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Starting on Campral

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    Starting on Campral

    I have a prescription for Campral from my doctor, and he told be to take it only after being abstinent. I'm not really sure if that means AF for a day, a week, a month???? Can anyone comment on their experiences with Campral?

    Starting on Campral

    Are you trying to be alcohol free or are you trying to moderate? If you are trying to be AF, then wait 5 days AF before starting. If you want to moderate you do not have to wait - and you can still drink on Campral.


      Starting on Campral

      Thanks Kimmy. I'm planning on AF, so I'll wait a few days before starting. I'm on Topamax right now (125 mgs), and would like to get off of that soon!


        Starting on Campral

        My doctor said Campral works in a way which helps you to maintain abstinence once you have stopped for a short while (I think a few days up to a week).

        I wish you luck with it. I've been on it for about 3 weeks and I'm not honestly sure how its affecting me because I didn't start it until I'd been AF for about three weeks. I am now AF 38 days though so it's certainly not doing any harm! Few side effects that I've been aware of.
        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


          Starting on Campral

          Hi, :new:
          I have had two different experiences with Campral.

          My first over a year ago, when I went AF cold turkey and started using Campral the next day coupled with a few days of taking Diazepan. I was incredibly fogged, which I now realise was a result of the brain cell death associated with the sudden stopping of alcohol (approx 1 bottle spirits daily). I persevered and after a few weeks I was fine, the attraction of drinking did diminish and after a month felt much better. I even tried a drink but found little pleasure.
          I did have a problem with excessive gas which got unbearable and caused me to stop taking Campral after 2 months, however I was fine and enjoying my new found life.
          That was however until I discovered that my partner of nearly 20 years had started a relationship with somebody else. I relasped and my drinking habit errupted again, this time though I told myself it was justified.

          Well my life problems did not sought themselves and I got fed up with drinking, but was unable to stop again, but new that I must.

          I started taking Campral together with tapering my alcohol consumption off gradually over a number of weeks. I would reduce my consumption and drink at the new level for 2 to 3 days before reducing again.
          I must say that this approach has proved a lot easier than I thought possible, once my consumption had halved from its original level, I found it easier to stick to the new limits.
          I'm know down to a fifth of my original consumption and plan to continue reducing further to start to incorporate AF free days. Until I go completely AF free.

          This is my personal experience and I know that this isn't the suggested method of Campral use, but and it's a big but, IT'S WORKING FOR ME!

          Good luck and hope it works for you.


            Starting on Campral

            Campral really worked for me. Almost 7 months sober and just tapering off now.

            Good luck!


              Starting on Campral

              Campral is also good for me after only a month or so. No side effects anymore and hardly notice I'm taking it
              AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                Starting on Campral

                I find Campral really good. I works for me too. No effects if I commit the mistake of drinking any alcohol. Little side effects too.

