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My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

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    My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

    Day 8 on Campral...I had my therapy app yesterday. We agreed I need to take a few more days off from work. I tend to downplay how serious my situaiton is..mostly because Ive been dealing with addication for so long....but I just have this voice inside that says to take some time... to ground isnt going anywhere.... I am learning to listen to that voice.
    I have been doing alot of research online. I have been looking at visiting an Egalitarian community.I like the idea.... Ive always felt out of place pretty much my whole life...Im justin the preliminary thought stage. but I have prayed and asked the universe to guide me and bring into my life that which I need and I trust it is happening.

    First and foremost my sobriety. I have felt good. I havent even been thinking about alcohol. The Campral seems to be working...Its been rainy here so Ive been staying in...I hope everyone is well...


      My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

      Day 9 on Campral

      Well, things are starting to balance out I think. Im sleeping good, probably to good. Ima little stressed about things like finance (Ive done lalot of damage over the past 2 month in that area) but I m believing that Im ok and that I will be ok. Ive been lookig at sites about living life simply... SometimesI feel like a robot...born nto society. Its like we dont really ave choices. We are told hat we do but in reality I feel like wedont. We are born, go to school, get jobs to survive when in reality we are just making somone richer. We get cars and houses and we feel like its never enough. We get in debt..we get out of debt and then go back in debt...its a cycle that never seems to end. I dont want to live the rest of my life keeping up with the Joneses. What kind of life is that?
      As you can see Im pretty deep in thought today. It a rainy day and its supposed to get worse. Looks like Ill be inside again today. I hope you are all doing ok... Plese feel free to post something in this thread....I would love to hear your thoughts....take care


        My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

        [QUOTE=davenc;578502]4thday on Campral

        Well, I slipped yesterday..but I refuse to be down on myself about it....i will say that I didnt feel the same affect from the alcohol and I dont even think that Campral has anything to do with alcohol effect....So I dont know if it had to do more with just not caring as much about "getting to that drunk place".... I had 4 drinks but just never could get into it. For that I am grateful.

        My meds doctor told me that Campral aids in promoting abstinence in different ways- and one of them is the lessening of alcohol enjoyment. I was really glad about this because it began to make the thought of it less and less desireable WHICH IS GOOD!!!


          My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

          Day 14 on Campral

          Well, Ive been mia for a few days but all is well. i actually went back to work on tuesday. Im glad I took some time off but Im also glad to be back to work.
          I dont have alot to report other then I havent had a drink in 11 days. And thats great news. I have scheduled appts with my therapist for the month, and though Im tired I feel ok. I hav NO desire to drink. Im sure it has alot to do with the fact that Ive totally drained my account over the past few months and would have a hard time if I wanted to. No, I take that back. I work for an airline and have access to alcohol and I havent taken advantage of that since Ive been back to work. So Im going to give myself a pat on the back for that. :goodjob:. So I hope you are all doing good.
          Thanks to Kate for sharing your experience on campral. Im very encouraged.
          Everyone take a moment and relax today. One of my character flaws is always wanting eveyone else to be happy. Its not my job to make at happen, and actually if Im happy and taking care of me those around me will be happier as well.


            My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

            Great Advice!

            :new::new:Hi! Your information is very very helpful. I've been drunk nightly for many years now. I've been living the "Long Days Journey Into Night" over and over again. After I fell and hit my head and sacrum last Tues day, I took a "mental health day" to "recover." Finally, called a physician who advertised Addiction Services and several of the latest drugs. I'm on day 1. The funcky thing here is that I've had this rash on my arms and outer legs for months now. It hasn't responded to antibiotics and creams. However, as soon as I started Campral I noticed a big difference and my arms are starting to heal. Has anyone else experienced this reaction. Monday, I've got to get blood work and I'm scared. Sometimes my liver hurts but not so much now likely because I was dry x 5 days last week.

            I went out to lunch today and could have had a drink, but had no desire. I watched a couple drink gin and tonic and thought "how strange." And I thought real hard about going to the corner store to get my usual stash of Coors Light 24 oz x 4. Usually the thought triggers the behavior and I'd be out in la la land by now. So, that was a little weird also.

            My mouth is a little dry and I was a little dizzy today on the usual dose. So I think I'll space it out to as soon as I get up, before I leave work (bewitching hour) and before bed.
            Again, thanks for the word on itching. I hope my liver is repairable because my son gets married April 2010

            Boomer on the cusp of retirement.

            ]Hi Davenc,

            Campral was my saving grace. Don't worry about the itching, that's actually your liver recuperating.

            The thing about campral is that it's a craving stopper. It doesn't metabolise, which is why it's important to take it at regular times. I did morning, lunch and evening. Kept it regular and stayed sober for nine months on it. My doc dosed me down after that and all was still well. About nine months after that I went through a bit of a trauma, went straight back to the doc to resume the campral. I could feel myself losing control. Unfortunately, I did a truly stupid thing. I was back on the campral and took a drink. Once I knew I could overdrink it, it lost it's impact.

            I immediately booked myself into rehab and have been sober ever since. Campral saved my life. If nothing else, it taught me that I can indeed overcome the monster. But it's a drug that you need to treat with respect. It will help you, for as long as you allow it. And that's the key - respect the drug.

            You obviously have a huge desire to overcome this, so I have no doubt you will. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Be GOOD to you.

            Best, best wishes,



              My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

              Good for YOU!

              :goodjob:I love reading from you. Its helping me. I've been drinking since my 20s. Mostly weekend binges, dry during periods that I want to regain my shape......Went to graduate school and celebrated my first semester grades in my PhD program by getting a DUI. Then went to rehab and was dry for 5 years. They were very DRY DRY dull years. As a nurse, the medical community was not very impressed with me despite my diligence at work and growing list of credentials. Long story short, the hospital downsizing of the late 90's got me downsized and I had to take a job at 20,000 per year less. So, the financial doldrums come and go.....Now I make more money than ever expected. However, I hate getting up every morning and I really don't like myself or my life which should be very nice but isn't because of my addicted brain.

              I think you'll find that as you get more time sober that things really don't look so bad. I'm on day 1 of Campral. Kinda dizzy, dry mouth. However, and not feeling so gloomy. I looked back at old pictures and gradually realized that my bouncing weight was likely due to my alcohol intake. Too bad that it took me decades to figure that one out....However, even vanity could not stop my nightly glugs. So I'm on this journey with you to see where it goes and hopefully my old jeans will be back on my behind. The strange rash on my arms is melting away. And, I feel calm. Stay tuned. I think this is all going to work out very nicely.


                My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                Each day a new beginning

                davenc;578502 wrote: 4thday on Campral

                Well, I slipped yesterday..but I refuse to be down on myself about it....i will say that I didnt feel the same affect from the alcohol and I dont even think that Campral has anything to do with alcohol effect....So I dont know if it had to do more with just not caring as much about "getting to that drunk place".... I had 4 drinks but just never could get into it. For that I am grateful.
                I started taking the Campal again this morning and I am going to keep trucking along.
                I am finding the strength to reclaim my life.....I am worth it and so are you...
                :goodjob: Yesterday, I had a late lunch and watched an elderly couple order gin and tonic. I think my Id is "downunder" 'cause my superego thought "oh my, why would they want to do that to themselves." Isn't that a hoot. Then, tried to talk myself into going to the corner store for my usual stash of beer and alcohol, but really wasn't "motivated." I took a nap in the afternoon, then actually got stuff done. Today, walked the dogs, watched the birds and listened to the wind go through the palms. A lot of nice people were out dog walking.....I think this is what they mean by "serenity." I don't feel normal and I don't feel weird. And, I will cope with this day. My funky rash is disappearing and my eczema patches are reduced by about 20%.

                I'm very glad that you've re-framed. "Pain is part of living, suffering is optional." We can all do this. I can tell that stuff is working because I'm a little itchy, however, its manageable. Keep truckin'


                  My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                  Hi all...Day 19 on Campral.

                  Im still trucking along border....glad you are here and the itchness will go away. But it sure is a pain. I was watching Oprah today and she had Dr Oz onand it seeme like all they kep saying was..." Drinking red wine is good for you, everyday you shoul have 2 glasses"/. So f course I obsessed over that for a little bit but the thought passed. Campral has been working for me. I havent had a drink in 16 days. I really dont likethe whole counting thingso I think after 30 days I will stop counting and just continue to not drink for now. My old Sponser" frm aa called me yesterday and one of his things was that he never called his sponsees He said he stil cared for me and that he could only assume that I was not doing well since I hadnt kept in cotact with him. One thing I always dsliked about aa were all e rules and reglations. Its like I spent more time worryig about what I could do or say then actually doing o rsaying anything. I never felt comfortable there. I have mixed thoughts about caling him. All I could say would be that Im fine but that Im not going to go to aa. And I know how aa people feelabout that, so should I call or just let things stay as is?
                  I welcome anyones thoughts.

                  Well, I hope everyone is well. Until next time.


                    My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                    To AA or Not To AA--That is the ?

                    :goodjob:Went to see my doc today. It's all good. I don't go back for 2 weeks. I have a friend with a horrible poly=drug abuse situation. She comes from a family of alcoholics. I told her about Campral after I read your stuff and decided to give it a whirl. Long story short, she brought up the "little pills" at AA and folks flipped out. I told her that I thought that she just needed to give up the battle (which is exactly what it is) take some Campral, see if it helps and go from there. Now, I haven't heard from her since Sun. which means that she either drowned in the gulf, is in jail or a mental institution. AA is also very time consuming, which is fine if one has little else today. Fortunately, I have a job otherwise I would have been drinking all day like my friend. Now, I can't remember why I ever drank so much.....The price of an addicted brain, I know.

                    Anyway, I'm glad your doing great. Keep it up and don't fret about to AA or not to AA. Do what works for you and try to enjoy life. Bye! Gotta walk the pack.


                      My Campral journey....but share your jouney too


                      Could you explain what Campral is and how it works?


                        My Campral journey....but share your jouney too


                        It's classified as an anti-craving drug and is one of a group if drugs that have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing cravings for "habits." Some of the findings have been accidental from studies done looking at drugs to help with withdrawal from nicotine, narcotics, food compulsions. Apparently, all of these "cravings" or compulsions originate in the mid-brain. The problem with alcohol and other substances is that the substance perpetuates use through craving which is really a chemical alteration that occurs. Most of the drugs that you can read about through the intranet block craving in some unknown way.

                        If you decide to take a drug to reduce the craving it helps to allow your brain time to reestablish normal physiology. I knew nothing about this class of drugs until last week. Something that is important is to critically evaluate the side-effects of the drugs. I think you'll see that Bacolen, Topamax, Acomplia (apparently discontinued now) all have different side-effects. I started with Campral last Friday. It's working great for me. However we all have individual chemistry. Just do some reading and find a doc who knows about prescribing these types of drugs. :welcome:


                          My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                          How is Campral different from Topamax? I took Topa for about 2 months about a year ago. It was expensive and I'm not sure it really worked.


                            My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                            Day ...I have stopped countin...on think its about day 20 actually

                            Thanks Bord for sharing.I think AA helped me when I eded it, but does bother me thatas a group hey dont embrace anything new. Would we treat cancer or any other disease the same way we did 75 years ago? why is alcoholism any different. But that is not my battle to fight. I am doing what works for me and taking care of myself. I a answer to noone.
                            I am feelin good. Its hard to explain how I feel. Im so used o fighting urges and feeling so many emotions. I feel so balanced right now. But at te same time I wonder when the floor will disappear bneath me. Maybe it wont his time?
                            Im thining about all the things I want to do. I want to go hiking this spring/summer. I want to go canoeing. I want to go to the beach. I can do all of those things. Campral and my desire to live healthy are making it all possible. I hope you are al well. Take care.


                              My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                              Wonderful thread. Very helpful. I have ordered Campral and awaiting its arrival. Tried topomax but couldn't stand the side effects. Hope this works. I will check back on your progress.

                              Everything I need is within me!


                                My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

                                Can I join in?


                                Hi Davenc and everyone else her,

                                Started on Campral today, the prescribing doctor was very unsympathetic and yelled at me a bit, had no idea of where I could get counselling locally. Thing is, I asked my regular doctor for Campral 4 months ago and he doesn't believe it works and prescribed an antidepressant which I was frightened of the (possible) side effects of. So I kept on boozing!

                                My alcohol journey has been long, I started drinking when I was 15, I have lost relationships, name it, I am 51 now.

                                I was on Campral 10 years ago and it worked for me..until I allowed my then partner to sabotage me:nutso:
                                I did rehab 8 years ago but relapsed 5 years ago and have been speed skiing downwards ever since.

                                AA never worked for me either and part of the rehab was with the Sallies who are also still treating alcoholism the same way as 75 years ago. They strongly believe that they have to tear you down and rebuild you, you have to hit rock bottom all that sort of stuff.
                                It works for some and very well too but I only stuck with that part of my rehab because I needed a roof over my head.

                                ooooh just been hit by nausea, didn't have that on Campral before, so maybe it's coz I drank last night and I haven't had breakfast....stoopid me!

                                Day one!

                                " I'm not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special, except to dare to think and to dare to go with the truth and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller

