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My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

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    My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

    Willow: Well stated re AA. Do you think we get into creepy relationships as one more perfect reason to booze? Gee, that seemed to work for me! I've had two crappy weeks. Still taking Campral which I decreased the freq. to about every 8 hours, so as to not be dizzy at work.... I don't think that was such a hot idea. So, I'm increasing the frequency starting today to see how it goes. Itchy, itchy, itchy. And feeling that like life is less than puposeful.....Walked the dogs, gave the dogs all baths, planted some flowers, got a new dishwasher installed.

    My Dr. thinks I should go to AA. I agree with you regarding knocking people down. Most of us have developed self-abuse into an art form. My only saving grace is to have one addiction versus several. And, my good NEWS is that my liver is A-okay-which I was really worried about. Now I'm going to call my son and pretend that I'm a normal person, then feed the dogs, then walk a dog or two. Take care of yourselves!


      My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

      Hi all

      Havent been here in ages. Im doing well though. I took Campral for 30 days. I havent had a drink in well over a onth and a may be two months now. Im trying not to keep a count. I just havent been drinking.
      I am considering going back on Campral for the summer. With nice weather comes trouble for me. Im glad everyone is well and hang in there. We are so worth taking care of ourselves!!!:goodjob:


        My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

        Hi all...I am 58 days AF.... Had a random drug test at work yesterday...I am also DF for 58 days as well....My drug of chice was cocaine and that is the only thing I have had in my system other then alcohol over the past few years. I am worried a little. I have been told not to worry about it, but how can I not. The interesting thing about this is if for some strange reason I would test positive I would still be ok. I would be ok.! It would not be the end of the world. I would not have to drink over it. It would be a set-back sure. But I would have no choice but to keep on going. Life doest stand still and neither will I.
        If everything turns out ok, I will breath sigh of relief and keep living a sober life. If I dont hear anything by thursday I will know it is negative.
        I hope everyone is well.



          My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

          brightlite;596990 wrote: Wonderful thread. Very helpful. I have ordered Campral and awaiting its arrival. Tried topomax but couldn't stand the side effects. Hope this works. I will check back on your progress.
          Have you started the Campral..If so how is it going?


            My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

            Hi all...well, I passed the drug test. However last night I had about 5 drinks.... I see my doc next week and Im going back on Campral. Obviously 30 days on it is not sufficient. I feel ok today..a little foolish...but I feel ok. I hope everyone is doing ok. I went 67 days AF...that is wonderful!. I can get up, dust myself off and keep going. I wont let it bring me down...


              My Campral journey....but share your jouney too

              well, I am back on the Campral. I am 2 days AF. I love that each day is a new day with new choices. Today I wil take care of myself. I wish I had listened to my instincts a few months back when my Campral ranout after 30 days. In no way was that enough time for me. I think I would have saved myself a pretty rough past weeks had I had a refill caled in.. Not to mention money. But I didnt and here I am... I hope everyone is doing ok and hang in there.

