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    Bill.P's Message

    Wow, Bill's message is powerful, honest, and detailed. Baclofen is a relatively new player in the alcohol addicted arsenal, but I believe it should be placed near or at the top. I too am experiencing near zero cravings at 60 mg. per day (I weigh 190 lbs.). I have a "mellow" feeling on this medication.

    I have ordered (in the U.S.) from River Pharmacy. They delivered within two weeks on both occasions very reliability. However, Bill mentions as a much cheaper source.
    Because of his recommendation, I ordered from for much less, so I will let you know how the order comes out.

    Thanks Bill!



      Thank you enormously for this information.
      I am reading the article by Dr. Ameisen and it too has me hopefull.

      I will be ordering this medicine and will be staying close.
      Also awaiting with much anticipation your upcoming site.


      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales






          Bill's messages make a lot of sense to me now, since I had given up hope with baclofen but only went up to 50 mg per day. Here in Australia doctors will rarely prescribe drugs at high doses for off-label uses, which is a barrier to obtaining the dose of baclofen that many people would need. Online ordering would be the only option for many people, not just in this country but in most others I'd imagine.

          I've been in touch with Bill via PM so I won't answer all he has said here, but I would say that baclofen is definitely worth trying, as long as you keep in mind that it's only likely to work at a fairly high dose, although as Bill said this varies even for people of similar build. I'd say I'll have to resort to online ordering rather than getting the needed dose from a doctor.

          Yes doing a trial of baclofen at only 30 mg/day is a waste of time and effort, and almost sounds like a deliberate attempt to show that the drug won't work. As for the 10 and 20 mg per day trial done here in Australia, that was a joke. Maybe that could help a few people with very mild drinking problems but would likely be a failure for most seriously dependent alcoholics. I did read a comment on one occasion that at least one trial at a high dose is finally being considered, but sorry I can't remember where I read that, or where the trial was going to be. That wouldn't help the majority of us anyway.

          Thanks Jessie for your support.






              Bill yes I did read of your astounding success with baclofen and also about the site you want to set up. I'll definitely message you if I do read about the trials again.



                Hi All

                Greg I think we met at the Sinclair board?? Nice to see you here too, I hope you are well!

                I have been on Naltrexone (Sinclair) for about 4 months with good results, but I recently felt I wasn't getting any nearer to my goal (to be AF) although my consumption is now very low...I wanted to try Baclofen as I have read good things.

                I live in Spain, and thought I would try to get Baclofen over the Counter, although I did not expect to be able to, but they just gave it to me straight away. If they had asked I was going to say it was for my mum's leg twitches, but they didn't.

                So anyone reading who lives in a more lax country, it might be worth trying to just buy it before ordering it online.



                  As I read, reread and go through this thread, for the first time in two years I have hope. Real hope.

                  Thank you for posting, Bill.

                  AF April 9, 2016



                    I like it I said I have been doing very well with the nal, but I seem to be at a plateau- the baclofen gives me a nice mellow feeling, and thoughts of drinking just seem to fade away.

                    And I have had no side effects- which for me is very unusual.



                      What dosing schedule are you going to follow, Marbella?

                      AF April 9, 2016



                        Snap Zenners, it was Evie who got me thinking about it.

                        I think Nal works well (for me) for the physical side of my drinking- drink just doesn't do much for me when I drink after taking a Nal. I drink and after a couple it even becomes quite unpleasant therefore I don't continue which is brilliant...however, the cravings haven't really changed in the last few months- something upsets me- I think of a drink. I take the nal and I drink a couple of beers.

                        But I want to be where something upsets me and I think "Right, I am going to sort this out!" Not..."Where did I leave the nal, because I have to drink soon!"

                        I have only taken Baclofen on about 4 occasions, and so far only 10mg (I am wary of the tiredness thing because I have such a strong reaction to most meds) and I have taken it along with the nal.

                        I am going to try taking it without the nal- I find it works almost immediately, so I am going to attempt 10mg when witching hour begins, at about 5pm, and I'll take another 10mg around 9pm, which is when I usually put a beer or two in my bag to take home with me (because I deserve it- Yeah Right!)

                        I am aware that for most people 20mg seems too low, but I am supersensitive to all meds, so I will try with that- if I see I am craving, I'll take another.

                        Thank you for all your information Bill- it is very very helpful.



                          Here is an interview with Dr. Amiesen.

                          Excerpt: 'The End of My Addiction' - ABC News
                          AF April 9, 2016



                            Hi everyone!
                            Hi, Marbella, cindy,
                            WELCOME BILL!I am extremely impressed with your share (yeh AA not for me but a good term)

                            I am so very glad you have joined and your advise and consideration for other people is to be commended.

                            I am looking forward to your site.

                            About 4 to 5 months ago a group started a site for the Sinclair Method (the use of Naltrexone and it has been a well attended site).

                            I am certain there will be many, many people who will benefit from your work. I there is anything I can do do assist you, please let me know.

                            One thing on the naltrexone site, the person (or people) who started had some volunteers that assisted with welcoming new comers to the site. I am not sure how he set it up but if you would like me to connect you with him I shall do the research and coordinate that for you.:goodjob:



                              Hi OO!! I hope you are still doing well

                              Thanks Cinders- that is very well worth watching...Thank god for people like him.

                              I am going to watch it again!




