.



                    Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

                    francophone;556737 wrote: Ocean, that is quite a testimonial to the salubrious effectiveness of naltrexone and baclofen. I am very happy for you.

                    Thank you for responding, I hope this writing will help someone, other than myself. I have continued to have a great ability to reduce and almost eliminate my cravings. This has been two months now.

                    Prior to this formula I was completely at the mercy of my craving. Naltexone and Baclofen have subdued the craving, almost eliminated it. I have a slight craving once or twice a day, very slight.

                    When I am more confident I am going to eliminate the Nal and try Baclofen alone in a higher dosage. I will keep you posted.

                    Alcohol had an extremely strong hold on me

                    :truce:I SURRENDER TO SOBRIETY


                      Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

                      "6. Vivitrol - A monthly injection of naltrexone. I was administered this along with campral . I did not understand there was a relationship of the two meds together and sporadically took the campral. Three days after my shot I was back to 24/7 drinking as if nothing had changed at all. My desire was in full gear, and I was able to get the total benefits of getting high from AL."

                      Hi Ocean. Thank you for your story. There is some really amazing information on this site, and some very wise & knowledgeable posters.

                      Just curious, what do you mean that you did not understand the relationship between naltrexone & campril? Do they interact in some way? I tried naltrexone with campril myself, and it didn't work after a while. Anyone?

                      Thanks and best of luck to you!


                        Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

                        I just added baclofen to my Campral regimen (10mg 3x day) and Im anxious to see any craving-reducing effects. Like Oceana, I have a slightly compromised hepatic system and I think some Milk thistle should be in my immediate future as well. Hope it works- Ive been sober for a little over 3 weeks now, after a 3-day hospital. I was up to 1L of vodka/day, 6-8 beers, and a few vicodin- when I presented for detox, I blew a 0.347 BAC. Sadly, as much as my family likes to glom on to that number and point out how close to a coma I was, they have little concept of the tolerance Id built up by that point. So with fresh resolve and clean(er) blood, Im hoping the drugs will keep me on my chosen path this time.
                        While there's life, there's hope.


                          Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience


                          Thank you for writing about your experiences with different methods and medications. It is very useful to me.


                          Everything I need is within me!


                            Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience

                            Just reporting back in and want to share my continued feelings about what I feel is a good program for me. I am doing well and have had very good control over my very powerful drinking habit.:happyheart:


                              Naltrexone and Baclofen - My personal experience


