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    We will all watch for it!

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



      Hi everyone!

      Haven't been here for quite awhile. I have been very very busy with having to take a professional examination on physics no less. So I have limited internet use, tv and pretty much anything and it has even caused a bit of yelling that i am ignoring my wife.

      But otherwise things are going great and I see many new people are having success. I take my exam for which I have been eating, breathing and sleeping for 3 months next monday which is 3 hours long, then hopefully 2 weeks later i will take the second specialty examination that is also 3 hours longer but much easier than physics as it is just cardiac stuff.

      I apologize for those who have tried to contact me. Even my wife who just came over from Australia is complaining, if she saw me on the internet talking to other people, World War 3 would break out. I am hoping I can get back soon though.

      As far as drinking. Still no problems. Even went to Leavenworth washington for Oktoberfest. Easy Peezy Japaneeze.

      Web info stuff I was working on I just shelved for now until I finish these tests. As I promised, I want to publish the website before the new year. I mean I can publish a basic website in a half day but I want to have a bit of wow factor to it.

      Take care everyone and please forgive me for my absence, its thrilling to see all the success stories adding up. And for those with ups and downs, well just keep your chin up and keep trying! You deserve to be sober, you dont deserve to be an alcoholic despite what mother nature's cards were dealt to you.

      Peace and Success Bill.P.



        Hi everyone. Didnt want to make a new thread. Still real busy with work until next week where Ill have more time for more things baclofen.
        Just a bit of an update.
        My wife moved from Australia if you followed this thread. Things are going great now. A bit of a seachange. She's pretty feisty to say the least, but we are working out twice a day. Doing 11% incline on the treadmill for up to 2.5 hours a day.
        Sure beats drinking myself to passing out per night. Thanks to baclofen, my goal is to run a marathon next October. Doing up to 9 miles a day at a high incline at fast walk.

        Still alcohol free since last I think it was March or was it February. I honestly dont even think about alcohol free days. Its like my life is normal thanks to baclofen. I dont have an interest in drinking and I dont focus on it either. Before baclofen, Id count the hours, now I dont even count as it doesnt enter my mind as an issue. I think 2009 I will count as the year i became normal like everyone else who doesnt think about alcohol.
        And I was bad as I mentioned months ago in this thread. Puking yellow only to start drinking again to stop the madmess and anxiety. Now, that doesnt affect me.

        My wife and I are happy and the feel good high from working out is amazing as opposed to being hungover

        I hope all you can find what i found. To me, baclofen did the trick for me and an answer to my prayers that I use to pray while hungover every morning and didnt know how to face each day. Now each day is a joy and an opportunity to wake up at 545am and get in an hour and a half on the treadmill before I go to work and feel the exercise high until I go again to the gym after work.

        Cheers to all the newbies, it doesnt replace hard work and dedication to rebuilding one's life, but it does make it a hell of alot easier.



          Hi Bill P,

          Great to see you posting again! So glad that things are still going so well for you. You were a big inspiration (as were Cindi, Zen & others) when I started baclofen in July.




            Hi Bill,

            Just what I needed to hear today, thanks for posting. Sounds like you are high on life! Good for you!

            Everything I need is within me!




              I am glad to see you brite, and Bill............................I love this site, and these threads, where I keep my hope these days, have alot of time on my hands at night the next three nights, so will spend lots of time here, getting you all ready to be SICK of hearing from me between 1Am-6AM!!! Off to enjoy my day today though!

              Love, hugs,:h ~ :l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                Hi all,

                I have just finished reading all 27 pages - phew!!!

                I have ordered Dr Amiensens book, and hope to get it this week. As I'm from Australia, I don't know about getting meds thru the mail, I am hoping to find a Doc who will prescribe - wish me luck.

                My story in a nutshell. 20 plus years of drinking - spiking and dipping as most of you. My husband is a heavy drinker too, who still loves to drink, so I want something to help me just not have cravings, seeing as he is NOT interesting in giving up the booze.

                Anyway there is hope and I'm glad I found this thread. Thanks to all of you who have contributed, I have enjoyed reading your stories.

                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                :h ya



                  Trixiebelle;762846 wrote: Hi all,

                  I have just finished reading all 27 pages - phew!!!

                  I have ordered Dr Amiensens book, and hope to get it this week. As I'm from Australia, I don't know about getting meds thru the mail, I am hoping to find a Doc who will prescribe - wish me luck.

                  My story in a nutshell. 20 plus years of drinking - spiking and dipping as most of you. My husband is a heavy drinker too, who still loves to drink, so I want something to help me just not have cravings, seeing as he is NOT interesting in giving up the booze.

                  Anyway there is hope and I'm glad I found this thread. Thanks to all of you who have contributed, I have enjoyed reading your stories.

                  Well congratulations on your first steps. It's been a miracle for me and so many others! Dr. Ameisen's book is a must read so glad to hear you have that on the way. I am also glad you took the time to read the thread as it does have alot of useful information particularly on working your way up with the dosing as that is important in mitigating side effects, primarily in my experience, somnolence which went away fairly quickly and now I am completely used to taking baclofen.
                  IN fact, when I am late or miss a dose, I can feel my old anxiety signalling me to take my dose. And dare I mention the Irish devil that sits on my shoulder starts to waken up lol. When I miss my dose, it's like the little devil that baclofen has put into hibernation starts to yawn and wake up and stretch his arms about ready to start whispering in my ear. Then I dose and the little bastard falls back asleep.

                  Another thing is that the feedback from the other people from Australia is that it has been fairly difficult to get the medication down under. That may change or you may find an openminded physician. But my experience with Australia and meds is my wife from Sydney who needed a particular medication for fibromyalgia that for some crazy reason was not available there, probably b/c of socialized medicine and the cost of the medication. So I ordered several times from 4RX.COM: Your Online Source For Affordable Generic Medications and had zero problems with orders to Australia. They are reasonable and reliable and others here have used them with no issues that I am aaware of. There are alternatives and they all are about the same price with a few exceptions that are just outrageously priced with like 1$ per 10mg pill. With prescription, the best route, I pay 5.5 cents per pill.
                  I believe 4rx is about 20 cents per pill give or take so you pay for the convenience of mail order shipping and skip the doctor shopping. Of course, prescription route is by far the most advantageous and recommended route if you can do it. But given the terrible physiological effects of binge drinking and long term heavy drinking I have loosened my stance on this particular medication as I think its advantages far outweigh the cons.
                  If you cant gain a prescription and go the mailorder route. You can discuss it with your primary doctor that you are now using it so that they are aware of it. If they balk, just say I am taking it, deal with it.

                  Cheers and good luck. Keep us informed on your progress






                      good information




                        Thanks Billp, I appreciate all your smarts on this, as you are who got me started on bac(well in a round about sort of way, but reading yours and Zen's posts really persuaded me!) I think you are wise w/ all your info................:goodjob:

                        Carlin, Trixie, Brite, hope you are all well, I am exhausted, physically, emotionally and mentally,don't know how I am dealing w/ it, but thanks guys!!!!:thanks::thanks:

                        lots of love and support going out to everyone!!!:l:l:h

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                          Bill P you are awesome.
                          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart



                            Hi gang, thanks for the kind words and keep on trucking with it. I have read many of your posts cowgal when Id stop by too catch updates when I had time. I should be around a bit more often as I am done with some professional work that occupied all my time.
                            And cheers to the new people that continue to find out about baclofen.

                            Here is the link to the video of the brain scans clip of baclofen and craving. I hope you find it useful to visualize the short circuited addiction/reward centers of the brain. This particular clip talks about baclofen and cocaine, but its the same mechanism for alcoholism as well. The reward center of the brain doesnt change regardless of what addictive substance it craves
                  [/video]]YouTube - Baclofen dramatically reduces cocaine craving



                              Yes Bill P you most definately are awesome.

                              I cant take Bac, and am struggling to find other ways, but never the less Im still drawn to the Bac threads to see how people are going on it. Its interesting about the reward centre, I wonder if there are any other drugs that work on the reward centre........?



                                individualnz;764426 wrote: Its interesting about the reward centre, I wonder if there are any other drugs that work on the reward centre........?
                                Is this a joke?
                                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                                A Forum
                                Trolls need not apply

