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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    I have gotten so much from this forum.
    Knowing I had reached the point in my life of dying from drinking, health issues, or finding a way to live without alcohol. My marriage, family relationships, and business were all suffering the effects of my personality changes under the influence of alcohol.
    It's very hard for me to post about my life, sober I am a very private person, but feel it's a duty to share our experiences on Bacolfen giving back to this community, possibly our experiences will help.
    I am at 10 days on Bacolfen. First week I took 5mg x 4 a day. Felt euphoric first two days and was AF. Second week taking 10mg x 4. Headaches I had the first week seem to be subsiding. I've always had a problem with insomnia and still do.
    I have started drinking beer again because it's here (husband drinks). I've avoided drinking to a drunk stage, except for Saturday night. Took much less for me to feel drunk (not black out) and did feel hungover the next day, nauseous, something I normally wouldn't feel hung over. But not so much it frightened me. I've been able to avoid over drinking because I had a heavy workload.
    My small business had picked up considerably the last three weeks, starting before baclofen, and I've been going on about 3-4 hours of sleep a day just to keep up.
    A wonderful thing has happened taking this drug, at even a small dose, I have freedom from the pain of carpal tunnel. I work with my hands and at the rate and hours I've been working, I would always
    be at a point of suffering from extreme pain and seriously considering if I could even continue on with my business. A friend asked yesterday how is the carpal tunnel and the pain. I was amazed to realize, I've been so busy, I wasn't suffering. So, has anyone else had this amazing relief from carpal tunnel pain on baclofen? Even if I find it does not take away my need for alcohol I would continue to take it for this reason. I've suffered for 7 years from carpal tunnel pain!
    I had a good night's sleep last night because I reached total exhaustion, no sleep in 36 hours. My 10 mgs this morning did not give me a headache. I'm moving forward and am very hopeful.


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Zen...Yes, pain free is wonderful!

      I know I need more sleep, but just have to keep up with the business right now. I need the money badly and I pride myself on great customer service. I'm going to take some OTC sleeping pills tonight and try to get some sleep.

      I haven't expected the Baclofen to work for cravings yet. Know it will take more time. I'd rather go slowly on increasing my dosage, feel safer that way.

      The drinking is at 1-3 beers, and I have gone a night without. I think exhaustion plays a role in my giving in and drinking at all. Still haven't gone to the 'hard stuff'. That is a life saver for me. That is what I quit drinking three months ago when I went AF for two months. Scared even me.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        I very much appreciate everyone who has posted here about their experience with Bac. I just picked up my prescription (I have a very supportive doctor!).

        I have a few questions I am hoping someone can advise me on:

        Should I take my first dose tonight or wait till tomorrow?
        I only drink after work...should I take the Bac in the afternoon before I leave work?
        How long does it take before you feel less cravings?

        I am concerned I am going to take the Bac and then have a couple glasses of wine and then feel horrible. I really need/want to do this right this time....look how long I have been coming here. The longest I have been AF is 84 days. I would love to feel indifferent to alchohol.

        Any answers or advice anyone has is greatly appreciated!!

        Thanks - JulieJ


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


          For me, the relief comes at about 30 minutes after taking the Baclofen.

          I would be very cautious about drinking while taking the Baclofen.

          In my case, I just went AF and figured I would deal with the cravings while I titrated up.

          Great you got your doctor to prescribe you the meds. I am grateful I have a doctor to turn to, also.

          Good luck and keep us posted.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            A quick post about my current status... I am still at a very low dose 10-15mg/day (have been for about 2 weeks), as I have not received my stuff yet.

            It has been easier to limit my consumption with each day. I am still compelled to drink, mostly by habit, I think. I often pour myself a drink and forget about it.

            I also notice that alcohol no longer gives me the "high" I am used to. This, of course, also reduces the craving. But, unlike when I was taking Naltrexone, it is not a frustrating block that I feel compelled to "break through". In fact, I feel good being able to think through it before I give in =)

            At this very low dose, I am feeling more control. I have high hopes for a higher dose.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              juliej15;672074 wrote:
              Should I take my first dose tonight or wait till tomorrow?
              Not medical advice of course, but: Since it will most likely make you sleepy at first, it seems to me that it might be a good plan to take it an hour before bed. I say an hour before, but with nothing important to do for that hour, such as drive, and you'll be awake to notice any effect it has on you. No effect is OK, don't take more tonight. Is it 10 mg you plan to take?


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Beatle, that is exactly how I felt at a very low dose. Maybe, like me you will be lucky and never have to go above 30mgs.


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  So the partner in my law firm who is super cool guy asked me out for drinks last night. He hardly ever drinks and only does so for like two weeks of the year when his family leaves for vacation before he does. But then he goes pretty nuts for those two weeks hehe.

                  It was strange because while I was looking forward to the beginning of the drinking session, I wasnt counting the seconds like I normally would. That being said, I didnt feel any different when the drinking actually began, meaning, as soon as I had the first, I wanted the second, etc etc. Didnt get blacked out, but had a lot to drink.

                  Anyway, Im moving on up to 75mg today (was at 60 before).

                  Take care all.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread



                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      I think I've mentioned this before, but I do sleep much better on Bac (only 10-15mg/day). However, I do not feel any somnolence during the day. So far, this is great, but cravings are only a little reduced (as I am on such a low dose, I suppose).
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        My interest in Bac increases daily.Unfortunately every drug for craving abeyance for ethonol seems to be an off script prescription via secondary obsevation. Am I deluded? Inform me
                        Long Road
                        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                        Eleanor Roosevelt


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                          There are only two drugs in the US approved for alcoholism. Naltrexone and Campral.

                          Neither had any effect on my drinking at all, although my use of Naltrexone was as an anti-craving drug and apparently it is not good for that.

                          There is a thread about the Sinclair method you might want to read.

                          However, you have been sober a long time, so the Sinclair method is probably not be something you are interested in.

                          Baclofen is definitely off label. It is working for me, however, and I am using it under a doctor's supervision. I am one of the lucky ones.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Long road i believe you are a Queenslander the picture of Chole at Young and Jacksons I drank myself into oblivion to every night before they moved her upstairs or somewhwere born and bred inner city Melbourne boy they used to call me Oliveoyl because I was a stick man now I should be referred to as the Michelen man after a extensive 20 year alcohol binge....... I digress sorry!!!!!. You are not deluded and in order to inform you I believe the so called hype about baclofen is just "not" that "hype" this aint Oprahs book club !!!!!! . Bac is the real deal I was also sceptical as I had a "non" experience with toppa> this really works i would love to be as others on this site a success without the need for a "pill" but i am a firm believer ( when required) in the artifical manipulation of ones health !!!! Join the club ~~~this med is really a new treatment.... in conjunction with other methods be they hypnosis or meditation? It for me stops the constant brain fart that i need to drink and tells it to fuck off!!!!!. Sorry for the crude language but it does work give it a try it wont kill you but drinking in front of chole every night will!!!!!
                            Kind regards


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              olive oil, id like to see your results as i too am still drinking and seeem to be less considering i have no job and before was even drinking during the day at times. now ive cut back to just at night. im on 70mg . havent felt my switch yet though, but think it is helping so far.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Hi, I'm new to MWO, so I apologise if I am interrupting or using the wrong thread.

                                I just wanted some opinions on taking medication. I went to my doc today with a list of different medications I had read about that will reduce alcohol cravings, but he would not prescribe me any. From what I have read, they do seem to really work... What would you suggest I do? If I can't get a prescription medication, what other types of suppressants are there? I have looked into Kudzu and others, but not sure how effective they are...

                                Sorry to interrupt, if I am in the wrong area, please feel free to re-direct me...


