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    Hey Larisa. Keep us posted. This is getting to be quite a group here and I think we can contribute a lot to those that follow by letting people know how it works.



      Hi Larisa, I remember you from last fall! The book is really good and easy to read. It keeps my mind from wondering too much while waiting on titrating up. Welcome to our "little group"!



        Thanks, Louise and SS! I remember you too. I'm honored to be part of the drunken guinea pig group, LOL! I'm very optimistic - for the first time in a long while



          As another soon-to-be member of the guinea pig group, just wondering if anyone knows about interactions with other drugs?

          Is there anyone who takes both Lamictal and Baclofen? I did check on the drug interactions site, and it said there was a moderate interaction (basically increased sleepiness), but pretty much anything you put into that site says the same thing. Does anyone have experience with these 2 drugs used together?
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005




            I am so truly excited for you. If it works as well for you as it is for me, you are going to be amazed.

            Sorry, no Lamictal here, though.

            Hopefully someone will know.

            AF April 9, 2016



              Sorry Beatle, I can't help with the Lamictal question. I think (big warning here that I'm not a dr.) with the "moderate interaction" it means they can be prescribed together but to be aware of the increased interaction. I know in the past I have been prescribed things that supposedly had interactions and was just warned by the dr. to watch out for those side effects. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you will have minimal interaction.



                Yeh, that's what I was thinking... dose up slowly on the Bac (perhaps while dosing down slowly on the Lamictal). This is yet another instance where we are on our own. I don't dare to ask the doctor who prescribed Lamictal about this because, from my rather lengthy experience with doctors, they generally do not like patients questioning and taking initiative -- I suppose it implies that the patient doesn't trust (and revere) the doctor.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                  Hi guys. So ive been on the Bac for about 5 days. I am up to 30mg. Maybe my expectations were unreasonable, but when should I expect a reduction in cravings? when did some if the people who have reached the "indifference" level start feeling the effects?





                    I noticed a reduction in cravings at about 80 mg/day.

                    It wasn't my "off switch" but it was a great help and I could stay AF there, just with a bit of white knuckling.

                    AF April 9, 2016



                      Hi Cinders
                      Hope Bal is working for U. I can't take it
                      Long Road
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                      Eleanor Roosevelt



                        LR...WHY ???
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                          HI Evie
                          Glad Ure pic is working
                          I have an haemitological condtion that procludes it
                          Long Road
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                          Eleanor Roosevelt



                            I am forever in your debt my friend.........complete computer dumbie here but MWO has challenged me to learn !!!
                            I surely thought you were a Woman and in the healing profession !!!
                            I have never felt so loving cared for by a man ..and a computer WIZ at that...LOL
                            I thought I saw jabbers when we were talking ....must have been thinking about Oney .EH ???
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                              I received my baclofen a week ago. I've taken 5mg, 4 times a day for a week. Today I'm increasing to 10mg, 4 times a day.
                              The first few days I felt elated and as if a huge load had been lifted off my shoulders. I was almost giddy. I loved the feeling as I had not felt that for years.
                              I had accomplished some very positive things with my business for three weeks prior and was reaping the rewards. So that may have caused my elevated mood. I've also been very sleep deprived the last 3 weeks, working long hours, maybe sleeping 3 hours a day when I finally dropped.
                              My husband has increased his drinking since my baclofen came. Drinking nightly in front of me. I can see the reason, he subconsiously does not want me to quit. He may think he has to and he loves drinking. He is very doubtful this will work for me. I have kept my drinking at a non black-out level (biggy for me.) So he is saying, see you can handle it. WRONG!
                              So, the high I felt came from baclofen was gone after two days. I am drinking beer again. I'm under a lot of stress from my business and the increased work load, so know that and too little sleep is triggering the need to drink. I want to sleep, but suffering insomnia.
                              I do have headaches after taking baclofen but usually several aspirin help.
                              I'm going to keep increasing my dosage weekly. Wish that happy feeling of the first few days would return. I'm still determined to continue and want to be able to feel OK without the alcohol. I haven't been drunk, or gone to hard alcohol. Just can't do that again! But know how easily I've gone back there in the past.
                              I'm hopeful.
                              I just want this heavy feeling gone that drags me down and keeps me from enjoying life.
                              The success stories I've read here are what fuels my hope for a better life.
                              Appreciate you all.



                                Hi Saving Grace.

                                You are still on a very low dose of Bac. I think im feeling something now but im on 60mg and have been for 4 days now.

                                I know what you mean by the "heavy feeling", like there is an anvil in your chest right?, and the only thing which lightens it is that first or second glass of wine.

                                Keep titrating up on the bac, and please post your progress on the consolidated thread, so that we can all follow with ease.


