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question on shipping info

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    question on shipping info

    I can't seem to find this info anywhere, sorry if I am missing it. I have seen people say they have to sign for River Pharmacy orders ... if that is so, i'd have to send it to work ... what does the shipping label say? Capalo Press, River Pharmacy, ?
    would love to hear from anyone on whether i really do have to sign for it, how the box is labeled, and if it comes via U.S. mail ... thanks !!!!!!!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    question on shipping info

    Mine came US mail and no signing necessary.

    AF April 9, 2016


      question on shipping info

      received mine last week when on vacation...came by mail and did not have to sign


        question on shipping info

        Mine came US mail and I DID have to sign from my postman, he wouldn't just leave it in the box.

        Since I'm not home at all during 8-5 hours, I had to go to the post office and pick it up there....and the package is plain wrapping, no identification of it being from a pharmacy at all.

        So I didn't have to get it routed to work, just had to get to a post office since the postman left a note at the house saying I had a package waiting there that he needed me to sign for.

        I got mine a couple weeks ago from River (actually the package originated in India, weird).

        Hope this helps!

